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What is a volume diet? Does it work for weight loss?


Many weight loss diets claim that eating less can help you lose weight faster. However, this can lead to potential negative health effects as you are not actually eating enough food to support your body’s basic functions.
Unlike many other weight loss diets that deprive you of food, the volumetric diet emphasizes eating more nutritious foods while losing weight. Yes, you read that right-you can still lose weight if you eat a lot.

What is a volume diet? [1], [2]

A volume diet is a diet plan that promotes weight loss by eating more foods that are high in fiber, moisture, and low in calories, such as fruits, vegetables, and soups, to prevent your body from getting tired. The volumetric diet is based on the book of Dr. Barbara Roll, a nutrition researcher at the State University of Pennsylvania. She co-authored this book based on her research.

In her first book, Volumetrics: Feel Full on Fewer Calories, she suggests eating a variety of nutritious foods that limit high-calorie foods and keep you tired with fewer calories.

Her second book, The Volumetrics Eating Plan, is the same principle-a lifestyle guide and cookbook to learn to eat lots of low-calorie, nutritious foods to lose weight.

Ultimate Volumetrics Diet is another book that offers new information, recipes, additional tips and tools to readers who want to follow this diet.

How Does a Volumetric Diet Work?

Volumetric diets work by limiting high-calorie foods and eating low-calorie, nutritious foods. This keeps you feeling full and longer, and often makes you feel hungry. This diet focuses on healthy eating patterns rather than limiting food.

If you are following a volumetric diet, you should also exercise for 30-60 minutes daily.

On a volumetric diet, foods are divided into four categories based on caloric density.

Category 1 (very low calorie density) -This category consists of very low density foods such as fruits, low starchy vegetables such as broccoli, tomatoes and mushrooms, non-fat milk and soup-based soups.

Category 2 (low calorie density) -This includes eating whole grains, legumes, lean protein, and a reasonable portion of low-fat dairy products.

Category 3 (medium calorie density) -This includes eating small amounts of foods such as desserts, bread, cheese, ice cream and high fat meat.

Category 4 (high calorie density) -In this category, foods such as nuts, oils, butter, fried foods, cookies and candies are sometimes eaten.

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Does a Volumetric Diet Work for Weight Loss?

Very few research studies have shown an association of volumetric diet with weight loss.

One study found that low-calorie foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are high in water, and eating them in large amounts can help them maintain weight because they are high in water. [3]..

Another study published in the journal Feeding behavior Showed that eating low-calorie diets, such as vegetables and whole grains, may help weight management [4]..

Consumption of low-calorie foods is associated with increased weight loss in obese people, according to another study [5]..

According to another study, overweight obese women who ate low-calorie foods had increased bloating, decreased hunger, and contributed to weight loss. [6]..

Volumetrics Diet Pros and Cons

Low-calorie nutritional foods, rich in fiber and other essential nutrients, provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals to help prevent malnutrition. As mentioned earlier, a diet promotes physical activity along with a healthy diet, and supports weight loss efforts. [7]..

Also, if you are following a volumetric diet, you should limit your consumption of processed foods due to their high calories and lack of essential nutrients. And research shows that eating processed foods can increase the risk of obesity, heart disease, and some other health problems [8] [9]..

However, volume diet also has some drawbacks. As suggested in the book, much time and energy is required when planning and preparing a meal at home and calculating the caloric density of the meal. People with a busy lifestyle may find it difficult to follow this diet.

This diet also limits healthy fatty foods such as nuts and oils. These foods contain mono and polyunsaturated fats that are beneficial to the body [10] [11]..

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Should You Follow a Volumetric Diet?

Volume diet helps people looking for a long-term sustainable weight loss plan. Also, this diet does not limit food. It suggests eating high-calorie foods piecemeal, which can be considered a good option for anyone trying to lose weight.
However, it is recommended that you first consult your doctor before starting this weight loss diet.

Food to eat on a volume diet

• Fresh fruits such as apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, berries and pears.
• Fresh, non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, tomatoes, carrots and kale.
• Soup-based soups such as chicken soup, vegetable soup, and lentil soup.
• Non-fat dairy products.
• black coffee
• Unsweetened tea
• Foods that can be eaten in moderation are whole grains, beans, starchy vegetables, and lean protein.

Foods that limit the volume diet

• high fat meat
• Refined carbohydrates such as white rice, white bread and white pasta
• Full fat dairy products
• processed food

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When was the volumetric diet created?

Ah.. Dr Barbara Rolls, a nutrition researcher at Pennsylvania State University, developed a volumetric diet based on her research. She co-authored the first book, Volumetrics: Fewer Full on Fewer Calories, published in 2000.

Q. What can I eat on the Volume Diet?

A. Apple, orange, banana, peach, berry, pear, broccoli, tomato, carrot, kale, chicken soup, vegetable soup, lentil soup.

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