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The Tesco Extra Superstore was hit by a Covid outbreak as a number of staff were attacked by the virus.

The Tesco Extra Superstore was hit by a Covid outbreak as a number of staff were attacked by the virus.


The Tesco Extra Superstore was hit by a Covid-19 outbreak as multiple workers were infected with the virus.

Tesco confirmed the outbreak by saying that “a few colleagues” were positive.

Wales Online Following the breeze of staff outbreaks at Cardiff’s Pengam Green Tesco Extra, retail giants made a statement today about it.

The number of Tesco workers infected with the potentially deadly virus is unknown.

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Tesco confirmed the outbreak
(Image: Google)

A Tesco spokeswoman said: “A few colleagues at the Pengam Green Extra Store tested positive for Covid-19. Their close contact information is known.

“Safety of colleagues, customers and suppliers remains a top priority and we follow all Welsh Government guidance and take relevant precautions to work with local public health authorities.

“We take a wide range of steps to keep everyone safe, including protective screens at all check-outs, socially distant signs, and regular cleaning at all stores.”

In the Tesco store
(Image: Getty Images)

Another 140 cases of Covid-19 were reported in Cardiff on Thursday.

The city’s prevalence is currently 470.4 per 100,000 population, down from 480.2 on Wednesday.

The increase in the number of cases in the city puts serious pressure on hospitals, which is why A & E patients at major Cardiff hospitals have to wait up to 24 hours before being admitted to the ward.

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Katja Empson, a consultant for the emergency unit at the University of Wales Hospital in Cardiff, said sick patients were often “stuck” in the department before beds were opened elsewhere in the hospital.

Her warning was issued when two of Wales’ major doctors explained the dire situation facing the hospital and warned that the NHS could be overwhelmed within a few weeks.

At a Wales government press conference on Wednesday, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Frank Otherton and NHS Wales Chief Executive Dr. Andrew Goodor said medical services Coronavirus Case.

Police patrol the central shopping area of ​​Cardiff, Wales on January 2nd
Police patrol the central shopping area of ​​Cardiff, Wales on January 2nd
(Image: PA)

Without further action, they said there was a “significant risk” that the NHS would be overwhelmed in the next 21 days.

They confirmed that 16 Welsh hospitals are currently reporting level 3 or 4 (two highest levels of pressure) and 6 hospitals are the highest level 4.

Sir Simon Stevens, CEO of the NHS, said that enough Covid patients are now arriving daily across the UK to fill the entire hospital.

Sir Simon said the number of coronavirus cases has increased by 10,000 since Christmas day. This is equivalent to filling 20 acute care hospitals.

He said most of these people caught the infection between Christmas and New Year, and the number of patients was “very, very rapidly increasing.”

With the prime minister Boris JohnsonSimon Simon accused Cowell’s denials of spreading anti-vaccine propaganda for endangering life.

The Prime Minister said they needed to “grow”, as he and Sir Simon spoke at a press conference in Downing Street today.

Sir Simon said the claim that he was not under pressure from the increase in coronavirus was a “lie.”

He said false allegations on social media have changed behaviors that kill people and “insult” life-saving emergency staff.

“Nothing is more depressing than spitting out that kind of nonsense when it’s not the most obvious truth,” he said at a press conference number 10.

When asked about the damage that anti-Covid activists could cause, Johnson said, “People who stand out of the hospital saying Covid is a hoax. I think they really need to grow.” ..


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