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COVID-19 data show triple the number of suspected cases and double the risk of ethnic minorities



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According to a study led by Queen Mary University in London, the number of suspected cases of COVID-19 presented to the GP during the peak of the pandemic was three times higher than that shown in the official COVID-19 test results.

This study British Journal of General PracticeIt also shows that groups of blacks, Asians and ethnic minorities (BAMEs) were twice as likely to present COVID-19. This is not explained by other factors such as other factors , Obesity and social deprivation.

The lead author, Dr. Sally Hull of the University of Queen Mary at London, said: “Our results show that the prevalence of COVID-19 at peak times of the epidemic was higher than previously thought. Official COVID-19 test statistics show that People are contagious as they have not been tested, including those with mild symptoms and those who do not have access to a test center.Many of COVID-19 are managed in primary care, which requires immediate attention. Online consultation. We need to report COVID-19 test results to the clinic in a timely manner and provide diagnostic information from the NHS 111. This allows the clinic to have more severe episodes. We can provide ongoing care to our patients, and it is very important how GPs record and manage cases in their community, where cases are rising again in the community or the second wave of infection. This is because we can provide an early warning system if something is about to happen.”

Attention about COVID-19 was initially focused on hospital presentations and intensive care, but little was known about the pattern of early presentations at GP surgery. The community test ended on March 12, 2020 in the United Kingdom. As such, the extent of asymptomatic and mild symptomatic cases in the community setting remains unknown.

The researchers A record of approximately 1.2 million adults enrolled in 157 clinics from four clinical commissioning groups in east London (Newham, Tower Hamlet, City and Hackney, Waltham Forest) at the peak of the London epidemic in March and April. 3 out of 4 Included in the top 5 London boroughs, with 55% of the population coming from ethnic minorities, the region is a great place to look for overexpression of COVID-19 suspected blacks and South Asian populations. ..

Research has found it:

  • The GP recorded 8,985 suspected cases of COVID-19 between February 14 and April 30, 2020. That’s three times the number tested positive by government test centers during that period.
  • South Asian and black adults had a twofold increase in suspicion of COVID-19 compared to white adults. This risk remains even after considering other factors that are strongly associated with an increased risk of a suspected diagnosis of COVID-19, such as multiple health conditions, obesity, and social deprivation.
  • COVID-19 suspicious odds increased with social deprivation, number of long-term conditions, and BMI.
  • The risk of suspected COVID-19 in people with dementia was increased sevenfold. This may reflect an excessive risk to older people living in nursing homes.
  • In contrast to other studies, the current study found no excess of male cases, but found a slightly increased risk of suspected COVID-19 in women. This suggests that a known high risk for men appears later in the disease trajectory.
  • During the period of increased suspicion of COVID-19, there was a seasonal sharp decline in upper and lower respiratory tract infections, which may have been magnified by social distance.

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For more information:
Sally A Hull etc. Prevalence of Suspected COVID-19 Infection in Patients of Ethnic Minorities: A Cross-Sectional Study in Primary Care, British Journal of General Practice (2020). DOI: 10.3399 / bjgp20X712601

Quote: COVID-19 data shows triple the number of suspicious cases and double the risk of minority ethnic groups (8 September 2020) (8 September 2020, https: // news/2020-09-covid-triple-cases-). ethnic-minorities.html

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