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As Trump expresses doubts about the election, many supporters say they will not accept a Biden victory in 2024.

As Trump expresses doubts about the election, many supporters say they will not accept a Biden victory in 2024.


With the presidential election more than six months away, many Republican voters harbor deep doubts not only about whether President Joe Biden is fit for a second term, but also about his ability to win re-election fairly and equitably .

I think the powers that be on the Democratic side have found a way to circumvent democracy, said Darlene Anastas, 69, of Middleborough, Massachusetts.

Poll after poll shows that a large portion of the Republican electorate believes that the only reasons Joe Biden is president are election fraud and Democratic dirty tricks, adhering to former President Donald's baseless claims. Trump on the 2020 election.

Trump continues to fuel these fires on the campaign trail.

He frequently spreads false claims about his 2020 election performance and has leaned into defending his supporters who rioted at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. In an interview with Time this week, he said he should have hard to hire anyone who legitimately believes Biden. won in 2020: I wouldn't feel good about that.

And on Wednesday, Trump said he might not accept the results of the presidential election this time around either.

“If everything is honest, I would happily accept the results,” Trump told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “If not, you must fight for the rights of the country.”

The doubts that Trump pushed last time culminated on January 6 and still persist today. Today, we are seeing a new round of skepticism, pushed again by Trump and many others in the Republican Party. And those views have taken firm root among many of their supporters, as interviews with 50 Republican voters in a dozen states showed.

The majority of voters who spoke with NBC News said they were not ready to accept a Biden victory as legitimate, which could trigger another presidential election and potentially volatile consequences in which much of the public would refuse to believe in the results.

Trump himself would not rule out the possibility of violence around the election in his interview with Time: If we don't win, you know, it depends. It always depends on the fairness of the elections.

Democrats cheat like crazy, said George Crosby, 72, a veteran from Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire. I think they've cheated before, and I think they're going to try to do it again, because they're a bunch of communists.

James Russon, 38, of Eagle Mountain, Utah, said: “There is no way Biden can legally…win without unfair means.” He added that the only way Biden would win would be if he cheated or had a large number of dead people vote.

Randall Minicola, 62, of Las Vegas, said it would be impossible for Biden to win.

I don't think he has any followers. I mean look who's behind him, the only thing he has is ghosts behind him. That's what I believe. So where are the fans? Are they in the basement with him? I don't think so, Minicola said.

The possibility of another election in which large numbers of Republicans refuse to accept a Biden victory has also been fueled by influential conservatives.

A senile man won't get elected to the most powerful country in the world unless there's fraud, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson said on the Lex Fridman podcast in March.

Who would vote for a senile man? » asked Carlson. He literally can't speak.

Republican voters who said they didn't believe Biden could win in 2024 often cited their doubts about the 2020 outcome as reason to be skeptical again. But they also had three other major concerns: Biden's age and mental health, distrust in the election process and information from social media.

“A few off-center bubbles”

Questions about Biden's mental and physical fitness for the job have constantly been raised during this election cycle. Biden, 81, would be the oldest president ever if re-elected. Trump, aged 77, would also be the oldest.

The latest NBC News national poll, conducted April 12-16, finds Americans have little confidence in Biden's mental and physical health. Only 26% of respondents chose Biden over Trump when asked which candidate had the mental and physical health to be president. Forty-five percent supported Trump, and 26 percent responded that neither candidate was up to the task.

Some Republican voters believe Biden is not mentally prepared to do the job, which also convinces them he has no way of achieving a victory.

When asked why she didn't believe Biden could win without cheating this cycle, Martha OHara, 64, of Parker, Colorado, said it was because of his inability to finish a sentence.

“I just don’t think he has the ability to have an effective debate where you can understand the topic,” she said. I just don't think he's mentally capable.

Cheryl Pulice, 61, of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, shared OHara's sentiment.

Oh, no, no, Pulice said when asked if Biden could legitimately win. Cognitively, he is not doing well. I'm surprised he hasn't been forced to resign at this point.

Nancy Glawe, 45, a hospital worker in Tucson, Arizona, said: “There are a few off-center bubbles. She voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 but is supporting Robert F. Kennedy Jr. this year.

