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Otokini Ogwuche aims for more gold for Team Chevron

Otokini Ogwuche aims for more gold for Team Chevron

The 19th Nigeria Oil and Gas Industry Games, STILL 2024, continued on Wednesday at Package B of the Moshood Abiola National Stadium Complex Abuja, with several events progressing to the semi-finals and final stages.

In chess, Otokini Ogwuche was of Chevron won gold in the women's category, while the men's category was won by Team Total Energies.

After successfully defending her title and winning gold at the last edition, Ogwuche said: It was fun. I'm only too happy to have kept my gold medal. I need stronger challengers.

She also won gold and silver in swimming. Winning the 50 meter breaststroke and the butterfly respectively.

“I am also competing for the table tennis medal,” she said.

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Meanwhile, in table tennis, it was a battle between Joseph Adebayo of NCDMB and his counterpart representing Exxon Mobil in the men's singles quarterfinals.

Adebayo, the silver medalist in the 18th edition of the games, pipped his opponent to advance to the semi-finals.

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The match was good both offensively and defensively. The Exxon Mobil guy was good, I was lucky to have an advantage over him, Adebayo said after his win.

There was also stiff competition in tennis, where finalists emerged in the men's and women's singles events.

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In the women's final to be played on Thursday, Princess Akata of PTI will take on Effiong Eje of Total Energies, while in the men's singles category, it will be an all-NNPC affair as Awin Gajang and Williams Ibiba clash in the final.

READ ALSO: Nigeria Oil and Gas Industry Games: NNPC makes good start in tennis and volleyball

The squash courts were also busy, as Tope Fatoki of Shell defeated Banjo Onasanya of NNPC and advanced to the final in the men's veterans category.

NLNG's Ikechukwu Ewa will face Gangangha Taridouy, who represents NCDMB in the other semi-final.

In the men's singles final, Ikechukwu Ewa has a chance to win double honors as he will face NNPC's Jauro Rimantari in the semi-finals.

In the other semi-final, Shell's Lapo Faturoti will play against Joseph Amali of NNPC.

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