New York area turbulent as global virus deaths exceed 100,000 – Boston News, Weather, Sports
NEW YORK (AP)-Global deaths from coronavirus exceeded 100,000 on Friday. The epidemic in the United States has spread not only to New York City but also to the entire metropolitan area of three states with 20 million people. subway, Train, bus.
In a bedroom community across the Hudson River in New Jersey, east of Long Island, and north of Connecticut, authorities have said that even though public health officials have shown that infections are slowing, the authorities have not Slow down recording worst outbreak.
As of Friday, the New York metropolitan area accounts for more than half of the deaths of more than 18,500 people, and there are other hotspots in places such as Detroit, Louisiana, and Washington, D.C.
“ Once we get into town, we have a lot of commuters and travelers, so we go everywhere, ” said Matt Mazewski, a student at Columbia University’s Faculty of Economics, who left his apartment near the New York City campus. I tried to move away from the epicenter. Home in Long Valley, New Jersey.
According to Johns Hopkins University’s count, infections reached approximately 1.7 million people in the United States and more than 500,000 in the United States.
The United States is trying to overtake Italy as the country with the highest number of deaths, Infectious diseases and lives lost around the world Considered much higher due to limited testing, government cover-ups, and various counting methods.
New York, Italy, SpainFor example, many victims who died outside a hospital, for example, at home or in a nursing home, are not included in this number.
Christians around the world Easter weekendPublic health officials and religious leaders alike urged people to stay home and warned that violating the rules of lockdown and social distance could re-start the virus. European officials cited drivers who installed obstacles, used helicopters and drones, and had no reason to leave.
Even where the crisis appeared to be mitigating, the daily death toll was unbearable.
“I’m intelligently understanding why it’s happening,” said New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. There, the death toll increased by 777 and exceeded 7,800. “It doesn’t make acceptance easy.”
But New York officials also said that for the first time since mid-March the number of people receiving intensive care decreased, and that hospital stays slowed: 290 per day compared to the daily increase of more than 1,000 last week. New patient. Kuomo said that if this trend continues, an overflow field hospital that New York City authorities are rushing to build may not be needed.
The outbreak in New Jersey began with the first confirmed infection in a man’s state commuting between an apartment in New York and Fort Lee. The virus currently exists in all 21 counties of New Jersey.
In some suburbs, the infection rate was even higher than in New York City, which included Rockland County, where infection rates doubled.
As of Friday, more than 700 people have died in Nassau County on Long Island, New York. Bargen County, New Jersey, and Westchester County, New York, each had about 400 counties. Essex County in New Jersey and Suffolk County in New York both recorded more than 350. Fairfield County, Connecticut, recorded about 180.
Many Connecticut infections have been reported to have occurred in Westchester County, New York.
“This is a borderless virus,” said Connecticut governor Ned Lamont last month.
For two days, Italy and Spain, the two worst affected places in the world, say that new infections, hospitalizations, and deaths have leveled off, despite daily shocking death tolls. Reported.
Spain recorded 605 fatalities, with the lowest number in more than two weeks, totaling more than 15,800. Italy reported an additional 570 deaths, totaling over 18,800.
Signs of hope were emerging, and questions about when regulations would be relaxed intensified. Spain said schools, most shops and offices remain closed while factories and construction sites can resume work on Monday. In Italy, there were calls to resume production.
US President Donald Trump argued that the restrictions would not be lifted until safe, but announced the task force “Open Our Nation” and stated that “we would like to make it public as soon as possible.”
“Premature regulation could lead to a catastrophic resurgence,” warned Tedros Adhanomge Breesas, head of the World Health Organization, prematurely.
Italy, Ireland and Greece were among the countries that extended the lockdown order in May.
Threats have increased elsewhere as threats receded in some places. In the United States, Michigan has announced 205 new deaths on Friday. In Europe, the United Kingdom recorded another 980 deaths, as well as up to nearly 9,000 deaths a day.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson remained hospitalized with the virus but was out of intensive care. His father, Stan Leighson, said the prime minister needed to “rest” before returning to work.
On Good Friday, several churches around the world have serviced online, and others have arranged prayers at the Drive-In Theater.
In Paris, the service was broadcast from an almost empty, closed, privately held Notre Dame Cathedral, but fires a year ago still severely hurt. In Warsaw, Poland, a priest wearing a mask heard a confession in a parking lot. And in New Orleans, the Catholic archbishop sprinkled overhead holy water from the Jordan River biplane.
(Copyright (c) 2020 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material cannot be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)
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