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Many blacks and Hispanics believe that if dementia develops, they will receive worse care


Many blacks, Hispanics, believe that if dementia strikes, they will receive worse care

(HealthDay)-Blacks and Hispanic Americans are already at higher risk of dementia than the general public. According to a special report from the new Alzheimer’s Disease Association, many believe that dementia care is worse than in white patients.

Older black Americans are reportedly about twice as likely to have Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia as older whites, and older Hispanics are about 1.5 times more likely.

However, more than one-third of blacks (36%), nearly one-fifth of Hispanics (18%) and Asians (19%) find discrimination to be a barrier to proper care for Alzheimer’s disease. thinking about.

“If you don’t trust you “I’m not going to ask the provider any questions,” said Maria Carillo, chief scientific officer of the Alzheimer’s Association. “In fact, Hispanics, blacks, and Native Americans are twice as likely to say they don’t. High. If they are experiencing concerns, even see a doctor. “

The report found that the racial and ethnic minority communities in the United States expected, experienced, and had less confidence in accessing dementia care. , And are not confident that doctors understand their ethnic and racial backgrounds and experiences.

Periodic problem

“This is a very cyclical problem that all needs to be addressed, and as the diverse population of older people grows exponentially, we need to bridge these barriers to dementia care,” said Mexicans. She herself of American heritage said. “By the middle of the century, 40% of older people will be non-white Americans, so we need to step up our efforts to enable next-generation healthcare providers to work with people like my parents. . “

According to a survey, half of African Americans, along with two in five Native Americans and one-third of Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans, reported that they experienced medical discrimination.

Patients are not the only ones reporting problems. About half of non-white caregivers dealt with discrimination in defending care recipients. The biggest concern is that providers and staff do not listen to them because of their race, color and ethnicity.

This concern was particularly high among black caregivers (42%), followed by Native American (31%), Asian-American (30%) and Hispanic (28%) caregivers. However, only 17% of white caregivers expressed this view, the findings said.

“It’s important to note that it’s not an inaccurate perception, not just with Alzheimer’s disease, but across a wider range of neurological and medical disorders,” said Dr. Roy Hamilton of Philadelphia’s Penn Medicine. I did. Hamilton is the director of the Institute for Cognitive and Neurostimulation and Dean, an assistant to diversity and inclusion.

According to Hamilton, there is solid research evidence that racial or ethnic minority people are more likely to receive worse medical care than whites and must work hard to access even that lower level of medical care.

“This influences or contributes to the cycle of complex problems in which individuals in historically marginalized groups are more suspicious and more cautious about pursuing care. “I will,” he added. “And when they do, their suspicions are often substantiated.”

Overall, we are confident that less than half of African Americans and Native Americans have access to culturally competent healthcare providers. Only 3 out of 5 Asians and Hispanics show similar confidence.

“Colored people want healthcare providers who can understand their unique experiences and backgrounds. Our report shows that they can actually access culturally competent healthcare providers,” Carrillo said. I’m wondering. ”

She further said, “When making suggestions about their environment, it is important to recognize what it looks like. People of different backgrounds may live in multi-generational households than others. They may need information in different languages ​​to take home. They may need information on culturally relevant nutritional recommendations. “

This communication gap led to a lack of information about how Alzheimer’s disease and dementia affect health as people grow older, the report said.

Concerns about developing Alzheimer’s disease were found to be much lower in Native Americans (25%), Blacks (35%), and Hispanics (41%) than in Whites (48%).

Sense of fatalism

This may be motivated by a particular sense of fatalism regarding aging and brain health.

According to the report, more than half of non-white Americans believe that significant loss of memory and brain function is a normal part of aging. In addition, more than one-third of Native Americans and nearly three in ten Hispanics do not expect to live long enough to develop Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia.

Hispanics, blacks, and Native Americans say they are twice as likely to see a doctor if they notice thought or memory problems as white Americans. About 20% of black and Hispanic people say that doctors are insulted when they propose screening. Test their brain function.

Hamilton suggested that the concept needs to be changed in all areas of dementia research, based on the simple fact that brain disease is likely to affect the color community.

“If you close your eyes and imagine the country’s most typical Alzheimer’s disease patient at risk level alone, that person should be colored, but that’s not the way the field has imagined since its inception. “Hamilton said.

Carrillo said the medical school needs to do a better job of teaching medical professionals cultural abilities so that they can properly care for people of different backgrounds.

Hamilton added that the effort would be further strengthened by attracting people from the color community to healthcare professionals.

Blacks and Hispanic Californians face health discrimination.Clinician’s trust is low

For more information:
Alzheimer’s Association Race, ethnicity and Alzheimer’s disease..

Copyright © 2020 HealthDay.. all rights reserved.

Quote: Many black and Hispanic Americans have a dementia strike (March 2, 2021) on March 2, 2021 I think the care will get worse if I get it from -worse-dementia. html

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