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COVID-19 Lockdown blocked the flu in several places, but the loom falls


Johannesburg (AP) Winter ends in the Southern Hemisphere, countries end one after another South Africa, Australia, Argentina Surprise: Their actions against COVID-19 also apparently blocked the flu.

However, while the coronavirus is still raging, there is no guarantee that the Northern Hemisphere will avoid the twin epidemic, as its own influenza season is approaching.

“This could be one of the worst seasons from a public health perspective, with COVID and the flu together. But this is one of the best flu seasons ever It’s possible,” the US Centers for Disease Control told the Associated Press.

Hospitals will not be overwhelmed by a “cold” duel, as US health officials are demanding that Americans be vaccinated against record numbers of flu this fall.

Wearing masks, avoiding crowds, and keeping distance is also becoming clear, says Redfield, “it’s not unique to COVID. It’s effective against respiratory viruses.”

Evidence: In South Africa, influenza is usually widespread in the Southern Hemisphere winter from May to August. This year, the tests followed by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases have found little unprecedented results.

Dr. Sheryl Cohen, head of the institute’s breathing program, said the school was “closed out of the flu” because of school closures, limited gatherings of citizens, and calls to wear masks and wash hands.

This not only saved lives from the annual casualties of the flu, but “released the hospital’s ability to treat COVID-19 patients,” Cohen added.

In Australia, the National Health Service reported 36 flu-related deaths between January and mid-August, compared to over 480 at the same time last year.

“The most likely and biggest contributor is social distance,” said Dr. Robert Buoy, an infectious disease expert at the University of Sydney.

The coronavirus has been accused of killing around 24 million infectious diseases and more than 810,000 deaths worldwide in the first eight months of the year. In the normal year of the flu, in addition to the COVID-19 setbacks, hospitals around the world have the potential to address millions of serious illnesses.

Back in February and March, many countries throughout the Southern Hemisphere were calling for a double punch, just as the global spread of the new virus was being recognized. Even if they were locked down to fight the coronavirus, they urged even the last minute flu vaccination.

“We have more than quadrupled the vaccination against influenza,” said pharmacist Jacohebunga, who works at the Mays Chemist suburban pharmacy in Johannesburg.

Blockades in some countries were more effective than others in stopping the spread of coronaviruses. So why is the flu decreased when COVID-19 is still increasing?

“Obviously the vigilance needed to succeed against COVID is really high,” said CDC’s Redfield. “This virus is one of the most infectious we have ever seen.”

He said that 40% of patients with COVID-19 are asymptomatic because they can spread the infection.

The flu hasn’t gone away, warning a World Health Organization report earlier this month. “Globally, influenza activity was reported at lower levels than expected during this period,” while sporadic cases were found.

In addition, the WHO added that the coronavirus is prevalent in people who have the flu in southern countries, which may cause them to feel unwell at home and not see their doctor.

However, international flu experts say keeping the school closed (children usually contribute to the spread of the flu) and strict masks and distance rules clearly helped.

“There is no clear evidence, but the rationale is that they are really doing really, really good work against the flu, trying to control the spread of (coronavirus),” Richard Webby said. I went to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. I am a member of the WHO Committee that tracks the development of influenza.

In contrast, the United States and Europe did not impose as restrictive coronavirus rules as their southern neighbors. In many cases, COVID-19 is still widespread, reopening school and relaxing distance rules even in the cool months that favor the spread of the flu. Approaching

Therefore, the US CDC seeks to record influenza vaccinations, preferably by October. Redfield’s goal is to vaccinate at least 65% of adults. Usually only about half.

More than 190 million vaccinations are expected in the United States, about 20 million more than last year. The state is encouraged to try drive-through flu vaccinations and other creative ideas to vaccinate people while avoiding the crowds.

In an unusual move, Massachusetts mandates all students from elementary school to college to be vaccinated against influenza this year. Usually, only some health workers face the obligation to employ influenza vaccines.

In the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson is also promoting widespread influenza vaccination.

To be clear, the flu vaccine only protects against the flu — it does not reduce your chances of getting the coronavirus. Vaccines against COVID-19 are still and several candidates are in final trials to see if they really work.

However, as a countermeasure against coronaviruses, Redfield continues to be wary of wearing masks, keeping distances, avoiding crowds, and washing hands.

“Once these mitigation measures are stopped, it takes only a few weeks for these viral pathogens to get back to the way they were,” he said.

The United States is mask tolerant, but most states now have some mask requirements due to statewide orders by the governor or by city or county rules.

Meanwhile, countries where the flu epidemic is ending are watching whether they listen to the lessons the Northern Hemisphere has learned.

“It can be very scary. To be honest, two infectious diseases at the same time can be a big deal,” said Buoy, an infectious disease expert in Sydney.

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