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Am I doing enough to treat them?


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Many parents may be worried if they are doing enough to treat their child’s seasonal allergic symptoms. (Getty Images)

Like the stress of Pandemic parenting And Distance education Many are now dealing with another enemy, the recurrence of seasonal allergies in the spring, as they did not cause enough stress on their parents.

The enemy may not be visible, but the symptoms are certainly not.Itching, swelling and irritation of eyes, nose and throat due to pollen, dust and animal skin Up to 40 percent of children In the United States, allergies and hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, tend to burn in the spring and summer, but unlucky children and their parents will fight it all year round.

But experts emphasize that seasonal allergies are often not something that families need to fall asleep. Often at home, if parents continue to have an open dialogue with their pediatrician, use over-the-counter medications correctly, and know what signs to look for in case their child’s allergies require special attention. You can manage it.

The first step is to determine if the allergy is really the cause. Dr. Miriam Anand, Advisor to the Asthma and Allergy FoundationYahoo Life says that while symptoms such as sneezing and runny nose can obscure the difference between viruses and allergies, symptoms such as itching of the eyes and nose and no fever are likely to indicate the latter. I’m telling you. Children are prone to catching colds, but these symptoms usually go away in 5-7 days. However, allergies can last for weeks, months, or even longer.

And if you have suffered from allergies in the past, your child may do so too.

“Look at my parents” Dr. Clifford Bassett, Clinical Associate Professor, NYU Grossman School of Medicine The founder and medical director of Allergy and Asthma Care in New York told Yahoo Life. “I think more than half of my patients have at least one family member with allergies, asthma, eczema, food allergies, etc. That’s about genetics.”

Experts encourage parents to have an open dialogue with their pediatrician about their child's allergies.  (Getty Images)

Experts encourage parents to have an open dialogue with their pediatrician about their child’s allergies. (Getty Images)

Parents may be worried about how best to treat their child’s allergies and wonder if too much or too little is helping to relieve their child’s symptoms. However, while allergy remedies may seem daunting, experts say they can help when used correctly.

“Probably not as overdose as inappropriate dosing.” Dr. Paul WilliamsThe former chair of the Allergy and Immunology section of the American Academy of Pediatrics speaks to parents Yahoo Life, who are worried about using over-the-counter allergy medications for their children.

Williams says the big mistake parents can make is using “old-fashioned” first-generation antihistamines. Over 60 years Includes oral medications such as diphenhydramine. It should be taken up to 6 times a day to be effective and is notorious for children and some adults feeling drowsy.Some parents Take advantage of the sedative effect of the drug To put children to sleep on long car or plane trips, experts warn that this can have the opposite effect. First-generation antihistamines Approximately 10 to 15 percent Of children. Instead, new second- and third-generation antihistamines, such as fexofenadine and cetirizine, are currently recommended as the best choice for parents. Take it once or twice a day to reduce side effects.

“If they’re going to use drugs, it’s important to guide them to the right drug, and it’s important to reassure them that the right drug isn’t overdone or harmful,” Williams worries. I will talk about my parents.

Allergy medications can be safe and helpful, but not all medications are made the same.

“Many parents are worried about using drugs for their children,” says Anand. “It is important to remember that the use of certain medications, such as daily antihistamines, is associated with far fewer side effects than treatment with steroid tablets or syrups.”

“The fact that it is given only occasionally, such as once a year, can be misleading as better for children than daily medications,” she explains about oral steroids. “But the opposite is true.”

Regular use of oral steroids for allergies can have adverse effects, Williams says.

“Growth is often the earliest symptom, mainly for children,” he explains. “They have a slower growth rate, so frequent use can eventually lead to shorter children.”

According to Williams, nasal steroid sprays are usually the first choice for children with nasal allergies. It works by reducing inflammation of the nasal passages and does not have the dangerous side effects of oral steroids. However, he admits that some children may resist spraying the drug on their nose. Therefore, if nasal drops do not work, Williams suggests a non-sedative antihistamine as a workaround. Both options are considered safe and effective, but are most effective when taken before symptoms begin.

Antihistamines are generally considered safe, but parents should use second- or third-generation drugs to avoid harmful side effects such as drowsiness.  (Getty Images)

Antihistamines are generally considered safe, but parents should use second- or third-generation drugs to avoid harmful side effects such as drowsiness. (Getty Images)

Still, Williams warns parents that it may be time to visit an allergist if they regularly rely on two or three medications to keep their children from allergies.Options include: ImmunotherapyAlso called an allergy shot, it is effective for adults and children up to 5 years old by injecting allergens to gradually increase tolerance and immunity.

Other signs that require special attention to your child’s allergies include persistent coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and complaints of chest pain. This can be a sign of asthma. Complaints of fever and ear pain should also be a danger signal for parents.

“If allergic symptoms are not treated, they can get worse and lead to other problems such as ear and sinus infections,” explains Anand.

Long-term untreated allergies can also cause other problems. Congestion can force children to breathe by mouth, if it is not dealt with over time “Tongue thrust” — A condition in which the tongue is lower in the mouth, allowing for better airflow and causing speech problems. This can also shift the child’s teeth, increasing the need for orthodontics later.

    Doctors say treatment is probably a good idea if allergies prevent children from concentrating on school or playing outdoors with friends and affect their quality of life.  (Getty Images)

Doctors say treatment is probably a good idea if allergies prevent children from concentrating on school or playing outdoors with friends and affect their quality of life. (Getty Images)

But in general, Williams says parents shouldn’t be too stressed. Best of all, the reason for treating allergies is whether they interfere with a child’s quality of life. If your child enjoys spending time outdoors with friends, has trouble sleeping, or has difficulty concentrating on school because of sneezing or stuffy nose, it is better adjusted by over-the-counter allergy medications and allergists. The approach is a good idea.

“But otherwise, no, if it’s just a runny nose and it doesn’t bother them, you really don’t need to treat it.”

Trusting your pediatrician can also help many parents who suffer from allergies breathe a little easier, Bassett said.

“If you have children or adolescents, you’ll have to rely on a pediatrician,” he says. “I think it’s important to have a dialogue. Obviously, by visiting a board-certified allergist to see if there are a variety of treatable, identifiable, and manageable allergic conditions. And instead of guessing, we can actually work on what’s around us that’s functional, safe, and designed to improve quality of life. “

“There’s good news,” he adds. “When I was a kid, I had allergies and asthma — so did my son — and we tend to grow up from it.

So, the only benefit of aging is that as you get older, many people’s allergies tend to go away or improve. “

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