Ireland will reach the highest COVID-19 rate in the world in early January. Why didn’t it work so well?
Ireland was one of the lowest levels of COVID-19 cases in Europe when Ireland broke out of a six-week strict blockade in December. Since then, the situation has been dramatically elucidated. According to Our World in Data, an online science publication based at Oxford University, the country recorded the highest infection rate in the world last week. In the seven days to January 10, Ireland reported about 1,323 COVID-19 cases per million, more than any other country in the same period, according to statistics, since the start of the pandemic on Friday. The daily increase in infection was highest in 8,248 new cases. “In terms of experience at the level of COVID-19 in the community, amazing levels of illness are unprecedented,” said Philip, a member of the National Public Health Emergency Team in Ireland, according to a statement from the Department of Health of Ireland. Professor Nolan warned. NPHET). “The number of cases per day and the number in hospitals were not understood before Christmas.” Irish medical professionals, politicians and the general public are now discussing what went wrong. I will. Seasonal virus According to a spokesperson for the office of Prime Minister Micheál Martin, the presence of more contagious British variants and the mix of households during vacation all contributed to the surge. Spike was not “simple” and had many factors. A spokesperson told CNN on Tuesday. File Video: Dr. Tufts on why the COVID-19 variant is more contagious “Socialization increased during Christmas, public health experts said the virus’s seasonality was huge, Ireland December 4 He reopened hospitality and other sectors with some restrictions on the day. In support of that decision, spokesmen said that the sectors involved “generally” stuck to public health measurements. Incidence of res and infection was “relatively low” in hospitality, retail, and construction settings. The more contagious British variant, first discovered in Ireland on Christmas Day, “had a huge impact on the increase in cases because it is believed. Recent COVID-19 positive cases in Ireland. Approximately 40% of the cases are due to more contagious British variants, said Cillian DeGascun, director of the National Institute for Virus References, in a statement on Monday. From December 18th, other Irish households were allowed to be confused with up to two people, despite European countries canceling Christmas gatherings. More than 54,000 people were in the Republic of Ireland between December 21st and January 3rd. “There wasn’t a well-managed isolation system in place,” Gabriel Scully, president of the Royal Medical Society’s Epidemiology and Public Health, told CNN on Tuesday by phone, according to the Ministry of Justice. Day. “Ireland and Britain are, to others, failed islands in COVID terminology. After a tough year, I wanted to be normal for Christmas, but the virus doesn’t know that.” Ireland closed restaurants, food pubs and several stores on Christmas Eve, after which it further strengthened its lockdown measures, including the closure of non-essential construction sites, schools and childcare services. Currently, there are 1,582 COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Ireland, of whom 146 are receiving intensive care. “I know that hospitalization will occur weeks after the confirmed case is notified and then die again,” Tony Holohan, chief medical officer of Ireland, said in a statement Monday. “Unfortunately, that means hospitals are in a period of deterioration before they improve.” Ireland has five per 100,000 people, far lower than the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s OECD22. There is only an intensive care unit. According to OECD data, the average is 12. To date, more than 152,000 cases of COVID-19 and 2,352 deaths have been reported, according to Johns Hopkins University tabulations. Regarding the recent surge, “Tools to deal with this have accelerated. Growth rates are significantly suppressed transmission of viruses.” NPHET Irish Epidemiology Model Advisory Group.He said he wanted the current action. chair the added Nolan, according to, is in the Ireland of hand “” PCEtLSBzdGFydCBBUCBlbWJlZCAtLT4KCjxpZnJhbWUgdGl0bGU9IiIgYXJpYS1sYWJlbD0iSW50ZXJhY3RpdmUgbGluZSBjaGFydCIgaWQ9ImRhdGF3cmFwcGVyLWNoYXJ0LVROSUxxIiBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vaW50ZXJhY3RpdmVzLmFwLm9yZy9lbWJlZHMvVE5JTHEvMi8iIHNjcm9sbGluZz0ibm8iIHdpZHRoPSIxMDAlIiBzdHlsZT0iYm9 yZGVyOm5vbmUiIGhlaWdodD0iNDAwIj48L2lmcmFtZT48c2NyaXB0IHR5cGU9InRleHQvamF2YXNjcmlwdCI + IWZ1bmN0aW9uKCl7InVzZSBzdHJpY3QiO3dpbmRvdy5hZGRFdmVudExpc3RlbmVyKCJtZXNzYWdlIiwoZnVuY3Rpb24oYSl7aWYodm9pZCAwIT09YS5kYXRhWyJkYXRhd3JhcHBlci1oZWlnaHQiXSlmb3IodmFyIGUgaW4gYS5kYXRhWyJkYXRhd3JhcHBlci1oZWlnaHQiXSl7dmFyIHQ9ZG9jdW1lbnQuZ2V0RWxlbWVudEJ5SWQoImRhdGF3cmFwcGVyLWNoYXJ0LSIrZSl8fGRvY3VtZW50LnF1ZXJ5U2VsZWN0b3IoImlmcmFtZVtzcmMqPSciK2UrIiddIik7dCYmKHQuc3R5bGUuaGVpZ2h0PWEuZGF0YVsiZGF0YXdyYXBwZXItaGVpZ2h0Il1bZV0rInB4Iil9fSkpfSgpOzwvc2NyaXB0PgoKPCEtLSBlbmQgQVAgZW1iZWQgLS0 +
Ireland was one of the lowest levels of COVID-19 cases in Europe when Ireland broke out of a six-week strict blockade in December. Since then, the situation has been dramatically elucidated.
