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Have you received a second dose of COVID vaccine? Think of a sick day because of side effects.


Scheduled for the second dose COVID-19 vaccine??

Some people have experienced a reaction after the first shot, Side effects According to the US Food and Drug Administration, it usually occurs when you jab your arm twice and then use either the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine or the Moderna vaccine.

So what should a person receiving a second dose expect? Should you take a break from work?

According to Dr. Reynold Panettieri, Vice-President of Translation Medicine and Science at Rutgers University, people can anticipate some minor side effects, especially with the second dose.

Mild reactions can last for several days, ranging from “injection site pain, malaise, headache, myalgia, chills, arthralgia, fever”. FDA..

And experts say that people who can afford the holidays may want to consider doing so, even though the vaccine has proven to be overwhelmingly safe.

Dr. Kanad Mukaji, an assistant professor at Rowan University’s School of Osteopathic Medicine, said: “If side effects occur after the second dose, we don’t know exactly how early or late they will be, so if you have the ability to do so, you should have that cushion.”

In New Jersey, according to state COVID-19, there are 1,470,941 vaccinations, including 1,058,573 first doses and 412,118 second doses. Dashboard..

Reported side effects scared some people.And experts say that many people hesitate to vaccinate, probably because of concerns about side effects. Skip getting vaccinated..

However, Panettieri emphasized that the vaccine has so far proven to be safe.

“What’s the profit here? I think the public must be aware that these are incredibly safe vaccines,” he said.

Other health professionals continue to emphasize the same message: Serious side effects Very rare.

When it comes to vaccination of the entire population, “allergic reactions will occur,” Panettieri said. However, the majority of incidents are minor.

There are some reports of severe and even life-threatening reactions after some vaccinations, including immune thrombocytopenia. National Institute of Cardiopulmonary Blood..

This condition can “lead to easy or excessive bruising and bleeding” due to “cells that help blood clots due to abnormally low platelet levels.” Mayo Clinic..

The New York Times recently 36 cases of rare blood disorders It occurred after inoculation. Sounds scary, but in context, 36 out of more than 56 million doses. Administration Whole country.

That low rate indicates how safe the vaccine is actually, says Panettieri.

But, although rare, he said, “There were some serious negative effects, so we need to take them into account.”

The New York Times also said that reactions were reported after receiving the vaccination, but it is not yet clear whether the blood disorder is actually vaccine-related.

There is also a report of Anaphylaxis — “Severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reactions” states that “it can release large amounts of chemicals into the immune system and cause shock.” Mayo Clinic..

“Reports of anaphylaxis in Pfizer and Moderna are very rare,” said Mukherjee, who usually provides epipen, benedryl, steroids, and other treatments at vaccination sites in case someone reacts. There is.

There were no deaths from anaphylaxis.

“So what’s the takeaway?” Panettieri said. “The serious adverse effects on the vaccine are very rare.”

He said allergic reactions can occur with any drug or vaccine.

“The amazing thing is … it’s incredibly unlikely to happen,” Panettieri said. “So take it home: this is incredibly safe.”

He said the COVID-19 vaccine is actually safer than the vaccine given to measles and rubella.

“There are about 6 and 100,000 people who are likely to develop (immune thrombocytopenia) from the measles or rubella vaccine,” he explained. “That is, the measles vaccine alone is 60 times a million. Therefore, in reality, the incidence of measles and rubella vaccines is much higher.”

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