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Researchers are studying saliva-based asymptomatic tests as a route to limit the spread of COVID-19


covid cotton swab

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Researchers at McMaster University are studying saliva-based testing procedures that allow large-scale routine testing of asymptomatic individuals.

Around the world, COVID-19 testing has suffered from a shortage of test kits and materials, as well as a lack of capacity in clinical laboratories.

Researchers will be able to develop and implement large-volume testing procedures that can be performed in university laboratories, enabling large-scale, routine testing of asymptomatic people, better identifying cases, and infections. We believe that we can isolate people and limit the spread of COVID-19.

To date, more than 55 million cases have been identified worldwide, with 1.34 million deaths. About 40-45% of infected patients are asymptomatic and are thought to be involved in about half of all infections.

“With the increasing number of cases and greater pressure on testing capacity in Canada, it is imperative to identify alternative approaches,” said Eric Brown, a professor of biochemistry. Researcher at the Michael G. DeGlute Institute for Infectious Diseases.

“Regular testing of all Canadian saliva samples dramatically reduces infections, illness, and mortality. University laboratories are a completely undeveloped resource and find a way out of this pandemic. It’s very helpful to me, “he says.

Credit: McMaster University

Brown and a team of immunology and infectious disease experts, And evolutionary genetics, Hundreds of volunteers three times a week throughout the study, using a protocol in which participants self-sample by donating small amounts of saliva to sample tubes.

“We call it a’sneezing’study,” says Brown. Saliva samples solve many open problems associated with the nasal swab test. This is complex and unpleasant and requires trained medical professionals at risk for procedures that often cause coughing. Sneezing.

Researchers are also conducting serological tests to identify antibodies in the blood to measure the incidence of false-negative and false-positive results in saliva tests.

“By combining a saliva test to find out if you are currently infected and an antibody test to see if you have been infected, you can see how good a person is to detect an infection. “There wasn’t,” said Dawn Bowdish, a senior research fellow at McMaster University and a professor of pathology and molecular medicine.

Researchers should gain a deeper understanding of how saliva-based tests can be created on a commercial scale, the logistics associated with their use, and how the tests affect workplaces such as universities, industries, and long-term sanatoriums. I want

“Amica is proud to be part of this important study. Saliva-based testing can identify and isolate asymptomatic cases early and mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Helps to. “Seniors who call Amika their hometown,” said Dougma Clutchie, CEO of Amika Senior Lifestyle, who, along with the Jurabinsky Institute, partially funded the study.

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Quote: Researchers limit the spread of COVID-19 (2020, November 20, 2020) obtained from https: // on November 20, 2020. I am studying saliva-based asymptomatic tests as a route to do-route-limit-covid-.html

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