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What we know about MIS-C is a rare but dangerous illness that affects children a few weeks after getting COVID-19.


Most children infected with COVID-19 are only mild illnesses, but hundreds go to the intensive care unit of the hospital, and some surprising symptoms appear weeks after the initial infection.

This new condition progresses rapidly and can affect multiple organs and systems including the heart, lungs, eyes, skin, and digestive system. It is known as multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children, or MIS-C. is more than 790 cases As of September 3, 16 were reported to the Centers for Disease Control, of which 16 died.

For the MIS-C case, Pediatrician specializing in infectious diseases.. There are many things we still don’t know about this disease. Treatments that addressed similar illnesses have helped most of these children get better, but it is too early to say if there are long-term consequences.

The new international review of the MIS-C case is How this rare and annoying disease affects children.. Among the findings: Children who were asymptomatic also developed MIS-C. Half There was no underlying illness. And many of the patient’s hearts appeared normal on the first echocardiogram, but rapidly weakened within a few days.

Here are answers and caveats to some common questions about multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children.

What we know about MIS-C is a rare but dangerous illness that affects children a few weeks after getting COVID-19.

Credit: The Conversation

What is Multisystem Inflammation Syndrome?

MIS-C is a rare but serious condition that can develop in children and adolescents infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. It usually appears about 2 to 4 weeks after infection.

As the name implies, MIS-C affects multiple systems in the body. Younger patients Persistent fever, Abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea,rash, conjunctivitis, Heart damage and shock.. They usually have signs of inflammation and some diminish be called lymphocytes Protect your body from infection.

Unfortunately, it is not yet known why the vast majority of COVID-19 children recover without problems while a small percentage of children develop MIS-C. Over 500,000 children nationwide Diagnosed as COVID-19 MIS-C developed by early September was less than 0.2%.

What happens in the body to cause such a wide range of symptoms?

What we know about MIS-C is a rare but dangerous illness that affects children a few weeks after getting COVID-19.

Credit: The Conversation

MIS-C is believed to be due to dysregulation of the immune system, causing the body’s immune response to become uncontrolled and harming the body itself. Doctors and scientists are trying to figure out why this happens.

Hyperinflammation can affect multiple organs at the same time. More than 70% of hospitalized patients are in the ICU About a quarter of them I needed a device to help maintain my heart and lung function.

The symptom overlaps with Kawasaki disease a little more, but it is another inflammatory condition, Clear difference.. For example, MIS-C is more common in children of elementary school age, with an average age of about 8 years, Kawasaki disease Tends to affect children under 5 Low white blood cell count What is seen in children with MIS-C is also less common in Kawasaki disease.

It is becoming clear that MIS-C also has various illnesses, ranging from mild symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease to severe symptoms that affect multiple organs and cause shock.

What we know about MIS-C is a rare but dangerous illness that affects children a few weeks after getting COVID-19.

About half of children with MIS-C develop a rash. This COVID-19 rash appeared on the toes. credit: Marpu98 / Wikimedia, CC BY-SA

How is MIS-C treated and can it cause long-term damage?

Physicians have treated MIS-C with effective approaches to other diseases. These include intravenous immunoglobulin—a blood product containing antibodies that suppress the immune response—aspirin or steroidIt is also used to treat Kawasaki disease. Children with MIS-C may be given anticoagulant and supportive medications. , And other drugs that weaken the immune response.

Doctors still do not know if children with MIS-C will suffer long-term damage.

True, children with illness-related heart problems need to undergo close follow-up examination with a cardiologist. It is not yet known whether children with the milder form of MIS-C are at risk of heart damage.

Who is the developer of MIS-C?

Racial and ethnic minorities are overexpressed among children who develop MIS-C in the United States and Europe. This may be because some groups have genetic factors that predispose them to illness. However, social and demographic factors can play a major role in this disparity.

Race and The group is likely to be a frontline worker who is unable to work from social distances at home or at work and therefore likely to get COVID-19 and send it to families including children. Become. According to CDC data, in the first six months of the pandemic, Almost 5 times Many Hispanic and black American residents were as hospitalized at COVID-19 as white residents.

What we know about MIS-C is a rare but dangerous illness that affects children a few weeks after getting COVID-19.

What can parents do to keep their children safe?

Parents I know the symptoms..

If the child has dyspnea, , If you experience an indelible chest pain or pressure, bluish tints on your lips or face, or if you feel confused or problem awake, take your child to the hospital immediately .. Other symptoms include hyperemic eyes, rash, neck pain, diarrhea, vomiting and fever.

Everyone is involved in preventing more In the first place, prevent MIS-C from occurring by preventing COVID-19 infection.

If we all wear masks, keep a social distance, and wash our hands often, we can reduce the transmission of COVID-19 to other people in our homes and communities.

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This article is reissued from conversation Under Creative Commons license. Read Original work..conversation

Quote: What you know about MIS-C: Since COVID-19 (September 10, 2020) was acquired on September 10, 2020 from A rare but dangerous illness that attacks children after a few weeks c-rare-dangerous-illness-children.html

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