Study finds chemical toxins from food processing transfer into the body
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A new study finds that more than 3,600 chemicals that leach into food during the manufacturing, processing, packaging and storage of the world's food supply end up in the human body, some of which pose serious health risks.
“This is an alarming figure and shows that food contact materials are an important source of chemicals for humans,” Martin Wagner, a biology professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, said in an email.
“This study is the first to systematically link human exposure to chemicals found in materials used in food packaging and processing,” said Wagner, who was not involved in the research.
of 79 Food Processing Chemicals The toxins found in the body are known to cause cancer, genetic mutations, endocrine and reproductive problems and other health concerns, said the study published Monday. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.
Jane Mahnke, managing director and chief scientific officer of the Food Packaging Forum, a Zurich, Switzerland-based nonprofit organization that focuses on science communication and research, and lead author of the study, said there are likely many other chemicals that are harmful in ways that science has not yet uncovered.
“We're measuring all the contaminants, including chemicals known to be used in the food manufacturing process, as well as by-products and impurities, what we call unintentionally added substances,” Mahnke said.
“These substances are always present in plastics, coatings on cans and packaging, printing inks, etc. They may not have a technical function in food processing, but they are still there and migrate into the human body. We are measuring it.”
The American Chemistry Council, a trade group, told CNN its members are committed to food safety.
“However, when assessing any potential risks it is essential to consider the wider context, including the existing regulatory framework, the scientific evidence and the level and extent of exposure that may exist in practice,” a council spokesman said in an emailed statement.
“Any proposal without this context, especially where causation has not been clearly established, is contrary to U.S. risk-based chemical regulation laws.”
But while food contact materials may comply with current government regulations, the study highlights that these chemicals may not be completely safe, Mahnke said.
“We don't know exactly how much is in food packaging and other food contact materials and how much is in cosmetics, personal care products, textiles, etc.? We'd like to have that information,” she said.
“It would be great if regulations required companies to disclose what types of chemicals and in what amounts they put in my food and plastic water bottles.”
Chemicals found in studies both in food and in the human body Bisphenol A (BPA)The plastic was used to make baby bottles, cups with straws and infant formula containers until frightened parents boycotted the products more than a decade ago.
BPA is an endocrine disruptor Fetal abnormalitieslow birth weight, and Brain and behavior disorders in Infants and childrenIn adults, the chemical has been linked to the development of diabetes. Heart disease, Erectile dysfunction, cancer 49% higher risk Premature death Within 10 years.
Bisphenol A can leach into food from canned foods, polycarbonate tableware, food storage containers, and water bottle linings. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
“The study also shows that food contact materials may contain mutagenic chemicals that can harm DNA. heavy metal“There is strong evidence that humans are exposed to PFAS from food packaging – so-called forever chemicals – that are highly persistent, bioaccumulate and cause organ toxicity,” Wagner said.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are The blood of an estimated 98% of AmericansAccording to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, hormone-disrupting chemicals are of such concern that in July 2022 the academies will 'Nanogram' level of concern They called for testing of high-risk individuals, including infants and the elderly. (A nanogram is equal to one billionth of a gram.)
Another chemical that migrates into the human body from food packaging is phthalates, which are found in shampoos, cosmetics, perfumes, children's toys, and food containers. Genital anomalies and Undescended testes With a boy Low sperm count and Testosterone levels For adult males.
Previous studies have shown that phthalates Childhood Obesity, asthma, Cardiovascular problems, cancer and Premature death People between 55 and 64 years old.
In the new study, the researchers compared 14,000 chemicals known to come into contact with food during packaging to a global database that monitors human exposure to potential chemical toxins. All of the study data has been uploaded to an open database. Scientific research databases.
“The migration of chemicals from food processing and packaging equipment into food has been studied for about 60 years. It's been studied very extensively,” Mahnke said.
“And at the same time, we're seeing more and more good, strong research coming out linking bisphenol A, phthalates, PFAS, brominated flame retardants, and more to human illness.”
What was missing from the literature was a comparison of the chemicals detected in the human body with those known to migrate into food during processing.To connect the dots, Mahnke and her colleagues looked at national and regional biomonitoring databases that track chemicals in human blood, urine, breast milk, tissue samples, and other biomarkers.
For this study, researchers used data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. NyanesThe National Health and Nutrition Association (NHNA) collects data on the health and nutrition of Americans annually. Other databases include: Canadian Health Indicators Survey, Human biomonitoring in Europe, Korea National Environmental Health Survey and Biomonitoring Californiastate database.
Studies have shown that of the 14,000 chemicals known to get into food during processing or packaging, only a few hundred have been measured in people through these programs. In the United States, for example, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found just 172 chemicals in food-contact materials, 144 of which were found in some people, Mahnke said.
“Because there are (tens of thousands of) chemicals that come into contact with food, biomonitoring programs don't have the capacity to test for all the chemicals we could potentially be exposed to,” Wagner said, “so they're biased towards very well-studied substances and leave large gaps in our knowledge about all the other chemicals that are potentially in our bodies.”
Of course, just having a chemical in your body doesn't necessarily mean it's harmful, said Melanie Benesh, vice president of government relations for the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a consumer group that monitors exposure to PFAS and other dangerous chemicals.
“But we're not supposed to be born with chemicals in our bodies,” Benes says. “The bigger question is, do we really need these chemicals to process our food? If there are chemicals in our bodies that we know can harm us, we should eliminate every route of exposure we can.”
Since 2000, nearly 99 percent of food contact chemicals have been approved for use by the food chemical industry, not the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, researchers report. 2022 Analysis According to EWG.
The analysis found that over those 22 years, food manufacturers sought FDA permission to introduce the chemical 10 times. Instead, “companies “Generally Recognized as Safe” or GRAS“This loophole allows food manufacturers, not the FDA, to determine whether a substance is safe,” the EWG report said.
Enacted by 1950s amendments to the 1938 law Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic ActGRAS was intended to apply only to common ingredients such as: Sugar, vinegar, baking soda.
The U.S. Government Accountability Office released a report in November 2022 highlighting the limitations of the FDA's domestic food safety oversight, including the agency's lack of legal authority over food manufacturers.
“Furthermore, FDA does not track the last premarket or postmarket review dates for all food contact substances to enable FDA to easily identify substances that may be subject to postmarket review because new safety information has emerged.” The GAO report states:.
“FDA's Deputy Commissioner for Foods Jim Jones told the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Health Affairs: last week FDA makes food chemical safety a top priority.
“However, there are also important gaps that must be addressed as we work to strengthen our food chemical safety activities,” he said. “Having ready access to safety information and consumer exposure data for the chemicals we consider will enable us to conduct more rapid and robust safety evaluations and reevaluations. Access to this data will enable the FDA to take timely regulatory actions necessary to protect consumers and ensure food safety.”
For the first time, the FDA Public hearingsAt a Council of Ministers meeting on the Enhanced Assessment of Chemicals in Food, scheduled for September 25, Food Additives and Colorants, Food Contact SubstancesPotential Pollutants and Pesticidescontains ingredients generally recognized as safe.
“This is unprecedented,” EWG's Benesh said. “This is the first time we're seeing the FDA talking about launching a rigorous review program that puts human health first, puts chemical safety first, and restores some of the trust consumers have in the agency that they've lost.”
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