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Breaking News | Women with dyslexia reveal what it really is like to live with a disability on the TikTok Challenge


A woman diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of six revealed what she actually looked like when she read a stunning TikTok video.

Lindsey Fleming, a licensed therapist who works with children and teens, shared her dyslexic reading challenge. TicktakuAsks the viewer to read a simulated passage where the words appear to be scrambled and flying around.

“Have you ever wondered what it means for a dyslexic person to read a book in the classroom?” She asked at the beginning of the clip. “Well, I’m a licensed therapist, and I have a challenge for you to find out what it looks like.”

Become Viral: License Therapist Lindsay Fleming, who was diagnosed with dyslexia as a child, shared a dyslexia reading challenge on TikTok.

Fleming asked Tik Tokers to duet the video as he tried to load the passage, noting that “dyslexia is in the spectrum and its severity varies from person to person.”

She used web code as part of the demonstration Created By Swedish web developer Victor Widell.

This code keeps the first and last letters of each word the same, but jumbles the middle letter so that the letters appear to move in place.

Dyslexia affects at least 1 in 10 people and affects more than 700 million children and adults worldwide. Dyslexia International..

Content: She asked the viewer to read a simulated passage in which the words appear to be scrambled and flying around.

Stunning: The simulation keeps the first and last letters of each word the same, but messes up the middle letter to make it look like the letters are moving in place.

However, the effect is not the same for everyone. Dyslexia has various definitions and explanations, but is generally defined as a learning disability that affects the skills associated with accurate and fluent word reading and spelling.

It is associated with reading, writing, spelling, and organizing difficulties that affect not only academic success, but also self-esteem and the development of social emotions.

As viewers pointed out in a comment on Fleming’s video, some suffer from more extreme dyslexia, while others do not.

Struggle: Many who challenged her challenge stumbled upon words and gave up halfway, and one TikTok user named Claire asked, “Are these even words?”

Most: TikTok user @ zombikitty6 got off to a good start, but then started stumbling on her words

Many who challenged her challenge stumbled upon words and gave up halfway, and one TikTok user named Claire asked, “Are these even words?”

Another young woman who was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of 5 also struggled.

“The words are too big,” she said when she tried to read the passage. “I lost my place … I give up.”

Lindsay said BuzzFeed News The video depicts what reading looks like to her.

“While reading, my eyes jump from another line. I have a hard time reading words that make sense when I say it out loud,” she explained.

Too Realistic: Another young woman who was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of 5 also struggled

Use her voice: The therapist emphasized that just because you have dyslexia doesn’t mean you’re unwise.

Candid: Fleming admitted that he spent most of his life feeling sick and said, “I want to spend more time on my strengths than struggling.”

“I often skip big words and use contextual cues to understand and recognize their meaning.

The therapist emphasized that just because you have dyslexia doesn’t mean you’re not smart. She admitted that she spent most of her life feeling sick.

“One of the things I wanted to do for my team to grow was to explain what dyslexia is and how my brain works,” she said. “I want to spend more time on my strengths than I struggle.

“Teachers can help students with dyslexia by knowing what dyslexia looks like and defending their students if they feel they are showing signs,” she said. I added. “As for my peers, I think it’s important to have continuous education about all disabilities.”

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