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Light and moderate wine consumption is associated with lower risk of cardiovascular complications

Light and moderate wine consumption is associated with lower risk of cardiovascular complications


A multicenter study led by the University of Barcelona, ​​the Hospital Clinic, the Augusto Pie Sunat Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS), and researchers in Obesity Physiology and Pathology has found that light and moderate consumption of wine is associated with cardiovascular complications. It is said that the risk of Center for Biomedical Research in Nutritional Networking (CIBEROBN) and University of Navarra (UNAV). This study european heart journalBased on the analysis of biomarker Wine intake, specifically the tartaric acid found in grapes. The study was conducted among 1,232 participants in the PREDIMED project, a major scientific epidemiology study in nutrition on the effects of the Mediterranean diet on cardiovascular health.

According to the researchers, “There is no doubt that excessive alcohol consumption has serious health consequences. However, the effects of moderate and responsible wine consumption remain a subject of debate in the scientific community. The findings of this and other studies place moderate wine consumption in its rightful place as a component of the Mediterranean diet, considered the world's healthiest.

The study's lead author is Ines Dominguez, a researcher at UB's School of Pharmacy and Food Science and the Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety (INSA). Professor Ramon Estruch of UB's Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and IDIBAPS. ICREA Academia professor and INSA member Rosa Maria Lamuera and Professor Miguel Ángel Martínez of the University of Navarra (UNAV). All members of CIBEROBN.

Controversy over the effects of wine

Today, there is much debate about the health effects of moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages in general and wine in particular. Ramon Estruche emphasized that “part of this debate is due to the contradictory results of studies that have found a protective effect of wine, while others have found no such effect.” There is. These differences may be explained by possible errors in wine consumption records. “Epidemiological studies assessing the role of wine in the incidence of cardiovascular events are often based on self-reported information on wine consumption. Although these are reliable data, “Measurement errors may occur due to inaccurate memory or biased perception of drinks,” he explains. In response to this issue, the study's researchers measured wine consumption using a food frequency survey and confirmed it with objective biomarkers. Tartaric acid is the concentration found in urine of a molecule produced primarily in grapes and rarely synthesized in other grapes. plant species.

Reduction from 38% to 50%

In this study, we used this methodology to analyze wine intake and cardiovascular disease outcomes in a cohort of PREDIMED patients. A total of 1,232 participants were evaluated, including 685 who had a cardiovascular event (cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke or heart failure) and 625 who were randomly selected.

Analysis of the data shows that light wine intake (from one glass per week to less than half a glass per day) reduces the risk of cardiovascular complications by 38%, while moderate wine intake (from one glass per week to less than half a glass per day) reduces the risk of cardiovascular complications by 38%. (less than half a glass), this reduction reaches 50%. 1 cup a day). However, if you exceed 1 cup per day, the preventive effect will be lost. The researchers also cautioned that “when we talk about moderate wine consumption, it's always with meals, never between meals.”

Further studies to confirm the results

​​Despite these conclusions, Inés Domínguez noted that “the study's observational design limits the ability to establish causality,” and experts noted that more research is needed, adding that “the cohort Research results should always be confirmed to increase certainty.” In this regard, they point to two potential avenues of action. The first is a randomized nutritional intervention study design by randomly assigning participants to groups that differ in wine intake. “These studies are very expensive to conduct. Some studies are currently underway, but it will still take four to five years to see results,” they added. The second is to study the mechanisms of wine's protective effects on the cardiovascular system, including studies on the anti-inflammatory power of wine polyphenols such as resveratrol and other phenolic compounds. “Knowing the mechanism lends considerable strength to the results of epidemiological cohort studies,” they conclude.


Reference magazines:

Dominguez López, I. others. (2024). Urinary tartaric acid as a biomarker of wine consumption and cardiovascular risk: the PREDIMED trial. european heart journal.




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