Lightbox therapy lamps can help with seasonal depression
“The fork is aware [seasonal depression] More happened as we tried to maintain social distance and quarantine and comply with the rules related to stay-at-home orders, “said Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Northwestern University’s Fineberg School of Medicine. Dorothy Sit said.
Seasonal affective disorder, which recurs annually, is a form of clinical depression and presents with the same symptoms. These include feelings of sadness, loss of interest in the activities that you once enjoyed, loss of concentration, malaise, and, in extreme cases, thoughts of suicide or death. But experts say there is a simple and effective treatment, phototherapy, which is provided through a specially designed lamp.
“It can be transformative,” he said. Norman RosenthalHe first described SAD in the 1980s and led a team of researchers who helped develop phototherapy as a treatment option. “When it actually works, it can make you feel very good. Wow. Your energy is back, you feel better, your outlook on life is better.” Here’s what you need to know about the lamps used to provide:
What is a SAD lamp?
A bright light box, also known as a SAD lamp, Kelly Rohan, a professor of psychology at the University of Vermont, is designed to produce light that mimics “the intensity of light coming from the sunrise sky on a clear day.” “What we are trying to do is simulate the dawn.”
Artificial light from fluorescent lights is usually UV filtered to protect people’s eyes and skin from light-related damage.
Why is light useful for SAD?
There is no clear understanding of what causes SAD, but Rohan said there is consensus on what causes symptoms: changes in the photoperiod, which is the number of hours of sunlight.
She adds that photoperiods are thought to have a greater impact on mood and behavioral changes than on weather-related variables such as temperature, cloud cover, precipitation, and the brightness of available light during the day. I did.
This change in photoperiod affects the circadian clocks of people with SAD and is thought to be out of sync with the light-dark cycle. The first phototherapy in the morning “jumps the circadian rhythm to a normal stage, like in the summer when people with seasonal affective disorder are usually in the best mood,” Rohan said.
“There is a special class of cells in the retina that detect the brightness of ambient light,” said Paul Desan, director of the Winter Depression Research Clinic at Yale University School of Medicine. “And those cells are directly connected to the hypothalamus and other parts of the brain that affect the body’s clock.”
Experts may not know exactly why SAD lamps are effective, but “exposure to the brightest light in the morning is a very powerful remedy for the majority of people with seasonal affective disorder. There is a very solid study of that, “said Desan.
2005 meta-analysis Published in American Journal of Psychiatry Bright phototherapy has been found to significantly reduce the severity of depressive symptoms in people with SAD and non-seasonal depression, comparable to the effects seen in many antidepressant drug therapy trials.
“This is a very valuable addition to our therapeutic weapons,” said Rosenthal, a clinical professor of psychiatry at Georgetown University School of Medicine.
How do I know if I need to get a SAD lamp?
Lightboxes are useful not only for people with “winter blue”, but also for people who have been diagnosed with SAD. However, regardless of the severity of seasonal depression, specialists are advised to consult a clinician before starting phototherapy.
When it comes to phototherapy treatment, “there is no one-size-fits-all size,” Rohan said. “How many minutes today does this person need to use it to maximize profits and minimize side effects? Even for us who know what we are doing, it’s a little trial It’s a process of error. Trying to do it yourself can be a daunting task. “
Desan warned that unsupervised use of phototherapy by people with complex mental health problems could exacerbate their condition. “The point is that you really don’t want to be treated for depression,” he said.
What should I look for when buying a SAD lamp?
The FDA does not regulate phototherapy equipment, so be careful when choosing a lightbox. “If someone in SAD goes online to buy a lightbox, most of what they’re trying to find online isn’t right, and some of them aren’t safe,” Desan said.
Experts recommend looking for a box that glows at 10,000 lux, the standard for effective treatment. Ideally, the SAD lamp should be fairly large, about 12 x 14 inches in size, says Sit — “almost the same size as a desktop monitor.”
Please note that a small lightbox boasting 10,000 lux, according to Desan, may need to be placed very close to the face to achieve the intended effect. “Not all manufacturers do so, so manufacturers need to explicitly tell them the distance of 10,000 lux from the device,” he said. “You can actually see how far you need to be from your device to get 10,000 lux,” he added, because you can download an app that measures lux to your phone.
Lightbox prices can be widespread. The cheapest device Desan recommends is about $ 100. He said you can find a high-quality device that “lasts forever” for about $ 300.
How to use the lamp?
To use the SAD lamp effectively, it should be used at the same time every day. For those who suffer from seasonal depression, experts generally recommend sitting approximately 1 foot away from the lightbox for approximately 30 minutes immediately after waking up each morning.
Make sure your face is lit and your eyes are open. It is important that the light from the lamp reaches your eyes so that the retinal cells can send the correct signal, but do not stare directly at the light.
Experts suggest spending time on other activities that are part of your morning routine, such as reading paper or eating breakfast. “We have found a way to weave it into our daily system, so that they can improve their daily use to some extent and may benefit from it,” Sitt said. Said.
When do you start to feel the effect?
“It can take two to four weeks to get the full effect of the treatment,” Desan said. “But usually people start to take effect within a few days, which is much faster than pharmacological antidepressants.”
He advised anyone trying phototherapy to “treat well before 8 am before determining that it was ineffective.”
Sit added that it is important to stick to the phototherapy regimen to maintain its positive effects. “If people skip treatment, they can experience symptoms that recur soon,” she said.
Are there any side effects?
Phototherapy is widely regarded as a safe treatment, but “everything can be overkill,” Rosenthal said. Excessive exposure to light can cause headaches and eye strain, he said. And some people reported feeling overly stimulated — “I feel better as if you drank a little too much coffee.”
If you encounter any of these issues, “dial back,” Rosenthal said. If your device comes with that option, try moving the box a little further or adjusting the light intensity.
Experts emphasized that the details of your treatment plan should be discussed with the clinician. Clinicians can help ensure that you receive the correct dose and do not potentially hurt yourself. For example, people with retina problems should be careful, Rosenthal said. “Never talk to your ophthalmologist.”
Is there an alternative to SAD lamps?
In addition to phototherapy, antidepressants and cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, have been found to be effective in treating SAD, says Rohan, who is studying the effects of CBT on SAD. CBT and phototherapy have similar results in the short term, but in the long term, “people treated with CBT have fewer severe depressive symptoms and less recurrence,” she added.
If you are looking for a more general way to improve your mood and energy, experts suggest increasing your exposure to natural light. Take a walk in the morning or spend more time by the window during the day.
Desan recommended a “holistic approach” that included regular exercise, maintaining a healthy sleep routine, proper diet, maintaining social ties, and avoiding overuse of alcohol and other substances. “All of this affects human mood,” he said.
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