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How to safely celebrate a holiday between the flu season and COVID-19

How to safely celebrate a holiday between the flu season and COVID-19


Family gatherings and celebrations with friends are a fun tradition for many during the holiday season. However, as the number of cases of COVID-19 increases across the United States, one may wonder how to safely celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas during the flu season and the pandemic.

April Wilson, MD, MPH, FACPM, Preventive Medicine Specialist, Loma Linda University School of medicine The Dean says it can be difficult to accept that this holiday celebration may look different, but it’s worth keeping you and your loved ones safe.

Wilson shares some ideas on how to reduce and celebrate the risk of influenza and COVID-19 infection, based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Change holiday meals

Enjoying a meal together is at the heart of most celebrations, but Wilson offers these low-to-medium-risk options:

Eat holiday meals only with family (low risk)

Before and after the holidays, Wilson encourages online grocery shopping rather than shopping directly. “Avoid crowded grocery stores and increased risk by not shopping on busy days leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas,” she says.

Family and friends who plan to spend time together can also be quarantined before the holiday celebrations. “If they do this for 14 days before the rally and everyone is asymptomatic, the risk of COVID-19 infection should be very low,” Wilson says.

Eat virtually together (lowest risk)

Consider hosting a de facto celebration through an online meeting or telephone video platform. You can also prepare food for family and friends and deliver it before the party without person-to-person contact. Can’t cook and deliver? Wilson offers an alternative to ordering and delivering food to his family’s favorite restaurants.

Host a small outdoor dinner (medium risk)

In addition to social distance, hand hygiene, and wearing a mask when not eating, Wilson says there are other important factors in maintaining a moderate risk level during outdoor gatherings. ..

  • Reduce the number of guests and minimize time. Wilson says small gatherings should follow the CDC and state guidelines. In California, rallies have a maximum celebration period of two hours and must be held outdoors for up to three households.

  • Be sure to stay in the “pod” during the holiday celebrations. Guests should eat only within their own household and sit at least 6 feet away from other households.

  • Please skip the carry-on and use disposable tableware. Wilson recommends that families bring their own food and drink. If the host is serving meals, avoid the self-service option, wear a face mask, wash your hands, and then specify a “food server” to prepare each plate and deliver it to dinner guests. ..

  • Use separate bathrooms or disinfect each time.. If possible, households should use separate bathrooms. Is there only one bathroom? Wilson advises that disinfectants be placed in the bathroom so that each guest can quickly clean the common area after use.

  • Frequently disinfect common touch points. Be sure to wipe the door handles and heavy traffic areas at that time. Setting a timer makes it easier to remember. Also, make sure you have plenty of hand sanitizers available to guests.

Avoid traveling long distances to attend small gatherings (high risk)

According to the CDC, gatherings with attendees traveling from different areas are at higher risk than gatherings with attendees living in the same area.

Certain groups should avoid holiday gatherings altogether

If guests are known to be ill, have an active COVID-19-infected person, or are around them, then group gatherings should be avoided, Wilson says. Those who are considered at high risk of developing serious viral complications should also avoid direct celebrations.

Skipping the festival doesn’t mean missing the tradition

For those who can’t attend a small celebration, consider other ways to add new meaning to your holidays. “There are many old and new traditions that can be carried over to virtual formats with a few tweaks,” Wilson says. Let’s celebrate the season by singing Christmas carols and playing music using the video calling platform. “This way you can also make cookies, play games, and organize gifts,” she adds.

“Celebratory acts have a powerful impact on your mental health, an important aspect of your immune system’s health,” says Wilson.

“I hope we can see these safety protocols as an opportunity to continue the holiday tradition in another way, or to create something new,” she says.


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