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Airport COVID-19 symptom screening is “ineffective,” the CDC report states


Efforts to screen travelers arriving in the United States COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears The new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that they had more problems than they were worth.

The CDC, with the support of the Department of Homeland Security, screened the arriving passengers. airport From a country that was hit several times between January and September. Authorities screened more than 766,000 passengers, but in the end only 35 travelers were tested for the coronavirus and only 9 were positive.

This is only one positive case for every 85,000 travelers screened. Authorities also missed “a significant percentage” of the contact information for screened travelers.

New report published on CDC Weekly morbidity and mortality reports, Despite the low case detection rate, the program was found to be “resource-intensive.” This effort was ultimately “ineffective” because people infected with COVID-19 may be asymptomatic when the virus is transmitted to others.

Efforts to screen travelers arriving in the United States for COVID-19 were more troublesome than they were worth, according to a report from the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  (AP Photo / Tatan Syuflana)

Efforts to screen travelers arriving in the United States for COVID-19 were more troublesome than they were worth, according to a report from the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (AP Photo / Tatan Syuflana)

Delta block middle sheet as a COVID-19 preventive measure until March 2021

Screening included observation of signs of illness, non-contact temperature checks, and questionnaires on symptoms and exposure. Travelers who revealed exposure to sick travelers or others infected with the virus were then referred to medical personnel for further evaluation.

Even during the screening at the airport, there were questions about their value. During the summer, TSA head David Pekoske said the temperature check “does not guarantee” that passengers have or do not have COVID-19, Fox News. Previously reported.

And while the screening was taking place, they did not stop the spread of the virus. Coronavirus killed more than 250,000 Americans and infected an additional 11 million, according to data from the University of Johns Hopkins. Recently, the average number of new daily cases in the United States reached a record high.

Authorities screened more than 766,000 passengers, but in the end only 35 travelers were tested for the coronavirus and only 9 were positive.  (AP Photo / Andy Wong, file)

Authorities screened more than 766,000 passengers, but in the end only 35 travelers were tested for the coronavirus and only 9 were positive. (AP Photo / Andy Wong, file)

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The CDC ended screening in September and instead chose to focus on “more effective” virus mitigation efforts focused on individual passengers, the agency said at the time.

“By refocusing efforts to mitigate the risks of individual passengers throughout the air travel journey [U.S. government] It can most effectively protect the health of the American people, “officials said in a press release.

The new report suggests that collecting passenger contact information prior to arrival can help with timely contact tracking. Testing and quarantine may also reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus across geographic areas.

The air travel industry is pivoting towards more passenger testing, in addition to other precautions such as mask requirements.  (Elizabeth Flores / Star Tribune via Associated Press)

The air travel industry is pivoting towards more passenger testing, in addition to other precautions such as mask requirements. (Elizabeth Flores / Star Tribune via Associated Press)

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The air travel industry is pivoting towards more passenger testing, in addition to other precautions such as mask requirements. Airlines flying to Hawaii began offering passengers quick COVID-19 inspections last month. United Airlines Added free coronavirus test on flights between Newark, New Jersey and London. Los Angeles International Airport This week we opened a test site with a 24-hour turnaround.

Once passengers are on board, flight on an airplane is reported to be relatively safe due to airline mask requirements and the air filtration system of the airplane.Recently Pentagon survey It turns out that the chances of getting COVID-19 during flight are “very low”.

Still, travel is risky, and pandemics have chilled travel around the United States. As of last week, US airlines had only 63% of passengers a year ago. Airlines for America, Industry group.

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