Banana Wave Bananamilk Reviews and Information (Dairy Free, Soy Free)
Perhaps you have heard of Banana Wave? A few years ago, they were all the rage with sweet milk drinks made from bananas that did not contain dairy products. Their first line was made from soy milk, but they recently decided to throw away soybeans. This year, they restarted with an oat milk base and half a banana in every cup.
Banana Wave Banana Milk rides the auto milk trend in four flavors
This banana and oat-based milk, unlike many oat milks, is naturally fat-free and oil-free. It’s also fortified (surprisingly calcium-free), storage stable (before opening), and has four sweet flavors. Each one is a banana forward, made for fruit fans. Two types, original and chocolate, are also offered as a single serve. If you buy and try this beverage, be sure to leave your own rating and review below. It helps others!
Original (Also Single serve)
material: Filtered water, banana puree, sugar cane, whole wheat, natural flavors, tricalcium phosphate, sea salt, palmitate of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, acacia Gum, gellan gum.
Nutrition (per cup): 80 calories, 0g fat, 19g carbohydrates, 1g fiber, 12g sugar (including 6g sugar), 1g protein. Fortified to reach the next RDA percentage: Vitamin D 20%, Vitamin A 15%, Vitamin C 25%, Vitamin E 50%, Riboflavin 40%, Vitamin B 12%.*
chocolate (Also Single serve)
material: Filtered water, banana puree, sugar cane, cocoa powder, whole oat, natural flavor, tricalcium phosphate, sea salt, vitamin A palmitic acid, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, acacia gum, Gellan gum.
Nutrition (per cup): 90 calories, 0g fat, 22g carbohydrates, 2g fiber, 15g sugar (including 9g sugar), 1g protein. Fortified to reach the next RDA percentage: Vitamin D 20%, Vitamin A 15%, Vitamin C 25%, Vitamin E 50%, Riboflavin 40%, Vitamin B 12%.*
material: Filtered water, banana puree, strawberry puree, sugar cane, whole wheat, natural flavor, tricalcium phosphate, sea salt, vitamin A palmitate, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B2, Vitamin B12, acacia gum, gellan gum.
Nutrition (per cup): 80 calories, 0g fat, 20g carbohydrates, 1g fiber, 18g sugar (including 11g sugar), 1g protein. Fortified to reach the next RDA percentage: Vitamin D 20%, Vitamin A 15%, Vitamin C 25%, Vitamin E 50%, Riboflavin 40%, Vitamin B 12%.*
material: Filtered water, banana puree, mango puree, sugar cane, whole wheat, natural flavor, tricalcium phosphate, sea salt, palmitate vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B2, vitamin B12 , Arabian gum, gellan gum.
Nutrition (per cup): 70 calories, 0g fat, 17g carbohydrates, 1g fiber, 12g sugar (including 6g sugar), 1g protein. Fortified to reach the next RDA percentage: 20% Vitamin D, 15% Vitamin A, 30% Vitamin C, 50% Vitamin E, 40% Riboflavin, 60% Vitamin B12.*
Banana Wave Details Banana Milk
price: $ 3.99 per 32 ounce carton. $ 1.49 per 8 oz single serve
availability: Banana Wave Bananamilk is sold in the storage-stable milk beverage section of stores such as Food Lion, Giant, Market Basket, HEB, Meijer, Jewel Osco, Sprouts and Whole Foods. It is also available Order online from Amazon..
Authentication: Banana Wave Banana Milk is a non-GMO certified and certified Kosher Pave.
Meal notes: By ingredient, Banana Wave Banana Milk is dairy-free / dairy-free, egg-free, gluten-free, nut-free, peanut-free, soy-free, and oil-free. Not vegan, and vegetarian. *
About other product information: Visit the Banana Wave website
* Be sure to read the ingredient and nutrition description before ingesting. Ingredients, processes, and labeling are subject to change from time to time by company or product. If mutual contamination of potential allergens is an issue, contact the company for the manufacturing process. No food can guarantee “safety” for the needs of every individual. When dealing with severe food allergies, you should not rely solely on descriptions of ingredients and allergens.
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