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Infectious disease experts talk about influenza with COVID-19 and provide advice on how to stay safe


Both viruses can make you very ill at the same time.

But Dr. Lam said there was another problem.

“If you’re infected with COVID, it’s even worse if you’re also infected with the flu,” he said. “If you get the flu, we will test you. If you get the flu, you have wasted your COVID test. There are not enough COVID tests.”

So how do you know if you have COVID or the flu?

According to Dr. Lam, the biggest difference is the tempo of the virus, the speed at which the virus begins to attack the body.

Symptoms of the flu (cough, fever, sore throat) can appear within a few hours.

“The flu starts very early,” said Dr. Rhame. “In the classic case, it feels good in the morning and it feels like a Mack truck hit you in the afternoon.”

But COVID is more subtle.

You may feel sick, but you may not have full-blown symptoms for 3-4 days.

“Because COVID creeps up on you, it may take a day or two for you to admit that something is wrong, even if you have symptoms,” Dr. Rhame said.

Other COVID warning signs, such as diarrhea and vomiting, can appear with the flu, but are more likely to occur with COVID.

And perhaps the weirdest COVID symptom of all is the loss of odor.

“Influenza can cause you to lose your sense of smell because your nose is full of mucus, while in the case of COVID, the virus is actually attacking the cells there.”

Dr. Lam said that if you start to feel sick, don’t rush to get tested.

Instead, he said it was a good idea to call the triage nurse.

“Every healthcare system has triage nurses. These people are trained to ask a series of questions and come to a conclusion about what to do next,” says Dr. Rhame.

Still, there may be some good news in these concerns about COVID and the flu.

Dr. Rhame said influenza outbreaks in the Southern Hemisphere, which have been outbreaks since winter, appear to have diminished due to COVID safe distances, extreme cleaning and other measures.

“There was a way in the Southern Hemisphere that the amount of flu was significantly reduced. Many people have taken COVID precautions, so we can guess to some extent,” he said.

Still, Dr. Lame said all Americans, including Minnesota, need to continue with precautionary measures.

For example, he said most people should think twice before using the elevator.

“Floating droplets in the air can remain after he leaves,” he explained. “They are the worst in tight spaces and poor ventilation. That’s the elevator.”

Dr. Rhame added that COVID is of particular concern because it can be further transmitted a day or two before symptoms appear. Therefore, it is difficult to isolate a person quickly.

He advises everyone to get a flu shot, especially this year.

“If you get both illnesses at the same time, it’s much worse,” he said. “It is not desirable to get both at the same time.”

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