According to Our World in Data, an online science publication based at Oxford University, the country recorded the highest infection rate in the world last week.
In the seven days leading up to January 10, Ireland reported approximately 1,323 COVID-19 cases per million. According to statistics, it is higher than any other country in the same period.
According to a statement from the Department of Health of Ireland, the number of infections per day increased the most to 8,248 on Friday since the pandemic began.
“In our experience with the level of COVID-19 in the community, amazing levels of illness are unprecedented,” said Professor Philip Nolan, a member of the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) in Ireland. Did. “The number of cases per day and the number in the hospital were not understood before Christmas.”
Irish health professionals, politicians, and the general public are now discussing what went wrong.
According to a spokesperson for Prime Minister Micheál Martin, the seasonality of the virus, the presence of more contagious British variants, and households mixed during vacation all contributed to the surge.
The surge wasn’t “simple” and there were many factors that led to it, a spokesman told CNN on Tuesday.
File Video: Dr. Tufts on why the COVID-19 variant is more contagious
“As socialization progresses during Christmas time, public health experts have stated that the seasonality of the virus is a major factor,” they said.
Ireland reopened the hospitality and other sectors on December 4th with some restrictions. Construction settings.
The more contagious British variant, first discovered in Ireland on Christmas Day, “had a tremendous impact. [on] Increasing cases as infection rates are believed to be 50% to 70% higher. “
Approximately 40% of Ireland’s recent COVID-19-positive cases are due to the more contagious British variants, said Cillian De Gascun, director of the National Institute of Virology. In the statement on Monday.
From December 18th, Irish households are allowed to mix with up to two other households, despite other European countries. Cancel Christmas gathering..
According to the Justice Ministry, more than 54,000 people jumped into the Republic of Ireland between December 21st and January 3rd.
“A well-managed quarantine system wasn’t in place,” Gabriel Scully, president of the Royal Society of Medicine’s Epidemiology and Public Health, told CNN on the phone Tuesday. “Ireland and Britain are, to others, failed islands in COVID terminology. After a tough year, I understand that I want to be normal at Christmas, but the virus doesn’t know that. “
Ireland closed restaurants, food pubs and several stores on Christmas Eve, and has since stepped up its blockades, including the closure of unimportant construction sites, schools and childcare services.
According to the Ministry of Health, Ireland currently has 1,582 COVID-19 patients hospitalized, of whom 146 are receiving intensive care, just below the spring peak of 155.
“We know that hospitalizations occur weeks after the confirmed cases are notified and then die again,” Ireland’s chief health officer Tony Holohan said in a statement Monday. “Unfortunately, that means that our hospital is set for a period of deterioration before it improves.”
Ireland has only 5 intensive care units per 100,000 people, much lower than the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s OECD22 average of 12. According to OECD data..
To date, the country has reported more than 152,000 COVID-19 cases and 2,352 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University.
According to Nolan, chair of the Irish Epidemiological Modeling Advisory Group at NPHET, Ireland has the tools to deal with “this accelerated growth rate” in the face of the recent surge.
He added that he hopes that current measures will “significantly reduce virus infection.”
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