Distrust of voting machines

Following the 2020 election, prominent conspiracy theorists and Trump lawyers made wild claims about voting machines, arguing that the election was rigged by a global cabal of corporations and foreign communists. Trump's lawyers promised evidence but offered none, leading in part to the failure of dozens of lawsuits seeking to overturn the election result.

Voting machine companies Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, repeatedly accused of rigging the election, responded with a dozen defamation lawsuits against Trump allies and conservative media.

Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems reached a $787.5 million settlement last year. The litigation made public emails showing that Trump lawyer Sidney Powell presented an email from someone identified as an internally decapitated time traveler as evidence of Dominion's alleged election rigging.

Fox said in a statement at the time of the settlement that it acknowledged the court's previous ruling that certain claims it made about Dominion were false.

But unfounded theories persist and some voters remain unconvinced.

I also have a lot of worries about machines, electronic devices [machines], said Ellen Streiff, 57, of Glendale, Arizona. Streiff also plans to support Republican Kari Lake for Senate; Lake repeatedly spread false claims about voting machines following his failed 2022 gubernatorial bid.

Kelly Hicks, 41, a Trump supporter from Litchfield, New Hampshire, said the adoption of voting machines is also what drives her distrust in Biden's ability to win fairly and equitably.

We are seeing an increase in the number of machines used in our previous elections, Hicks said. She added that she believes there have not been enough reforms since 2020 to make 2024 a fair fight.

The United States has used voting machines for decades, and there is no evidence of any fraudulent scheme involving them, despite countless investigations and reviews by state and local authorities.

Michael Granger, a state lawmaker from Milton, New Hampshire, also cited voting machines as a reason he is unsure whether this year's results will be legitimate.

It's very difficult to prove one way or another without verifying all the votes, said Granger, 33, a state representative. All votes are counted in different municipalities. There are different procedures. Some places have machines; some places don't. It would be very difficult to prove.

Voting machines are used in the vast majority of American elections. Less than 0.2% of registered voters in the United States live in jurisdictions that will manually count ballots this year. Pre-election accuracy tests and post-election audits are used to verify the results. In Georgia, for example, voters vote on machines, but post-election audits count votes recorded on paper ballots.

Social media bubbles

As Republicans and Democrats absorb their political information through personally targeted social media algorithms, voters acknowledged to NBC News that their disbelief in Biden's legitimate ability to win could be spurred by the content served to them on their phones.

Asked why he doesn't believe Biden can win fairly, Davis Green, a Salt Lake City financial analyst, said, “Maybe it's the bubble I'm in and the algorithm I'm in.” see.

Green, 35, voted third party in 2016 and 2020 but is supporting Trump this year.

Joseph Murillo, 22, an air conditioning technician from Las Vegas, also explained on his social media why he is skeptical of Biden's victory in 2020 and any potential victory in November.

Maybe because my social media stuff sometimes tells me what I want to hear, you know, the algorithm, Murillo said. I don't feel like there is a fair way for Biden to win.

” Everything is possible “

Michael Ferraro, 66, of Fairfax, Virginia, said mail voting fueled his skepticism about the 2020 results.

The whole mail-in voting thing in 2020 was confusing not only for citizens but also for those counting ballots, he said.

Still, Ferraro said his questions about the last election won't stop him from accepting this year's results, even if Trump doesn't win, because he feels better about what's in store for November.

I think there are more people looking at both sides, he said.

At least where we live I can say there are a lot more people at the polling stations. … People are going to be paying attention, he added.

Paul Gleske, 61, of Berwick, Maine, also thinks it's at least possible for Biden to win legitimately.

It seems that most people have already decided; There's a little chip in the middle, Gleske said, predicting a close race.

Dan Wilson, 69, a retired medical ethicist from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, who has supported Trump since 2016, said nothing could be ruled out.

Anything is possible, he said.

Janice Woerner, 51, a music teacher in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, thinks a legitimate Biden victory could be on the cards. But she fears the day that will come.

If he is legitimately elected by our country, Woerner said, then all I have to say is God help us.




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