COVID-Can cause recurrence “hidden” in the brain, studies say
New studies suggest that the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can hide in the infected brain and cause recurrence in patients who appear to be recovering.
so Research Published by Journal on Tuesday VirusResearchers at Georgia State University have found that mice infected with the virus from the nasal cavity developed a serious illness due to a brain infection, even after the virus left the lungs. Principal Investigator and co-author of the study, Mukes Kumar, suggested that the findings could explain why human patients, who appear to be nearly overcoming the disease, sometimes relapse and die quickly.
“The brain is one of the areas where viruses like to hide,” Kumar said in a press release. “That’s why we have multiple symptoms, such as severe illness, heart disease, stroke, all these long-haul carriers with odor and taste loss … all related to the brain, not the lungs. doing. .”
The study found that the virus was present in the mouse brain at 1,000-fold higher levels than any other region of the body. Levels of the virus in the lungs began to decline 3 days after infection, but the virus remained high in the brain on days 5 and 6 when the course of the disease became more severe.
“Our idea that it is a respiratory illness is not always true,” Kumar said. “When the brain infects the brain, it can affect everything because it controls the lungs, the heart, everything. The brain is a very sensitive organ. It’s all central processing units.”
In addition to COVID-19, Kumar is a coronavirus that reaches the brain and has other serious future problems such as neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, general cognitive decline, and autoimmune diseases. It suggests that you may be more susceptible to various health problems.
“I’m scared,” he said. “Many people have recovered thinking they have been infected with COVID and are now out of the forest. Now it feels like it’s never true. You may never be out of the forest.”
Neurological symptoms are known to be relatively common in people with COVID-19. However, while studies suggest that mouse brains are susceptible to the virus, studies do not provide conclusive evidence to support the notion that the virus infects and concentrates in the human brain. .. Neurological symptoms can be caused by an immune response rather than a direct brain infection.
In a blog post written by Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health last week, a recent study conducted by the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke found brain damage in a tissue sample of 19 people who died of COVID-19. It is explained in detail that was found but there is no evidence. The virus has infected the brain tissue itself.
“This finding is particularly interesting, as there were some suggestions based on mouse studies that SARS-CoV-2 could cross the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain,” Collins wrote. Experimental Medicine JournalFound evidence of the virus in the brains of three people who died from complications of COVID-19.
“Obviously more research is needed, ” Collins has been added. “”Understanding neurological symptoms will be important in helping people as they learn more about the many ways COVID-19 can cause havoc in the body. “
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