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COVID-19 The role of vitamin C in the fight against pandemics


Vitamin C, Role of Vitamin C, Pandemic of COVID-19, Benefits of Vitamin C, Fruits of Vitamin C, Role of Vitamin C in COVID-19, Latest News of covid 19, Health NewsVitamin C levels in white blood cells (immune cells) are 10 times higher than in plasma, indicating the functional role of vitamins in these immune cells.

Dr. K. Arles

First, remind you that influenza affects more than 100,000 people each year, and as many as 100,000 patients die of the flu. Similarly, COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV 2 is nothing more than a serious flu. The only difference is that appropriate treatment guidelines for influenza have been established. On the other hand, COVID-19 is caused by a new virus, so there is still much debate about appropriate treatment guidelines. COVID-19 is slightly more contagious than the common flu and less contagious than the most infectious viruses such as measles. The virus has also been found to be able to float in the air and survive for three hours when an infected person exhales, sneezes, or coughs, transmitted by small respiratory droplets.

After all, like any viral infection, our own immune system must get rid of it. This fact shows that in countries like South Korea, thousands of tests have been conducted and more than half of the people have already been infected and have been infected but have shown no symptoms. The reason is the robustness of the immune system that processed the virus before it launched the attack.

In India too, many people tested positive, but had no symptoms at all. A very small proportion (about 5% on average) of people who become immunocompromised, progress to severe dyspnea, and have pre-existing comorbidities requiring ICU care.

According to the current understanding of scientists, in severe COVID-19 cases, the disease may be more associated with the Haywire immune response to the virus than anything else. The virus, while wearing its invisible cloak, can build a foothold in our lower respiratory tract system, basically overcoming the immune system and causing rapid replication. When the immune system eventually records its presence, it can overdrive and send all of its weapons to attack. This is because there are no specific antibodies to fight these strange new invaders. “It’s like pouring gas into a fire.” When the virus colonizes the lungs, this excessive immune activity causes fluid to accumulate in the alveolar space, leading to oxygen deficiency that requires ventilation.

Role of Vitamin C in COVID-19: Vitamin C was identified by Albert Szent-Gyorgi in a substance search in the early 20th century. Substance deficiency can cause scurvy. Early literature suggests that scurvy was associated with pneumonia, and that factors that cure scurvy may also affect pneumonia.

In the 1970s, Nobel laureate Linus Pauling promoted the use of high doses of vitamin C for the treatment of colds. The rationale behind this is the fact that when an animal experiences a disease, it increases its production of endogenous vitamin C (about 10 g). Humans have lost the ability to synthesize vitamin C and are deprived of this essential nutrient and antioxidants. Vitamin C cannot be stored in the body and needs to be taken daily to maintain proper levels. This, combined with smoking, a poor lifestyle and not consuming adequately nutritious foods, leads to the majority of the asymptomatic and vitamin C deficient population.

Many studies in the 1950s and 1960s evaluated vitamin C deficiency and pneumonia and found that patients with low vitamin C intake required hospitalization more than patients with adequate doses.

For the prevention and treatment of viral respiratory tract infections, it is recommended to take 4-6 grams of vitamin C per day. In a clinical trial of 500 subjects, 4-6 g of vitamin C per day showed an 85% reduction in cold and flu symptoms. For those who think they can get enough vitamin C from citrus fruits, it is necessary to understand that to get 1 gram of vitamin C you need to consume as much as 20 oranges, which is not possible. ..

How Does Vitamin C Work?

With COVID-19, we know that the main reason for widespread lung injury is excess free radicals and oxidative stress mounted by the dysfunctional immune system to kill the virus, but ultimately Harm the patient. Vitamin C, a powerful water-soluble antioxidant, neutralizes these free radicals and reduces oxidative damage to the lungs. When the oxidant and antioxidant are out of balance, damage occurs and the patient progresses to serious illness. With proper vitamin C administration, we can increase the body’s antioxidant status.

Vitamin C levels in white blood cells (immune cells) are 10 times higher than in plasma, indicating the functional role of vitamins in these immune cells. Vitamin C has been shown to affect phagocyte function, interferon production, viral replication, and T lymphocyte maturation. Vitamin C protects these immune cells from oxidative damage when trying to eliminate bacteria and viruses. Hundreds of clinical studies have shown that vitamin C has a positive effect on many infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and more.

Vitamin C in doses of 4-6g is absolutely safe and causes no side effects. This is especially useful for older people and people with pre-existing conditions to strengthen their immunity.

In many hospitals in New York, China and Shanghai, intravenous vitamin C has already begun to treat patients with severe COVID-19 infections. Anecdotal evidence at these centers suggests promising results.

I won’t wait until the situation develops further. Let’s take vitamin C together from now on. It strengthens your immunity and prevents mild flu from becoming life-threatening. The basic idea is to strengthen the body’s immunity to fight the virus, rather than finding a cure for the virus. Searching for this treatment can take months and you can’t wait for this period. The best option is to strengthen the body’s immune system to prevent infection.

(The author is Pollachi, Senior Integrative Medicine Consultant at Mirakle Wellness Clinic. The expressed views are personal. The above article is for informational purposes only. Healthcare professionals before starting medication or supplements. Please contact us.)

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