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Pollsters show that two-thirds of British people are ready for virus jabs-latest pharmacy news | Business | Magazine

Pollsters show that two-thirds of British people are ready for virus jabs-latest pharmacy news | Business | Magazine
Pollsters show that two-thirds of British people are ready for virus jabs-latest pharmacy news | Business | Magazine


A poll released today (November 11) states that nearly two-thirds of British people are vaccinated against Covid-19, but young people refuse jabs more than older people. It’s much more likely.

A new law recently announced by the government will allow a wider range of healthcare professionals, including pharmacists, to provide the Covid-19 vaccine. The GP is expected to play a leading role in the vaccination drive that Health Minister Matt Hancock called a “giant logistic operation.”

In a poll by pollster Kantar, 22% of respondents said they would definitely or probably wouldn’t get the coronavirus vaccine, rising to 38% between the ages of 18 and 24.

Only 5% of people aged 65 and over and 16% of people aged 55-64 said they would probably or never get vaccinated.

According to Canter, pollsters found that 75% of those with a degree-level education were going to be vaccinated, compared to 57% of those who were not vaccinated.

Hancock said on Tuesday that vaccination with Covid-19 is voluntary.

“Vaccine distrust will undermine efforts to tackle the pandemic.”

On the other hand, 80% intake of the Covid-19 vaccine may be needed to protect the community from the new coronavirus, but unstable levels of misinformation and vaccine distrust undermine efforts to tackle the pandemic. A British scientist said on Tuesday that it was possible.

About 36% of British people are uncertain about vaccination against Covid, according to reports from the British Academy and the Royal Society’s scientific institutions, partly due to the circulation of false information and behavioral factors. He states that he is very unlikely to agree. -19.

He said the “Open Dialogue” is important for building public support for Covid-19 vaccination, and “candid” to manage public expectations that life will not return to normal immediately when the vaccine arrives. I asked for a conversation.

“Vaccines and vaccinations are two very different things. Achieving an estimated 80% of the vaccine intake needed to protect the community requires a serious, well-funded and community-based public involvement strategy. “Melinda Mills, a professor at Oxford University and an expert in artificial science, said. ..

Polls conducted before and during the Covid-19 pandemic in many countries show unstable confidence in vaccines, and political polarization and misinformation online can affect intake rates. Indicates that there is sex.

“We must learn from the lessons of history, move away from one-way information, instead deal with false information and create open dialogue that does not dismiss people’s real vaccine concerns and hesitation.” Said Mills.

The report also stated that the government should plan the deployment of “gradual and ethical” vaccines on the basis of transparent principles that are “well discussed with the public for better understanding.”

Priority groups are recommended to include high-risk occupations such as health workers, teachers, bus drivers, retail workers, and vulnerable groups in crowded situations such as homeless and prison people. I did.

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