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Rabies found in two bats in Peel Region

Rabies found in two bats in Peel Region
Rabies found in two bats in Peel Region


The City of Mississauga is urging residents to “stay informed and stay safe” after two bats in the area were recently found to have rabies.

City of Peel officials said the latest cases are the ninth and 10th positive cases in the past five years.

Although it has not been transmitted to humans or pets, the City of Mississauga is advising people to exercise caution as the virus may pose a “serious health risk.”

The two latest cases in Peel Region come one week after Ontario reported its first human rabies infection in more than half a century, after a Brant County resident had direct contact with an infected bat in the Timiskaming area.

“We want to take this opportunity to remind people to avoid direct contact with wildlife and to be aware that we have two bats in Peel Region that have tested positive,” Monica Howe, Peel Region's associate medical officer of health, told CP24 late Tuesday afternoon.

In this generic image from Getty, we see a bat in flight. (Source: Getty Images)

Introduction to Rabies

Rabies is a fatal disease that affects the central nervous system of warm-blooded animals, including humans, causing inflammation of the spinal cord and brain.

If untreated, it is almost always fatal.

“Once inside the body, the virus travels through the nervous system to the spinal cord and brain, where it replicates and travels to other parts of the body,” the City of Mississauga said in a news release.

Howe said rabies is a virus that is widespread in nature and is currently present in bats and other wildlife.

In dogs and cats, the incubation period is usually 10 days.

Rabies is transmitted through the saliva and mucus of infected animals. It is most commonly seen in bats, foxes, raccoons and skunks, but dogs and cats are also at risk of contracting the virus.

Howe noted that bats are the most common animal vector for rabies in Canada, but she said it's “unusual behavior” and “extremely rare” for a flying mammal to bite a human and transmit the virus.

She noted that over the past decade, Peel Region has recorded an average of two cases of rabies-infected bats.

This is a close-up of an undated Eastern long-eared bat. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP/Merlin D. Tuttle, Bat Conservation International)

Early symptoms of rabies in humans include anxiety, coughing, fever, headache, irritability, sore throat and fatigue.

City officials noted that people who contract untreated rabies may experience pain, tingling, numbness and itching around the wound.

Rabies symptoms appear three to eight weeks after infection, but symptoms can progress quickly and the virus can become fatal within weeks of symptoms appearing.

More advanced symptoms of rabies include confusion, agitation, hallucinations, inability to drink water, increased salivation, partial paralysis, and trouble sleeping or swallowing.

On the other hand, animals infected with rabies may be prone to unusual aggression or friendliness, difficulty swallowing, excessive drooling, stumbling or paralysis.

City officials said nocturnal animals such as raccoons and bats may also be active during the day.

What to do if you think you or your pet may be infected

Anyone who believes they may have been exposed to rabies should immediately wash the wound with soap and water, apply an antiseptic and seek immediate treatment from a healthcare professional or local hospital. Four doses of the vaccine may be required after exposure. They are also asked to report any incidents to Peel Public Health.

Anyone concerned that their pet may have rabies is urged to contact a professional for a proper diagnosis.

Additionally, anyone who sees an animal exhibiting symptoms of rabies is asked to contact Mississauga Animal Services at 905-896-5858.

How to stay safe

· Do not approach, touch or feed wild animals, especially if they appear sick or aggressive.

· Make sure your pet's rabies vaccinations are up to date.

· Keep trash cans closed and don't leave pet food outside to avoid attracting wildlife.

· Do not allow pets to roam freely outdoors. Keep them on a lead to avoid contact with wildlife.

· Keep a close eye on your pets, even on your own property, to reduce the risk of exposing them to potential carriers.

· Teach children not to approach, feed or touch wild animals even if they appear friendly. Howe urged anyone who finds a bat or other wild animal in their home not to try to remove it themselves, but to contact Animal Protection Services for assistance.

If you or your pet is bitten or scratched by a wild animal, seek medical attention immediately and report it to Peel Public Health at 905-799-7700. A public health inspector will investigate the incident.

· Do not keep wild animals as pets.

Ministry of Natural Resources staff distributing rabies vaccines in a green space in Toronto. (Ontario Government)

Residents are also advised that the City of Mississauga is participating in the Ontario Government's Ministry of Natural Resources' Rabies Bait Program. As part of this effort, small yellow pill packets containing rabies vaccines are being placed in parks, trails and woodlands throughout the city. These packets are harmless to pets or humans, but are intended for wildlife to eat and should not be touched.




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