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Mental health concerns increase as the pandemic worsens


10 Signs of Summer Depression
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As Olympia, Wash-Pandemic and related closures go deeper in 2020, behavioral health professionals warn of even greater risks to our mental health.

Washington Governor Jay Insley will discuss this topic at a press conference Thursday afternoon.

A monthly report compiled by the Washington Department of Health raises concerns about the continued effects of the virus. The group predicted a few months ago that peak behavioral health effects would be felt 6-9 months after the first outbreak. We are currently in that period.

According to the report, “The consequences of COVID-19 behavioral health for most people are the experience of social isolation, unknown concerns about further limitations and financial losses, and the stress and pressure associated with childcare and work balance. Is related to. “

DOH also warned that there is a risk of addiction-related recurrence as the number of cases increases.

The state states that the pandemic “has somehow affected all individuals and communities.” “A unique feature of this pandemic is towards depression as a result of important behavioral health in Washington. This is dramatic if the number of COVID-19 cases increased significantly in September and October. It can change to an increase in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety associated with illness fear and viral death. “

The report also states that ethnic minorities and ethnic minorities are experiencing more important behavioral health effects.

The Breakout Guide explores how different groups are affected, including healthcare professionals, law enforcement staff, families, and children. You can read the report at this link..

DOH states that approximately 650,000 Washingtons were being treated for their behavioral health needs before the COVID-19 hit.

The report states that the highest risk of suicide is most likely to occur between October and December. “This estimate is based on a cycle of known disaster response patterns. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) exacerbates mental health problems at that time of the year due to increased hours of darkness and bad weather. Increasingly, winter vacations are often a difficult time, both mentally and financially, and can exacerbate mental health problems for many. “

The suicide rate is also “strongly influenced by the unemployment rate.”

The state reports that it is in the “disillusionment phase” of disaster response and recovery. During this time, people are more likely to experience depression.

“In September, due to the length and epidemic of the pandemic, socially destructive behavior could be seen on a larger community scale as an expression of emotional burnout.”

Related story: “People I’ve Never Experienced”: COVID-19 Causes Mental Health Problems

Even a reduction in cases does not necessarily alleviate the problem, the report said.

“If the number of cases of COVID-19 increases dramatically in the fall months and the resulting social and economic turmoil occurs, one of the major consequences may include the trauma cascade.
This is a situation in which part of the disaster recovery cycle can be repeated or lengthened, during which time people may be less able to emotionally recover from a disaster.
Additional or continuous impact on their lives. “

It says, “By April or May 2021, a final return to pre-pandemic baseline levels of functionality is expected for many, but in the fall of 2020 or 2021. It depends on the level of confusion caused by the potential for a dramatic increase in COVID-19 cases in winter. “

The report was published in August. You can read the full documentation here.

The CDC has put together a guide to dealing with your mental health and the mental health of others. You can read it here.

Past coverage: Does COVID-19 affect the mental health of your child? What can you help?

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