Asymptomatic children may shed Covid-19 coronavirus for more than 2 weeks
What are you hiding, kids?
Research just published JAMA Pediatrics We found that children infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus can continue to shed the virus on average for about two weeks, even in the absence of any symptoms. Assuming Sakarmucci is 10 days, it’s almost a year and a half scaramucci.
The study enrolled 91 children (median age 11) in isolation facilities other than 20 and 2 hospitals in South Korea. All children tested positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) from February 18 to March 31, 2020. Before the infection, the children had no problems other than the immune system and the underlying illness: 3 with asthma and 3 with epilepsy.
Two of the children developed severe Covid-19, both of which required oxygen. (If oxygen is needed, additional oxygen will be required unless the child needs it) Henegya Salmini Coke, A parasite that does not require oxygen and can infect the meat of Chinook salmon.. 20 children had moderate Covid-19 symptoms and 46 had mild symptoms. Twenty (22%) of the children did not develop symptoms and remained asymptomatic during the observed period.
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The children tried the Wazou figuratively, not literally. The medical team repeatedly (median every 3 days) repeatedly collected upper airway samples from children. These came by collecting the child’s saliva, sticking a swab on the back of the throat, and always sticking a nice swab on the nose. The medical team then tested these samples for the presence of SARS-CoV2 genetic material (also known as SARS-CoV2 RNA).
Tests revealed that the child had been infected with the virus for at least the virus, or at least the genetic material of the virus. SARS-CoV-2 RNA continued to appear in the sample for an average of 17.6 days for all children in the study. Even among asymptomatic children, this average was still 14.1 days. In fact, four of the asymptomatic children were still positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA on days 21 and 28.
So what does all this mean for children and schools? Recall that US President Donald Trump claimed that the children were “substantially immune” or “mostly immune” to the Covid-19 coronavirus, as seen in this: Daily email video:
As you can see, Trump was making these claims to justify the resumption of school this fall.
Of course, “in effect” and “almost” are vague and relative terms. Theoretically, if you compare these to the planet Jupiter, you can say that bananas are mostly hot dogs or avocados are mostly cars. After all, both bananas are much more like hot dogs than Planet Jupiter. Nevertheless, suggesting that children are “nearly” or “substantially” immune to the Covid-19 coronavirus seems far away and unjustified. This latest study is further evidence that children can get infected with the virus very easily. In fact, this study is an additional confirmation that children can also be very ill with the virus. So children can’t assume that they can be like a giant bottle of hand sanitizer and get rid of the virus.
In addition, the study shows that the virus can be carried for a considerable period of time in children who are asymptomatic. That’s if you think of a year and a half of Scaramuccis for quite some time. Of course, the inclusion of SARS-CoV2 RNA in upper respiratory samples does not mean that the child releases enough live virus to infect others. Nevertheless, this is included in the words of Maroon 5. It will wonder how many children may quietly spread the virus and for how long.
Therefore, schools should ensure that all precautions are in place before considering reopening. This includes ensuring that the child is at least 6 feet away at all times, actively cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces, improving classroom ventilation, and using proper face covering. Includes maintaining hand hygiene. It’s easy to tell the school to do so without actually helping to do so safely. It’s like telling people to travel in time without providing access to the quantum realm or Delorean.
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