Asymptomatic Spread, Vaccines, Quarantine: Answer COVID-19 Questions
Free Press readers have asked many questions about COVID-19. We asked experts to track down the sources to sort out the swirling information about viruses, vaccines, and more.
Please continue to ask questions. We will continue to ask for answers. Send an email to Kristen Jordan Shamus, a free press health reporter, to send your questions. [email protected] Give as many answers as possible.
This week’s Q & A is as follows:
Question: What percentage of people who test positive for COVID-19 are asymptomatic? How many people have a serious illness?
Answer: According to two studies published in September, it is estimated that about 20% of asymptomatic people who test positive for COVID-19 do not develop viral symptoms. rib cage, Respiratory Medicine Journal, and Plos, A non-profit open access publisher of medical research.
Some people who test positive for COVID-19 and have no symptoms at the time of the test may later become ill and were pre-symptomatic at the time of the test.
However, it is difficult to pinpoint how many people are asymptomatic carriers of the virus and will never be tested. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Uses a range of 5% to 24% of infected but asymptomatic people up to the age of 65. The range for people over 65 is slightly higher: 5% to 32%.
Studies published in JAMA Network In January, it has been suggested that approximately 59% of all SARS-CoV-2 infections are caused by presymptomatic and asymptomatic people. Therefore, if the virus is widespread in the community, it is important to wear a mask and keep a social distance. It is difficult to know who is infected and who is not.
How a sick person is infected with COVID-19 depends on several factors that scientists are still trying to understand, including factors such as age and underlying health.
CDC report Forty-six percent of Americans hospitalized for COVID-19 were 65 years or older. 25% were 50-64. 26% were 18-49 years old. 2% were children between the ages of 5 and 17 and 1% were infants up to the age of 4.
The risk of hospitalization with COVID-19 is more than double that of people over the age of 65 compared to people of all ages.
QU: I got infected with COVID in December. I received both vaccinations. We lived in a remote area and had to go to an emergency room 45 away from a sick friend at COVID. I took her with a mask and disinfectant. Do I still need to quarantine?
A: CDC Updated guidance About quarantine requirements for people who received both COVID-19 vaccines in February.
You do not need to quarantine your friends after directing them to the ER in the following cases:
- When I took my friend to the hospital, at least two weeks had passed since the second vaccination with the coronavirus vaccine.
- And within the last 3 months, I received a second dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
- There are no symptoms of COVID-19.
CDC advises you need to be careful COVID19 Symptoms For 14 days after exposure, have a test if symptoms appear.
Q: I have been vaccinated with COVID vaccine, but my wife has not yet had a chance to get it. She is now very worried that I am an asymptomatic communicator and therefore a health threat to her. Am I a bigger threat to my wife now? Should I (or both of us) start wearing masks at home? Do we need to isolate each other until she is vaccinated?
A: Dr. Russell Faust, Medical Director of Oakland County Health Department, wears masks to practice when people are out in the community or around people who do not live in the family, even after people have been vaccinated. Is recommended. Social distance and hand hygiene.
However, he said that full vaccination would make it much less likely that the virus would spread to his wife and others.
“Your infectivity, let’s call it your infectivity. The risk of you transmitting COVID-19 to someone else is parallel to the severity of your condition,” Faust said.
“If you are vaccinated and infected, the level of symptoms is much lower, the severity of the infection is much lower, and the risk of infection is much lower accordingly. It is completely asymptomatic and you Fully vaccinated … The data suggest that the risk of infecting someone else is very low, which means that you will not unknowingly infect COVID-19. “
More:Dagan’s Johnson & Johnson vaccine says it’s a “misunderstanding,” says a White House adviser.
More:Michigan will not be vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine for the next two weeks.
For these reasons, it is not necessary to isolate or wear a mask around your wife at home unless you have symptoms of COVID-19.
Q: I am 73 years old and am going to have surgery that requires a hospital for at least one night. I have not been vaccinated with COVID-19 yet. How soon can I get the vaccine after surgery?
A: That’s the question your doctor can best answer, Faust said, because each person’s situation is unique.
However, he emphasized that concerns about COVID-19 should not prevent them from undergoing surgery or seeking other medical care.
“People are still afraid of hospitals,” Faust said. “They don’t have to be.
“If something is happening, if you have chest pain, etc., go to the hospital. Have surgery. Take care. You will not be at risk in the hospital.”
More:Whitmer: Nursing homes can be reopened to visitors under a new public health order
More:Do I need a mask after vaccination?Answered your COVID-19 question
Q: If I book a COVID-19 vaccine with the County Health Department, can I know in advance which company’s vaccine I will get or what type will be given to me?
A: According to Faust, people cannot choose which vaccine they prefer.
“When you’re trying to get a vaccine, you need to urge you not to buy a brand or buy a vaccine,” he said.
Some people suggest that the coronavirus vaccine produced by Moderna and Pfizer is better because it has an efficacy rate of 94% to 95%, but Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine efficacy in the United States. Is 72%.
But vaccines should not be compared that way, Faust said. The results of Phase 3 clinical trials alone cannot fully explain how much protection can be gained from each type. Also, one vaccine may not be superior to another.
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was tested a little later than Moderna and Pfizer, and has been tested worldwide, including in South Africa, Brazil, and the United Kingdom, where highly contagious variants are endemic. He said.
“What these numbers have been reported but not seen or heard is that people are not emphasizing. Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine clinical trials show that these variants are in the community. The idea was that it was done during a period of widespread use, “says Faust. ..
“And they conducted clinical trials in South Africa, South America, the United States, and elsewhere. In fact, these results cannot be compared to the results Pfizer and Moderna obtained in clinical trials … these variants. If there was no.
“So I think we’re comparing apples and oranges. For me, what I really care about is …: If I get infected with COVID-19, will this keep me alive? So does it prevent death from COVID-19? Does it prevent severe infections, severe illnesses and keep me away from the ventilator?
“And the answer seems to be pretty similar to Pfizer and Moderna, so I don’t hesitate to recommend it to my family. If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, I’m sure you’ll consider it. . “
In a phase 3 clinical trial of 40,000 people, patients who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine were not hospitalized for SARS-CoV-2 infection 28 days after the single dose. In addition, no deaths from COVID-19 were reported during vaccination. group, According to CDC data..
“My expert advice is when you receive a phone call or when you receive an email recommending that you book you for vaccination,” Faust said. “This is important. Regardless of the source, we all need to be vaccinated to put an end to this pandemic.”
Q: Are people with intellectual and developmental disabilities eligible for COVID-19 shots in Michigan? If so, when did the state expand into that category?
A: Governor Gretchen Whitmer and State Health Department announce Beginning Monday, it is intended for people over the age of 50 with a disability or existing health condition in Michigan. Broader qualifications also include parents or guardians of children with special medical needs.
People with disabilities under the age of 50 are not eligible for the vaccine unless they fall into another category, such as working in a particular occupation that is considered essential, such as long-term care, agriculture / food processing. K-12 teacher, nursery teacher, first responder, or law enforcement officer.
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The community health department also has the discretion to vaccinate other categories of people. One such example is the city of Detroit, which provides vaccines to residents aged 18 and over and their caregivers with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Learn more about Michigan’s Extended Vaccine Eligibility Guidelines. .. To read about the Detroit City Vaccine Regulations, please visit: ..
Contact Kristen Shamus: [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @ kristenshamus.
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