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A secret group at the heart of the country’s largest vaccine trial | Health

A secret group at the heart of the country’s largest vaccine trial | Health


Perhaps an unheard-of group has a strong influence on the market for coronavirus vaccines.

Members of the Data and Safety Oversight Committee are the only members who can see inside while the study is in progress. They know who was vaccinated with Covid-19 and who was vaccinated with placebo. I don’t even know the doctors who are conducting the trials, the drug companies that developed the vaccines, or even the US Food and Drug Administration.

Armed with that secret, only DSMB can monitor how safe and effective the vaccine is.

A word from DSMB, you can stop the trial. That’s what happened to the AstraZeneca trial in early September after study participants developed neurological symptoms. Shortly thereafter, it became clear that the same trial was suspended in July for similar reasons. Vaccine trials have resumed in the United Kingdom but are still suspended in the United States.

“They are very powerful. They are important guardians of science and safety, and they are just as important, if not more important than the FDA,” said bioethicist Art Caplan.

The need for anonymity

Earlier this year, the National Institutes of Health appointed a common DSMB to monitor clinical trials of the federal-funded Covid-19 vaccine under Operation Warpspeed. The DSMB has 10 to 15 members with specialties such as vaccine development, statistics and ethics.

It’s not a fascinating and publicly faced job. They are paid only a small reward (only $ 200 per meeting) from NIH and have no press conferences, television interviews, fame or glory.

This is because the member’s name is usually not revealed while testing to protect the member from external pressure is underway.

Kaplan, who was in charge of about 20 DSMBs, said there was good reason for the members’ names to be kept secret.

“I don’t want some investors to call DSMB members and say,’Hey, how about this clinical trial? If you ask me, I’ll give you 10% of what I’ve made,'” Caplan said. Mr. says.

Carrie Warlinz, deputy director of science policy at the National Institutes of Health, said different types of people could try to influence DSMB members.

“It doesn’t have to be malicious. Parents of very sick children may be worried about how drug trials that can help their children are going on, and they are DSMB’s. We may contact people. Keeping their names secret is a way to keep the group independent. “

There are many things that are at stake. They scrutinize the data carefully. A word from them, and the potential for vaccines to hit the market can be crushed. All the millions of dollars spent on research and development can be wasted.

There is good debate about confidentiality, but Kaplan said he disagrees with the confidentiality that currently covers the DSMB of the Covid-19 vaccine candidate.

“The more transparent you are, the better, because you need to know if you can trust the vaccine,” Kaplan said.

Most Americans need to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity through the vaccine. However, confidence in potential vaccines is low-49% of Americans say they will certainly or probably will not get the vaccine if it is currently available. Recent polls According to Pew Research Center.

Dr. Eric Topol, a professor of molecular medicine at Scripps Research, said: “We want to know about their expertise. It’s important to know who they are.”

How DSMB works

DSMB’s job, as the name implies, is to monitor the data obtained from clinical trials.

In clinical trials, there can be thousands or tens of thousands of study participants. Some are randomly assigned to receive an intervention (in this case a vaccine), while others receive a placebo.

The study is called “double blind”. Participants do not know which one they have, and doctors have not conducted the exam.

If research volunteers have what appears to be side effects or “adverse events,” DSMB can check to see if they have received the vaccine or placebo.

“If it was a placebo, it’s one of these random things,” Susan Elenberg, a member of the DSMB associated with Covid-19, told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta. “If it was a vaccine, it might still be random, but people have to squeeze their hands and think about how likely a vaccine can cause this kind of event. . “

If these events are of sufficient concern, DSMB recommends that the study be discontinued for safety reasons. In clinical trials of the Covid-19 vaccine, the risk is particularly high and can eventually be given to millions of healthy people. This is different from clinical trials involving people who are already ill and have few options.

“Even an adverse event that occurs as often as 1 in 10,000 or 1 in 20,000 will cause serious adverse events,” said Elenberg, a professor of biostatistics at Perelman School of Medicine. Explained. At the University of Pennsylvania.

DSMB also checks for effectiveness at predetermined intervals. If a vaccinated person gets sick almost as often as a placebo vaccinated person, that is not a good sign. The board can recommend that the trial be suspended because it is “useless.”

They could also look at the quality of the data, Elenberg said. DSMBs play an important role in the event of lack of data, dropouts of participants, or inadequate testing.

“Most of the time, the Data Surveillance Commission will say,’Everything looks good, keep going,'” Elenberg said. “But sometimes-you don’t know when … you have to make difficult decisions, and that’s the value of these committees.”

Conversely, if the vaccine appears to be working very well, DSMB recommends that the sponsor submit an application to the FDA prior to the formal completion of the trial in order to bring it to market more quickly. May be done.

“Thoroughly scrutinized”

“People on these committees are being scrutinized for conflicts of interest,” Elenberg said.

Members are screened to ensure that the drug company sponsoring the vaccine trial has no financial interest.

According to a statement from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which organized the common DSMB for Covid-19 vaccine candidates, “DSMB members or their families must not have a professional, proprietary, or financial relationship with the sponsoring company. Hmm. ”Operation Warp Speed-Includes Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson. “Selected DSMB members and their families were not allowed to work for other companies developing the COVID-19 vaccine.”

“It’s unprecedented to have a DSMB with such privileges,” said Topol of Scripps Research. Each clinical trial usually has its own DSMB.

This is the case with Pfizer, and the trial is under general DSMB and is not funded by the government. According to a spokeswoman, Pfizer’s DSMB consists of “four additional members who meet weekly with the chair.”

Topol believes this is small in trials aimed at enrolling up to 44,000 participants. “I’ve always had at least six or seven, sometimes eight or nine,” he said. “Large-scale trials require bioethicists, virologists, immunologists, epidemiologists … covering all important areas.”

Great honor, but no right to brag

It is a great honor to have the DSMB named.

But, as one university recently discovered, it’s no no to brag about it.

The university proudly posted that one of its professors was appointed chair of the DSMB for a government-sponsored trial of the coronavirus vaccine.

The university immediately deleted the press release when CNN asked why the professor was publicly identified.

A university spokesman wrote to CNN, “It seems that the staff shared the news and didn’t realize it wasn’t for public consumption.”

CNN has not disclosed the name of the professor or the name of the university.

Despite the lack of public awareness, fame and glory, Elenberg says there are many incentives to serve on these boards.

“You feel a great responsibility when you take part in these exams,” she said. “Everyone trusts you with these data.”

She remains loyal to the DSMB process. “I’m vaccinated myself, so I recommend vaccination for others,” she said.

Still, downstream of DSMB, Elenberg admits that “we are in an unknown territory.”

Last week, President Trump White house can be rejected FDA’s Attempt to Strengthen Covid-19 Vaccine Guidelines-Guidelines that May Boost Vaccine Authorization Hope Beyond Election Day.

“No one outside the FDA tried to thwart it,” Elenberg said. “And I hope they don’t.”

CNN’s Sierra Jenkins contributed to this report.

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