“We are looking at 2022” until the end of COVID
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The toilets in your dorm are not the whole — they are dangerous
When I started college as a freshman, the most difficult adjustment for me was to share a bathroom. I always hated public toilets. I was a little girl, so when I stepped into the local pool, I found poop everywhere. I stepped into it. I was gagged. Soon I had to pee, so I went home with tears from the school building, but I didn’t use the school toilet. Of course, I’ve become more rational over the years. But the public toilets in my college dormitory were still threatening me. The idea that sometimes I need to gulp someone else’s furikake made me think of dropping out before I started. And it was during the normal grade. However, the public toilets in the dormitories in 2020 not only hear the roommates lose their fever, but also pose more risk. “The biggest concern with shared bathrooms is that no one wears a mask because they take a shower, brush their teeth, and wash their faces,” said Dr. Jill Grimes, author of the Ultimate College Student Health Handbook. Explains. COVID-19 is most often transmitted via respiratory droplets, which could increase the number of cases on campus, she says. Another reason lav is a potential hotspot: lav has more wet surfaces and steam. Some studies have shown that the virus can survive longer in damp or damp areas, Dr. Greems adds. Surfaces are another issue, but they are not the main way COVID-19 spreads. “If you see transmission from surface contamination, for example if you touch something and then touch your mouth, this will be one of the most likely places,” said Dr. Grimes. Due to these issues, we asked experts to consider the best tips for avoiding catching COVID in the bathroom. Wear a mask Keep your face mask on your ears unless you are brushing your teeth or taking a shower. If you need to remove the cover, remove it when no one else is present. In fact, Dr. Grimes states that finding a time when the bathroom is empty or uncrowded is generally a good idea. But, as they say, when you have to go, you have to go. If you can’t avoid others, stay away socially. Hit the washbasin or sit a few rows down from the next student. “If you’re waiting for a shower, take your time, or come back later if you can,” Dr. Grimes adds. “Many campuses use community bathroom scheduled times to minimize this.” Wash your hands (more) You’ve heard it 1000 times, but we Say it again. Wash your hands after you finish your business, and even after touching doors, shower handles, etc. in the COVID era. If you need to wash your face but just touch the wash basin, for safety, scrub again or use a hand sanitizer. “Continue for 20 seconds. Don’t go back to the’splash and dash’method that many people used to use COVID in advance,” says Dr. Grimes. Keep in mind another thing. Touch the bathroom door handle on your way home and you’ll be back in the room. Suggested by Erika Schwartz, a physician and founder of ES Health, a Manhattan concierge medical. Thinking about trouble spots Consider the places you touch most often in the bathroom, says Dr. Schwartz. Many people will put their feet on the entire toilet handle and stall lock, so consider bringing a Clorox or alcohol-based wipe so you can hand over a cotton swab before use. You can also use your feet to wash it off. If your school toilet has a lid, close it before flushing it, she adds. There is increasing evidence that the virus can pass through the faeces, and one study found that flushing the toilet bowl could cause COVID-19 aerosols to scatter everywhere and endanger them. It was. Your Shower Caddy is Your Friend Using tote bags or cab dollars in your toiletries is even recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Shared Housing Policy. Helps keep items away from shared surfaces. Have a shower caddy for shampoo and conditioner and be especially careful not to put your toothbrush on the sink. “if [someone infected] Brush your teeth and drop a drip wet toothbrush onto the sink. Then place the toothbrush in the sink before washing it and then put it in your mouth to allow moist respiratory secretions to adhere to the toothbrush. It may mean an infection. If you need to put something like a hairbrush or moisturizer on a common surface, Dr. Schwartz suggests putting a paper towel underneath or first cleaning the area with a wipe or disinfectant. Please do not bring your smartphone. That’s right. I’m also guilty of scrolling through TikTok and Twitter in the bathroom. But that’s not a good idea so far. “A lot of people are sitting in the food stalls, playing games, checking social media and email,” says Dr. Grimes. “This prolongs exposure in poorly ventilated, trafficked areas and increases the risk of COVID. Needless to say, we usually don’t disinfect smartphones when we leave the store, so we wash our hands and then get dirty. Grabbing a smartphone isn’t hygienic. ”Like what you see? What about the goodness of R29 here? Is it safe to erase eyebrows during COVID-19? Feel Good Diary: College & Coronavirus Thousands of COVID-positive students had a party
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