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Public health experts warn against herd immunity to control COVID-19

Public health experts warn against herd immunity to control COVID-19


Three scientists in Great Barrington, Massachusetts in early October Discuss the idea of ​​achieving natural herd immunity As a public health strategy.

At the headquarters of the American Institute of Economic Research, Rivertarian think tanks, Martin Kurdoff, a biostatistician at Harvard Medical School, Snetra Gupta, an epidemiologist at Oxford University in the United Kingdom, and Jay Battalia, a health economist at Stanford University. Doctoral University launched Great Barrington DeclarationIt just asks global policy makers to take a controversial so-called herd immunity approach to pandemics and spreads the virus.

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Kurdolf inferred that “in the short term, my main concern with pandemics is all collateral damage,” referring to the disruption of daily life due to pandemics. Gupta agreed. All three scientists have signed a declaration about video and champagne glasses called Charin.

The United States and Europe are preparing for a new outbreak of the coronavirus, with more restrictions and a growing chorus of public health professionals around the world, warning that this idea is very important. .. dangerous.

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Widespread among various scientific communities, this proposal advocates the end of pandemic restrictions or crowd restrictions and calls for the reopening of all businesses and restaurants, regardless of increased infection.

“Let’s [the herd immunity proposal] Really, there is an incredible problem. “

William Hanage, Public Health Researcher, Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics, Harvard University

“I think it’s really incredibly problematic,” said William Hanage, a public health researcher at Harvard’s Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics.

However, supporters argue that if high-risk people are protected, low-risk people become infected and recover, and theoretically develop innate immunity, the virus will not spread much in the future. Kurdoff told the world that current approaches (restrictions, blockades, curfew) have put too many lives on hold and exacerbated many other problems.

“Children should be able to go to school and young adults are at very low risk, so we should let them lead a normal life.”

Martin Kurdoff, Harvard College Biostatistician, Harvard Medical School

“Children should be able to go to school and young adults are at very low risk, so we should let them live a normal life,” Kurdoff said.

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High-risk groups, such as the elderly and people in chronic health, need better protection, Kurdolf said.

Herd immunity is based on the concept that if a sufficient number of people are immune to the disease, new infections cannot spread and new outbreaks cannot settle. Taking such an approach may seem attractive for months in a pandemic that has turned the world over. However, Hanage said the declaration relies on fiction, which presumes that it is possible to isolate and protect networks of old people at risk from others.

Hanage is likened to an approach to a “wildfire that wipes out a valley.” Burning a fire in a valley and “splashing sparks trying to get in” while standing in a bucket full of water in a house full of antiques is not simply sustainable.

Many global health leaders agree.Dr. Tedros Adhanom Gebreez, director of the World Health Organization, called for a herd immunity strategy Unethical..

“In the history of public health, herd immunity has never been used as a strategy to respond to outbreaks, not to mention pandemics.”

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director of World Health Organization

“”Herd immunity is achieved not by exposing people to the virus, but by protecting them from the virus, “says Dr. Tedros. At a press conference last week..

Over 90% of the world’s population remains vulnerable to COVID-19. He said that the way to protect people is to get effective vaccinations, not to be naturally exposed to illness.

“In the history of public health, herd immunity has never been used as a strategy to respond to outbreaks, not to mention pandemics,” he continued.

In the United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a top US infectious disease doctor, says that spreading the virus without checking it results in a giant death doll.His boss, director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, recently Explained this idea As “fringe” and “danger” in news interviews.

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However, the Great Barrington Declaration has gained more fuel since it was introduced. Thousands of scientists around the world are signed on, and scientists aren’t the only ones involved. Kurdoff and his colleagues recently met with US Secretary of Health and Welfare Alex Azar.

Kurdoff said the discussion was good. “Secretary Hazard asked many questions.”

random Their suggestion said Strengthen President Trump’s coronavirus strategy.

In response to growing attention, dozens of health researchers around the world have announced what they are calling. Jon Snow Memorandum of Understanding Medical journal last thursday Lancet..

The document is named after John Snow, a 19th-century English doctor who is famous for dating back to the source of deadly cholera in London. His perception has helped transform water systems and public health around the world.

“The big connection for me is the importance of using what I know about epidemiology and what I have learned about the epidemiology of the disease to ensure that I take the most appropriate action in the current pandemic.”

University of Basel Epidemiologist Emma Hodcroft

“The big connection for me is the importance of using what we know about epidemiology and what we have learned about the epidemiological epidemiology to take the most appropriate action in the current pandemic,” co-author and epidemiologist. Emma Hodcroft said. University of Basel.

Hodcroft said the new coronavirus virus, SARS-COV-2, was too unclear to spread. For example, how long does natural infection immunity last?

“”And surely, when it comes to seasonal coronaviruses that have been circulating in humans for years, you can catch them many times in your life, and you do. Later infections may not be so serious, but we don’t know this information about SARS-COV-2, so if we don’t even know if it works, it’s our strategy to decide that it’s our strategy. It’s very dangerous. Hodcroft said.

It is also unclear how COVID-19 will affect young people. Already, serious complications and deaths have been recorded.

Early in the pandemic, the idea of ​​herd immunity emerged in Europe. Sweden, for example, has never been completely blocked. The proposal faced a major backlash in Britain, and leaders withdrew it as the outbreak surged out of control.

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A few months later, as the idea breaks new ground, Hodcroft said false dichotomy has been presented to end the pandemic. Complete blockade or no restrictions.

Instead, Hodcroft believes that everyone can really be protected from the coronavirus, with a measured approach and an effective vaccine that provides long-term immunity.

“”I think it’s a kind of midpoint to show that you don’t have to lock everyone in to finally control the virus, “she said. “With more targeted restrictions, clarification of virus epidemics, and highly effective testing and tracing teams, society can be significantly reopened and the number of cases kept low.”

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