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Data show that whites have caused spiral cases of Covid-19 cases in the last two weeks

Data show that whites have caused spiral cases of Covid-19 cases in the last two weeks


Whites are spurring the recent surge in Britain Coronavirus Infectious diseases, official data show.

White cases, which make up 80% of the population, have increased more than 2.5 times in the last two weeks.

The number of cases surged from 37.3 per 100,000 to 97 in the two weeks leading up to October 4, according to a report from the UK Public Health Service. This is the largest increase of any ethnic group in the country.

The incidence of coronavirus is still high in ethnic minority groups, but they make up a much smaller part of the public.

For example, the virus is even more prevalent among Pakistanis, recording 254.2 infections per 100,000 people each week, an increase of 20% over the same period.

Among Indians, the proportion increased by 62% from 93.1 to 150.9 per 100,000, and among other Asians, it increased by 63% from 69.9 to 113.9 per 100,000.

The proportion of blacks increased by 72% from 41 to 70.7 per 100,000. Also, in the mixed / multi-ethnic group, there was a 250% surge from 45.1 to 77.6 per 100,000 people.

According to official data, whites have spurred a recent surge in British coronavirus infections.Cases of Caucasian illness have increased more than 2.5 times in the last two weeks

According to official data, whites have spurred a recent surge in British coronavirus infections.Cases of Caucasian illness have increased more than 2.5 times in the last two weeks

The number of cases surged from 37.3 per 100,000 to 97 in the two weeks leading up to October 4, according to a report from the UK Public Health Service. This is the largest increase of any ethnic group in the country.

The number of cases surged from 37.3 per 100,000 to 97 in the two weeks leading up to October 4, according to a report from the UK Public Health Service. This is the largest increase of any ethnic group in the country.

Studies show that Asians are “most likely to die” from the coronavirus in hospitals.

According to one study, Asians are most likely to die of the coronavirus after hospitalization.

The group was found not to be at high risk of hospitalization, but once hospitalized, scientists at King’s College in London suggested that they were at high risk of death.

The study also found that blacks who were infected with the virus were three times more likely to be hospitalized than whites. However, their survival rate was similar to that of Caucasians.

The study was conducted on 1,827 adults who came to Kings Hospital with a coronavirus from March to early June.

Forty-eight percent of these were white, 34% were black, and 5.6% were Asian.

Lead author Professor Ajay Shah said their findings suggest that there may be “biological” factors in how people react to the coronavirus.

“For black patients, the problem may be how to prevent the progression of mild infections, but for Asian patients, it may be how to treat life-threatening complications.” He said.

According to the latest census, there are 53 million whites in the UK, accounting for 80% of the population. There are also 4.5 million Asians and 2.3 million blacks.

According to experts, the proliferation of infections within the group may indicate that the virus is migrating from the city center, where the population tends to be more diversified, to more rural areas.

They say this was probably facilitated by teens attending colleges in various towns and cities.

Today’s study found that Asians are more likely to die of Covid-19 after being hospitalized for the virus than any other ethnic group.

Researchers at King’s College London have found that when Asians are hospitalized, they have a 70% increased risk of becoming a victim of the disease compared to other races.

They said the risk remained even after deprivation and underlying health were explained.

But they also said their study, which found the absence of blacks, was small-it examined only 1,827 patients in the hospital, of which only 5.6 percent were Asian. was.

The study also found that blacks who were infected with the virus were three times more likely to be hospitalized than whites. However, their survival rate was similar to that of whites.

Professor Ajay Shah, NHS Cardiologist at King’s College Hospital, said:

“It strongly suggests that other biological factors are probably important and that different treatment strategies may be needed for different ethnic groups.

“For black patients, the question may be how to prevent mild infections from progressing severely, but for Asian patients, how to treat life-threatening complications. There may be. “

Professor Chris Whitti, Chief Medical Officer of the United Kingdom, said: ‘Evidence that blacks and ethnic minority groups are more seriously affected by Covid-19 is now clear.

