How wearing a mask builds resistance to Covid-19
People infected with SARS-CoV-2 The virus that causes Covid-19 can spread just by talking, singing, coughing, sneezing, and breathing. Scientists think of face masks Helps spread marginal virus By protecting everyone else from infected wearers. As a result, face masks have become mandatory in many cities, states and countries to limit the spread of Covid-19.
People usually wear surgical, cloth, or other face covers, although they do not completely prevent the virus from infecting the wearer. Medical grade surgical mask Seems to provide more protection. Nonetheless, they do not have the same level of protection as the N95 or P2 “masks” worn by many healthcare professionals. In addition, how to wear the mask is important because frequent contact with the mask does not completely cover the nose and mouth.
These face coverings do not completely prevent Covid-19 infection, but they probably reduce the number of virus particles we inhale, or “viral load.” Scientists believe that lower viral load can reduce the severity of the disease we get. In fact, if universal face masking is implemented, Covid-19’s new infection is asymptomatic..
Does this lower viral load help us build immunity to the disease? Two researchers at the University of California have raised this possibility. the first class New England Journal of Medicine.. Although the theory has not been proved yet.
The dose will be poisonous
Evidence from other viruses and animal studies shows that the number of viruses initially infected is an important factor in determining how sick we are. We also know that this applies to hamsters that have been Experimentally infected with SARS-CoV-2..
Suppose you happen to touch a door handle with a virus particle on it, touch your nose, and inhale the particle. You will be infected with that one virus particle. 1 QuotePublished in LancetIt was suggested that one SARS-CoV-2 virus particle was replicated and about 30 new virus particles were created in 24 hours. These 30 new particles can infect an additional 30 cells, producing 900 new particles in the next 24 hours or so.
Then suppose someone sneezes on your face and inhales 1,000 virus particles. After one replication, there can be 30,000 particles, followed by 900,000 particles. During the same period, your body can handle more than 1000 times the amount compared to the first scenario.
How different types of masks work to prevent droplet speech, coughing, and sneezing (chest).
When the immune system detects a virus, it must compete to control it and stop replication. This is done in three main ways.
- Tell cells how to destroy virus replication
- Make antibodies that recognize and neutralize the virus to prevent infection of more cells
- Creates T cells that specifically kill virus-infected cells.
The first step is relatively quick, but the production of specific antibodies and T cells can take days or weeks. During that time, the virus is being replicated repeatedly. Therefore, the initial dose of the virus actually determines the amount of body infected with the virus before the immune system is fully functional.
How about long-term immunity?
The more viruses there are, the greater the immune response to control them. And it is the immune response that actually causes symptoms like fever. In asymptomatic infections, the immune system probably puts the virus under control early on, so the immune response itself is probably smaller and less symptomatic.
Also, many cases of very severe Covid-19 are actually thought to be the result of an overreaction of the immune system. This is why dexamethasone, a steroid treatment that suppresses the immune response, is promising for the treatment of severe cases (Not calm).
After removing the infection, it maintains some immune cells in case it becomes infected again. These are B cells that produce antibodies specific for SARS-CoV-2 and T cells that kill virus-infected cells. This is also the premise behind vaccination. It can trick the immune system into producing SARS-CoV-2 specific cells without infection.
Face masks can pass a small number of viral particles, making the wearer more likely to develop an asymptomatic infection. This may be sufficient to protect against future SARS-CoV-2 infections. Therefore, wearing a face mask can be a factor that helps us in the long run if the community is highly infected and we are in a situation where we cannot maintain physical distance at all times.
That’s another argument in favor of masks
This may sound promising, but there are still many things we don’t understand. It is not yet known if asymptomatic infections generate enough immunity to prevent future infections, or if this is measurable.
Viral load may be just one of the factors that determine the severity of Covid-19 disease in many people. Other factors include age, gender, and other potential conditions. Finally, even with asymptomatic infections, it remains to be seen what the long-term effects of Covid-19 are. If possible, we recommend that you do not get Covid-19 completely.
Nevertheless, this is another reason to keep wearing a face mask. Many cases of Covid-19 are asymptomatic and can be transmitted by the virus even in the absence of symptoms. That said, even if you feel sick, it is your responsibility to wear a mask.
This article was first published conversation Along Larisa Labjin At the University of Queensland. Read Click here for the original article.
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