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Covid-19 surges in Michigan as the state prepares to open a mass vaccination site


Alabama (+ 90%), Delaware (+ 52%), and Michigan (+ 50%) are among the states that have witnessed the biggest surge, according to Johns Hopkins University.

In Michigan, the number of cases has increased since the last week of February, and the state reports that the number of cases of the first confirmed B.1.1.7 variant in the United Kingdom is the second highest.

These surges occur as Michigan prepares to deploy the state’s largest mass vaccination site in Ford Field, Detroit.

On Thursday, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and other state leaders will take a central stage in Ford Field, scheduled to open on March 24, and managed with the support of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Announced that the site being used has the ability to manage 6,000. Daily shots.

“We’re in the fourth quarter of the fight against the pandemic. It’s not over yet. It’s not time to soar football,” Whitmer said. “Now is the time to clench your teeth and continue the necessary work until the end of the last second of this event. If you want to get back to normal, you need to be vaccinated. Encourage your loved ones. Please. People and friends, colleagues and neighbors to do so. “

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Dr. Jennifer Morse, director of health care at the Central Michigan Department of Health, hopes that opening a clinic will help slow the spread of the virus throughout the state.

Morse said he had a long list of factors that contributed to the surge in Michigan cases.

One example is the recent rollback of certain restrictions, she said.

Whitmer relaxed the limit earlier this month, raising the capacity limit for restaurants, retail stores and gyms from 25% to 50%, with a maximum capacity of 100 per region.

Whitmer told CNN earlier this month that her state has made a lot of progress against the virus, but remains “scientifically bound” while relaxing restrictions.

Morse said the restricted rollback led to poor mask wear. She also said the news of the new vaccine has led people to believe that some hygiene habits, such as wearing masks, can be alleviated.

Morse told CNN that the outbreak of Covid-19 in prisons in Ionia County and the B.1.1.7 variant have also spurred a recent surge.

According to Morse, Michigan is approaching a level not seen before the pandemic and is embarking on more travel. Transport Bureau..

Morse, who pointed out that the state had given more than three million vaccines, said he was concerned that continued growth in the number of cases could reverse the progress of the fight against the virus.

“One of my hopes is that we have been really active in vaccination and have been very successful in various categories for vaccination,” Morse said. “And I hope it helps prevent the (case) from rampant as it did when it came back in the fall.”

Lieutenant Governor of Michigan, Garling Gilchrist, shared that hope in a presentation at Ford Field on Thursday.

“At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Detroit was one of the epicenters of the incident and death in the United States, and as Detroit, I personally felt that this had said goodbye to 27 people because of the virus. “Gil Christo said. The field site assigns 1,000 viruses daily to mobile vaccine units in southeastern Michigan. “The virus struck our city violently, but Michigan is tough. We can fight Covid-19 together.”

Melissa Alonso of CNN contributed to this report.


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