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Symptoms strike in spring allergies, coronavirus concerns | Local News


Weekend rain may disappoint families and mostly individuals who stay home while ordering evacuation sites in the Waco area, but for pollen-allergic patients, it’s well, one or two fresh air streams is.

Rain generally reduces pollen in the air, said Waco’s allergist Dr. Pramiradaphtaly. This means a more breathable break from high levels of tree and plant pollen in the past few weeks.

Meanwhile, the February and March rains provided trees with energy and nutrients that unleashed large waves of pollen last month, mainly due to oak, elm, mulberry, and Hackberry. Next in line is mold, then grass, which usually rises in April and peaks in May.

“This month and next month will be bad for allergies,” said Dr. NJ Amar, director of medicine at the Allergy Asthma Center in Waco.

“And we got over Yamasugi,” said Waftaly in Wako’s allergy and asthma care.

The spring pollen season is an annual demon of allergies and asthma victims in Central Texas, causing runny nose, red and itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing, and general malaise.

However, this year, a new outbreak that partially overlaps with the symptoms of allergies has caused COVID-19, a coronavirus that has killed about 60,000 people worldwide.

The coronavirus attacks the lungs, with fever, a dry cough, sore throat, sore throat, and the most common condition, dyspnea, but some people report headache, diarrhea, and stomach upset.

Comparing it to allergies can cause coughing, sneezing, pain, asthma and consequent dyspnea, which explains why allergy clinics and doctors’ clinics are busier than usual and anxiety is growing . According to Daftary, her office handles a large number of phone calls from affected patients every day.

“We are constantly calling,” she said.

Amar said that allergies usually do not cause high fever, cause nasal congestion or drainage, and usually cause symptoms gradually, but symptoms of COVID-19 may appear more suddenly. Dyspnea, on the other hand, may indicate a dangerous allergic reaction or COVID-19 and requires immediate medical treatment in either way.

Care should be taken at both allergy clinics, as someone may consider the symptoms of COVID-19 simply to be allergic. They schedule scheduled allergy shots, limit contact between patients and healthcare professionals, consult some patients through Skype or other electronic means, take advantage of social distances, Tell the patient to stay at home and use regular medication.

Daftary recommended that allergic patients start taking the drug when they began to suppress the symptoms. Pollen sifter masks are also effective when spending time or exercising outdoors.


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