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Coronavirus: System tested and tracked “successful,” says Health Minister


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The government defends the testing and tracing program in England in a plan to reduce 6,000 contact tracers.

Health Minister Edward Arger argued that it was a “successful system” and would be strengthened by giving more power to local public health teams.

The plan means that people who come in contact with confirmed coronavirus cases may knock their doors if trainers cannot reach them by phone.

The Department of Labor said the system was far from “swinging the world.”

The move to local public health teams has been followed by criticism that national systems are not leveraging local knowledge.

Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia, said experts warned that the system would only work “when it was done near the population.”

The UK said it had “very effective and highly effective surveillance of infections over the years” for diseases such as tuberculosis and meningitis, but this skill and experience was used. I didn’t.

“I think it was very clear that this wasn’t so effective,” he told Radio 4’s Today program.

When asked if the money given to private companies to carry out NHS tests and traces had to be diverted to local governments, Professor Hunter said, “Sure. It shows a very effective system. It needs to be run locally.”

When this same proposal was made to Mr. Alger, he said: “We are convinced that we still need that national resource, so we have a contract size of 18,000 to 12,000. But we think it’s still an important part of our test and trace system, but we already have local councils dozens of times to assist their response. We’re giving £100m nationally.”

Serco, one of the outsourcing companies that won millions of pounds of test and trace contracts last week I kept that record -Despite numbers suggesting that only about 50% of people in the same household as those infected with Covid-19 were contacted.

“Literally I’m not doing anything”

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One of the contact tracers who wanted to be anonymous tells the BBC their work experience.

We started tracking contacts at the end of May. I received a total of 4 calls, but only one of them was successful. Others went through voicemail or they didn’t pick up.

Literally the rest of the time-sitting in front of the computer [my screen] Every 10 minutes, wait for a call and play with your thumb.

It’s 8 hours today. You should log on and off at the right time. If you’re logged in for a shift and you’re two minutes late, you won’t be notified.

When it’s actually shifting, it just keeps refreshing the screen every 10 minutes and just waits for incoming calls.

Many of us are business owners with a long career. We know how to work

Nothing is said. What we are saying is how successful this system is, whether it is defeating the world, or if it is a system that is clearly defeating the world.

Ager rejected the proposal that the system couldn’t meet Boris Johnson’s promise to “beat the world” by June 1.

“I’ve always said that this system will evolve, but what’s going on here is that it’s evolution and bending.”

He said the new plan will use the expertise of local public health authorities and local knowledge as well as the “scalability” of national systems.

As part of the NHS Test and Trace, public health teams dealing with outbreaks in factories and nursing homes consistently reach over 90% of the contacts listed.

Outside of these highly localized outbreaks, it’s the call center that keeps track of contacts.

But they don’t reach so many contacts-the success rate to reach contacts who didn’t live together exceeded just 70% in mid-July, but has declined since then.

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