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Concerns about pet costs are rising as the number of adoptions during a coronavirus pandemic surges

Concerns about pet costs are rising as the number of adoptions during a coronavirus pandemic surges


At the start of Coronavirus crisis, A Facebook post has been circulated showing a tired dog lying on the floor. “What is Corona? I took a walk 6 times today!”

During the COVID-19 pandemic onslaught, many people stuck at home while ordering shelter-in-place or due to unemployment have adopted a record number of pets. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals reported a 70% increase in the number of animals employed in foster care programs since March in only two cities, New York and Los Angeles.

In Sonoma County, two animal protection association facilities in Healdsburg and Santa Rosa have seen a dramatic increase in pet adoption during this period. In July alone, 193 pets were hired. There are 27 more than in 2019.

“I haven’t seen so many adoptions in 12 and a half years. Caseroads have increased seven-fold. Napa Valley Veterinary Hospital Manager Lisa McWilliams told the Business Journal that she was newly adopted. Mentioned a new client bringing a pet.

Taking a pet to love is a noble gesture, but there remains concern that as households decline, many well-meaning pet lovers will find it too expensive to continue to care for. She said she was.

“Yes, I think people will probably be surprised. There are basic needs such as food and shelter. Next are vaccines, heartworms (treatments) and tests,” she said. “It’s challenging.”

By keeping a pet, the owner can keep between $ 2,000 and $ 9,000 a year. However, it can be difficult to keep a pet if the owner loses his job or experiences other difficult times.

ASPCA estimates that there are 4.2 million US pets in households whose owners are suffering from financial difficulties as a result of the ongoing crisis within the next six months. This is a 21% increase compared to the figures prior to COVID-19 in February.

As a result, ASPCA has launched a $ 5 million COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Initiative, providing information to local agencies to assist pet owners in need.

It’s not yet a problem for owners to give up or throw away their pets, but it’s still on the agency’s radar, an ASPCA spokesman told the Business Journal.

“In the event of a disaster, there is always the risk that pet owners will not be able to provide adequate care to their pets,” the organization explained.

The Society for the Prevention of Animals, in collaboration with the Veterinary Society, provides the animal protection community with resources such as discounted veterinary services to help keep pets with their families. Evacuation is a real concern for advocates as the pandemic continues and unemployment continues.

“One of the most annoying estimates is that by the end of 2020, 30-40 million lessors are at risk of eviction, and 72% of the lessors have pets, so people The number of animals expelled with can be devastating, “said VMA Pam Rankist, Secretary-General of the Animal Welfare Association.

The association has issued an “eviction toolkit” that includes suggestions for assembling support packages for families with pets. Services range from discounts to counseling.

This toolkit It comes with a variety of services, including a support package from laces to kennels.

In North Bay, this concern has led pet advocates to scramble to protect animal services with donations and provide grants that pet owners are expected to struggle to achieve. ..

“We all started thinking about this at the beginning of the pandemic,” said Megan Dallas, Santa Rosa Shelter Manager, Sonoma County Animal Welfare Association. “The good thing is that if someone loses their job, we have come up with a way to keep helping the animals.”

The Santa Rosa facility, in collaboration with the Healdsburg Center, has launched a low-cost clinic located on Highway 12 of the shelter for pet owners who meet income standards and are drowning in pet bills. did. Single-person households under $ 37,800 may be eligible, but households with two people earning a total of $ 43,200 also meet the criteria. There is also a way to see if your pet owner can show that they have already received government grants such as CalFresh or Medicare.

The idea is to keep your pet healthy and happy at home without the owner returning the pet to the shelter.

“Care is very expensive,” Dallas said.

Sure, the list is long, so the cost doesn’t end there. The American Pet Products Association, a national trade association, predicts that pet owners will bring $ 99 billion in supplies and other spending in 2020. Actual sales in 2019 totaled $ 95.7 billion, an increase of more than $ 5 billion over the previous year. The breakdown includes $ 36.9 billion for pet food and treats and $ 29.3 billion for veterinary care.

In particular, the estimate provided in’s report on dog care amounts to as much as $ 9,000 a year. According to the Seattle-based online pet sitter service, some of the budget dents come with unexpected costs, which can average between $ 1,645 and $ 4,315 at a time.

Kate Jaffe, a pet trends expert at, said: “In these uncertain economic conditions, we wanted to publish an accurate report of the actual and various costs of owning a pet in 2020.

After all,’s research on what was spent on pets during a pandemic shows a generational gap. Thirty-three percent of millennials claim to spend more on their pets during a pandemic, while 10% of baby boomers claim to have pets.

Spending starts right away and is summed up right away.

Adoption costs range from $ 50 to $ 500. Vaccination of puppies can cost between $ 75 and $ 100, but the cost of a toilet pad can be up to $ 50 when you bring Fido home.

How important are your furry friends?

According to a study, 9 out of 10 dog owners claim that dogs have played an active and active role in family mental health since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Many pet owners and supporters will argue that humanity’s best friends are worth a penny. After all, money is not everything for those who have the will to give.

“If adding a new family is feasible in the short term and in the future, that additional relationship can be a major factor in mental well-being,” said Jaffe. “Welcome a new dog to your family is an economic and emotional commitment that should not be underestimated. But when you ask your pet parents, the love and joy they bring to your life is precious. Is said to be. “

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