Children are more likely to accept early music training: research
Has been updated: December 27, 2020 13:48 IS
Washington [US], December 27 (ANI): According to a recent survey, certain Developmental stage During the early part of a child’s life when their minds are most acceptable Music training..
Among the many holiday traditions shattered by this year’s pandemic limits are live concerts featuring skilled musicians. These talented performers are so easy to play that it’s easy to underestimate the countless practice times spent honing their skills. But is there much more to master music? Is there an early developmental stage in life where the brain is particularly receptive, as some have suggested? Music training?? According to a new study published in the journal Psychological Science, the answer is probably not.
“It is a common observation that successful musicians often start them. Music training “Hurry up” Laura Wessel Dyke, A researcher at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and the lead author of the treatise. “One of the well-discussed explanations is that there may be times in early childhood when the brain is particularly susceptible to musical stimuli, but the explanation for why early onset is important is previously believed. It turns out that it might be more complicated and interesting than it was. “
New studies support the idea that early onset is associated with higher levels of musical skills and achievement in adulthood, the underlying reason for this being genetic factors and the musical family environment of encouragement. It may be more related to family influences such as. -With accumulating more total practice time than those starting later in life.
To unravel these effects, Wesseldike and her colleagues hired 310 people. Professional musician From various Swedish music institutions such as orchestras and music schools. The researchers also used data from an existing research project, Twin Adult Studies: Genes and Environment (STAGE). Participants in both studies were tested for musical aptitude and achievement.They also answered a series of questions that measured how often they practiced and the age of onset. Music training.. STAGE data also provided genetic information about the participants.
By comparing the results of these two independent studies, researchers found that earlier starting ages were for amateurs. Professional musician, Even after managing the cumulative practice time. They then evaluated the starting age in a way that explained the genetic data from the STAGE study.
The results show that genetic factors, perhaps related to musical interests and talents, have a significant impact on the age at which an individual begins practicing music and the suitability of future music. There was no additional association between earlier onset age and musicality when controlling family factors, that is, shared genetic and environmental effects such as the family environment in which music is infiltrated.
A possible explanation for these results may be that children with more talent in certain areas, such as music, are encouraged to start practicing sooner. Another possibility is that a musically active, interested and talented family provides the child with a musical environment while at the same time communicating a genetic predisposition to engage in music.
“I think we really investigated the effects of the age you started. Music training “Personally, as a music practitioner, it’s always great to shed light on some of the factors that influence music skills in the gene-environment interaction,” Wesseldike said. ..
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