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Covid-19: How Doctors Say This Labor Day Will Help Guide The Path Of The Pandemic, Doctors Say


1. Take responsibility. Keep gatherings small, out, wear a face mask when not eating and drinking, and always keep feet away from non-family members 6 feet when unmasking.

2. Ignoring all these guidelines and repeating the same mistakes made on Memorial Day and July 4th, the number of new cases, hospitalizations and deaths of Covid-19 surged, further exacerbating the economy.

But this holiday, the stakes will be higher.

Dr Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, said:

“So I’m worried that any new wave could potentially be quite catastrophic.”

Why worker behavior is even more important

Unlike Memorial Day and July 4, Americans now face two major challenges that can be hurt or helped by this holiday behavior.

-Return students safely to school so they can stay in school. Both depend on how prevalent the coronavirus is in the community.

Why doctors worry about Covid-19 surges after Labor Day
Already, some schools are temporarily Shutdown after Covid-19 occurs..

-The impending flu season. Coronavirus pandemics that coincide with the flu season this fall could strain or maximize hospital capacity.

Estimation 410,000 to 740,000 Americans hospitalized for influenza According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the last flu season. Health professionals Get the flu vaccine This year to keep the hospital from overwhelming.

“I don’t want to get into that with another surge, especially when I go to the other side of Labor Day and enter the fall,” said director Anthony Forch. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Is it possible to still enjoy this Labor Day?

of course. Of course, the safest way is to celebrate alone or with people who live together.

How to minimize the risk of Covid-19 when you are socializing on Labor Day

We also recommend outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling.

But even if you’re interacting with others in a backyard cookout, you can take precautions to minimize your risk. Epidemiologist Ali Mokdad said.. For example:

-Only one person should be on the grill.

-Place cooked food in a separate dish for each attendee. Then leave the grill.

-Ask people to get their plates one at a time.

What we learned after the July 4th celebration

Some states suffered Record the number of new hospitalizations or deaths After the 4th of July vacation-eliminates much of the progress made during the painful economic closure.
Warned Labor Day Gathering Health Professionals Pop Up

“By mid-June, we were in the worst of new cases with Covid-19. There are about 20,000 new cases per day.” Baylor College of Medicine.

“And since July 4, things have begun to accelerate in earnest, reaching 65,000, 70,000 new cases per day, and now we’re back at 40,000,” Hotez said Monday. ..

“Unfortunately, we’re already at a much higher level than the weeks before our 4th of July vacation, so I don’t think it will take so long to get back up to 70,000 new cases per day. Hmm.”

Some people are disappointed with their guard

Despite the lessons learned from previous self-satisfaction More economical closure -Some people have already blown away safety on this Labor Day weekend.
Over 1,000 people gathered at Ocean Beach in San Francisco on Saturday.

According to Mayor of London Breed, more than 1,000 people gathered on Ocean Beach in an event to celebrate Burning Man’s culture in San Francisco.

The rally was “reckless and selfish,” the mayor said, with city officials announcing that the parking lot at Ocean Beach will be closed.

In Atlanta, promoted by a party promoterLargest Labor Day weekend party in the city“Hosted by rapper Gucci Mane at a local nightclub.

And the “Sunday Funday” rooftop party was touted with the image of people standing nearby without masks. The advertisement did not mention any safety precautions.

Madeline Holcombe, Sandee LaMotte, James Froio, and Micha Palmer of CNN contributed to this report.


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