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Get a vaccination card with the COVID-19 vaccine: Importance


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According to experts, vaccination cards not only help you track your vaccine, but also prove that you have been vaccinated.Victoria Jones / Getty Images
  • Those who have been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine will be given a vaccination card.
  • The main purpose is to track the vaccines and doses received by an individual.
  • It can also serve as a reminder when to take the second dose.
  • The card may be important as evidence of vaccination.

If you choose to get COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears When the vaccine becomes available, you will receive a free vaccination card after the first dose.

You can then use this card to remember important health information such as the type of COVID-19 vaccine you received and the dates of your first and second vaccinations.

“When it comes to vaccines, it’s a two-part series, which means that between 21st and 28th, the client will need a second vaccination to complete the series,” he said. I have. Lisa Meadows, APRN-BC, Director Healthy Kids Outreach Program for Children’s Health Advocacy and Outreach Director of St. Louis Children’s Hospital and American School Health Association in Missouri.

“The important thing is that we have two pharmaceutical companies that have been approved so far, Pfizer and Moderna,” Meadows told Healthline.

“Once you start the series, you need to get a second shot from the same drug company, which means you can’t get one Moderna shot and one Pfizer shot to complete the series,” she said. I will.

Dr. Carolyn B. Bridges, FACP is the Deputy Director of Vaccination for Adults. Vaccination Action Union..

She says vaccinations or shot cards have been used for decades. This is just one of several ways to help individuals track important information related to their COVID-19 vaccination status.

This is not just an existing record. This is an additional record that you can put in your wallet or purse and keep as a personal medical record.

“State health care providers who get these vaccines will report to the vaccination registry,” says Bridges.

“We want to put a redundant system in records management for backup to ensure that people get the right dose at the right time with the right vaccine,” she told Healthline. ..

Bridges added that these records could be useful to those who find employment or work in a profession such as healthcare where vaccination records may be needed.

And while it’s still unclear if these vaccination cards are essential for future air travel, Digital vaccine passport For travelers, it is in the final stages of development by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). 290 airlines World wide.

Passports provide certified COVID-19 health information from healthcare facilities and share that information with airlines and border authorities as a way to protect public health.

Passports are accessed through the app, not through a physical card.

Bridges says it’s best to contact the state or city’s vaccination information system (also known as vaccination registration) if you have questions about vaccination status or how to keep or use records.

It may seem premature to talk about COVID-19 vaccination records, but some groups are not far from receiving their first vaccination.

On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration Approved Emergency use permission Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Individuals over 16 years old.

FDA panel Moderna, Inc., COVID-19 vaccine Individuals over the age of 18 on December 17th.

“At this point, each state is devising a vaccination distribution plan,” Meadows said.

“The first phase that begins as soon as possible [this] During the week, we plan to vaccinate care facilities and healthcare professionals who may come into direct contact with patients or with infected substances at the time of initial shipment of the vaccine, “she added.

“If individuals in these categories have the opportunity to be vaccinated, they are those in the high-risk category (ages 18-64), first responders, and those with critical infrastructure positions (ie, high-risk). People who work in childcare, school, etc.) “, she said.

“Over time, we see an increase in vaccinations, phase 2 shows high-risk populations (ie prisoners, homeless people, etc.), and phase 3 becomes the general population,” Meadows said.

“The state wants to be vaccinated in Phase 2 at the potential Phase 3 timelines in early spring 2021 and late spring 2021,” she said.

According to experts, after vaccination, official records should be kept in a safe place to remember.

It’s also a good idea to make a copy just in case.

“People who have shots are advised to take a picture with their mobile phone if they have a vaccination card,” says Meadows.

Copying is another option.

“Then, if you lose your card, you’ll have a record and you can provide this information to the distribution center where the vaccine is being given,” Meadows said.


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