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French nudist resort closed to “worried” Covid cluster


Provincial chief Erro (Occitani) ordered a nudist (or “nudist”) village to be closed for at least 14 days before the outbreak was investigated. The village has 17 closed facilities including bars, beaches and restaurants. Masks are mandatory at other locations nearby.

Holiday-free tourists in the area, who are not seriously ill, are advised to drive home and avoid public transport.

Decisions were made after the surge in cases and after “more than 30% of the tests” returned positive on the first day of last week.

Ministry of Public Health Community health organization Erroh’s (ARS) called the situation “very worried.”

In a statement, “Among the voluntary people who were tested, the positive level of those who visited the nudist village was four times that of those who stayed in the town of Agde, No people [naturist] village. “

Reportedly, resort holidaymakers ignored social distance measures and were close at the time of socializing, promoting the spread of the virus.

One visitor Told a British newspaper Telegraph on the phone“In the evening, we all got together. So no precautionary measures or physical distances are possible. Frankly, this is a place to meet people. Let everyone come here to play cards.” Hmm.”

However, a spokeswoman for the village said: I can’t say that the people here were more careless than anywhere else. “

There is no second wave-this is the “first”

The closure will be conducted by Professor Jean-Francois del Frawassie, a Senior Specialist in Infectious Diseases and Chairman of the Government’s Scientific Advisory Board. Science Council -France says it is “still in the first wave of the coronavirus epidemic.”

France is suspected to be in the “second wave” of the virus after nearly 5,000 new cases were reported on Sunday 24 hours (23 August). Minister of Health, Olivier Belan.

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Read more: Covid France: Cases Up, Why Hospitalization Is Stable

However, Professor Del Frawassie said the sharp increase in incidents in France over the last few weeks is not a sign of a “second wave,” but is actually a sign of a “first wave.” “.

He said News service FranceInfo“This is the same wave that is getting worse, and we are picking up again because we have lost our means of social distance measurement.”

He said a “restart” of the epidemic is occurring, even in places where the epidemic was less severe earlier this year, such as Mayenne, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and the Aquitaine region.

Measures required for reconstruction

Professor Del Frawassie warned: “We can’t stay like this, it’s becoming clear.”

He also warned that testing is an important tool to stop the epidemic, and keeping social distances a top priority, unless there is a vaccine against the virus.

He said: “We do not have the public health measures we offer, [as] There are no drugs or vaccines. Therefore, our future in the coming weeks is in our hands, a measure of social distance. “

Read more: restrictive mask? French doctors should try the ventilator

Professor Delfraissy had learned that doctors “identify serious cases” of viruses and “take serious forms of drugs” have helped patients to “care better now” than at the onset of the epidemic. Have been done.”

Another expert, Professor Arnaud Fontanet Pastor association,Said News channel BFMTV Even in the elderly, the prognosis for patients improved as the epidemic continued.

He said: “At age 30, I had a 70% chance of recovery [at the beginning of the epidemic]Currently 80%. I was 70-80 years old and had a 20% chance, but now it is 30% [with intensive care].. “

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