“This NIHR-backed study shows how different groups are affected and provides important information to help healthcare professionals provide the best possible treatment for ethnic minority patients. I will. “

Dr. Sonya Bab Narayan of the British Heart Foundation said: ‘This study provides further evidence that Covid-19 affects people of ethnic minorities in an imbalance, as seen worldwide.

PHE data show how Covid-19 infection rates are rising in different regions of different ethnic groups

PHE data show how Covid-19 infection rates are rising in different regions of different ethnic groups

Why are there so many victims of coronavirus in the background of BAME?

Experts say there may be no single reason why ethnic minorities are more likely to become seriously ill or die from the virus.

People with ethnic minority backgrounds make up the majority of the NHS workforce.

This is more often exposed to a greater load of the virus as they make face-to-face contact with critically ill patients.

According to scientists, when the viral load is high (the number of particles of the virus that someone first infects), the bug becomes a “jump start”.

Members of ethnic minority communities are twice as likely to be affected by poverty and are often most susceptible to chronic illness.

People in poverty smoke and drink more often and are more likely to become obese. All of these increase the likelihood of chronic health.

Patients who already have health problems struggle to fight COVID-19 before causing fatal complications such as pneumonia.

People with poor backgrounds also use public transport more often, are more likely to live in crowded homes, and are more likely to catch and spread the virus.

According to Shaomeng Jia, a professor of economics at the University of Alabama’s Faculty of Business Administration, they could be even more at risk for their profession.

She said retailers, supermarkets, and construction workers (those who couldn’t work from home) were still mixed and at risk of infection, even when the outbreak peaked.

“The reason why the coronavirus attacks people with ethnic minority backgrounds more strongly and how to mitigate it was complicated to deal with.”

She added: “Blacks, Asians, and other people with ethnic minority backgrounds often have cardiac and cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure and diabetes, and are exposed to socio-economic disadvantages. Studies show that there are worse effects of Covid-19, even after these have been explained.

“Studies are now being conducted to assess how other structural and behavioral factors contribute, such as occupation, access to health messaging and healthcare, and differences in patient travel after people arrive at the hospital. It is necessary. As the number of cases of Covid-19 is increasing again in the UK, these disparities need to be addressed urgently.

Possible “biological” explanations for the differences have been proposed by scientists.

However, another study published late last month stated that there was no genetic link between viral death and ethnicity.

Japanese scholars have shown that there were no differences between ethnic groups in the seven genes associated with SARS-CoV-2 viral invasion.

Experts say the BAME community has been hit harder by Covid-19 because ethnic minorities are poor and therefore poorly ill, more likely to work in public jobs and more susceptible to illness. believe.

A report released in June found that BAMEs were also at high risk of death, and the British Public Health Service warned that historic racism and hostility to immigrants were partially condemned.

The number of cases of coronavirus has skyrocketed in the United Kingdom, and it is estimated that as many as 45,000 people catch the virus every day.

In one government-led study, infection rates were nearly half of those during the darkest days of the March and April crisis, when scientists believe there were more than 100,000 new cases per day. I presumed that it could be.

According to another report by the National Bureau of Statistics, 17,400 people suffered from the disease each day in the UK alone during the week leading up to October 1, twice the forecast last week.

In addition, according to statistics released yesterday by the UK Public Health Service, infection rates have risen since last week in all but three parts of the country.

Of the 149 municipalities, only Luton, Wolverhampton, Cornwall, and the Isles of Scilly recorded a decline in incidents.

The second wave is now hitting northern England much harder than it is in the south, with experts blaming deprivation, immunity levels, and even weather differences.

Knowsley, near Liverpool, is at the epicenter of the current outbreak, with 556.9 per 100,000 on October 9.

Then Manchester followed, and the number of incidents surged to 532.3 per 100,000.

Boris Johnson will announce a radical new limit on Monday as a desperate attempt to stay ahead of the virus.


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