Who should get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine over the mRNA vaccine?
two COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears The vaccine is available in the United States and the third was developed by Johnson & Johnson I recently submitted an application For emergency use authorizationThat is, it may be available in early March.
With so many options, many are wondering which shot is important.
Simply put, you need to get any shots provided, experts told LiveScience. However, there are several reasons why a particular shot works well in different populations.
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was 66% effective in reducing severe and moderate cases of COVID-19. This includes two mild symptoms or another serious symptom such as hypoxia or increased respiratory rate. Live Science previously reported.. In other words, people vaccinated with J & J shots were one-third more likely to develop mild or moderate cases of COVID-19 than participants who received placebo. On the other hand, the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine was 95% effective and the Moderna vaccine was 94% effective and was used to prevent symptomatological COVID-19. That is, it is mild, whether it has one or a positive symptom. All three vaccines are believed to be 100% effective in preventing COVID-19-related hospitalizations and deaths.
California to support the deployment of COVID-19 vaccine under Blue Shield contract
However, while the Moderna and Pfizer two-shot regimens appear to be more effective on paper, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine does not require follow-up shots and can be stored for months at normal refrigerator temperatures. There is an advantage. Said Dr. Peter Glick, a professor of medicine at Michigan State University’s Osteopathic Medical College and an infectious disease expert. He said it could help more people, especially those who may not come back for a second shot, and where access is an issue.
The less stringent storage requirements for Johnson & Johnson shots could be advantageous in rural areas, Glick said. “They can be stored in the fridge, but Moderna, and arguably Pfizer, need a much lower temperature to keep the vaccine viable,” Gulick told Live Science. “The fact that it is easy to store [the Johnson & Johnson vaccine] It may be easier to access in clinics and pharmacies. ”
This one-shot vaccine may also be suitable for people who have difficulty traveling to hospitals or high-volume vaccination sites, especially those who are tied to their home or bed.
“People get one shot, but there is no guarantee that they will be able to come back for the second shot,” Gulick told Live Science.
A 90-year-old woman is hit by a snowstorm and walks 6 miles on the COVID-19 vaccine
With the rise of new coronavirus variants, some protection is better than no protection. One-shot vaccines like Johnson & Johnson’s require only one shot, so the same number of doses can be twice as many as other vaccines and may be suitable for controlling the spread of the virus. However, the initial supply of J & J vaccine will be limited. The company initially promised 12 million doses in March, but could delay production. According to the New York Times..
Dr. William Lang, a former White House doctor and medical director at JobSite Care, told Live Science that even if it’s less effective, you shouldn’t discourage the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.Unlike Pfizer and Moderna, Johnson & Johnson have a vaccine South African variant, It has been shown to evade neutralizing antibodies developed by the immune system to prevent coronavirus from infecting cells.
“The reported low efficacy may be somewhat realistic, but due to the newly circulating mutants, it may be a function of testing in slightly different environments,” Lang said. “If my 88 year old dad or I was offered J & J, I would get it without hesitation.”
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Given the emergence of vaccine-avoidance mutants such as those in South Africa and Brazil, it is necessary to reduce the spread as soon as possible to reduce the likelihood of further mutations evolving, Gulick said.
Conversely, Moderna and Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines, which send mRNA to muscle cells to instruct the body to provoke an immune response to coronavirus peplomer, appear to be more effective, Lang said. ..
High-risk groups, such as the elderly with weak immune responses and those with immunodeficiency, should prioritize more effective vaccines, Glick said.
“At least for HIV patients, we will use the two-dose vaccine of Moderna and Pfizer. But if the insurance covers only certain vaccines, we just want to get the vaccine, so get the vaccine. Their arms. ” “But if you like, choose two doses.”
According to the world, there are more than 100 million COVID-19 cases World Health Organization dashboard, Most of us have no chance to choose: it is only important to get vaccinated.
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