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No final decision on US troop withdrawal from Niger, Chad, senior official tells AP

No final decision on US troop withdrawal from Niger, Chad, senior official tells AP


BOSTON (AP) No final decision has been made on whether or not all U.S. troops will leave Niger and Chad, two African countries that are an integral part of military efforts to counter violent extremist organizations in the region. Sahel, a senior US military official said. Associated Press Wednesday.

Niger's ruling junta last month ended an agreement allowing US troops to operate in the West African country. The State Department announced Wednesday evening that U.S. and Nigerien officials would meet Thursday in the capital, Niamey, to begin discussions on an orderly and responsible withdrawal of U.S. forces.

The meeting comes as the two countries have failed to reach an agreement to continue cooperation in a way that addresses the needs and concerns of each party, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller.

The government of neighboring Chad has also questioned its agreement with the United States in recent days, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Christopher Grady, the second-ranking military officer, said in an interview. highest ranking officer in the country.

The agreements allow the United States to conduct critical counterterrorism operations within the country's borders and supported the training of military partners in both countries. These reversals have raised fears that American influence in Africa could lose ground in the face of overtures from Russia and China.

We're all trying to establish ourselves as the partner of choice, Grady said. It's up to us to establish why we think our partnership with them is important. We definitely want to be there. We want to help them, we want to empower them, we want to do things by, with and through (them).

While U.S. officials said Saturday that the military would begin planning to withdraw its troops from Niger, they indicated that discussions on a new military agreement were underway.

Negotiations are still ongoing, Grady said. I don't believe there is a final decision on the disposition of American forces there.

Relations have been strained between Niger and Western countries since mutinous soldiers overthrew the country's democratically elected president in July. Niger's junta has since ordered French forces to leave and turned to Russia for security. Earlier this month, Russian military trainers arrived to reinforce the country's air defenses and with Russian equipment to train Nigeriens in their use.

The government of Chad also recently requested that U.S. forces leave, and officials from the State Department, U.S. Africa Command and the Pentagon will work with the Chadian government to advocate for U.S. forces to remain, said Grady.

The team has to get out there and make it happen, Grady said.

He said that if the two countries ultimately decide the United States cannot stay there, the military will have to look for alternatives to conduct counterterrorism missions across the Sahel, a vast region south of the Sahara Desert.

If we are asked to leave, and things turn out this way after negotiations, then we will have to recalculate and find a new way to proceed, Grady said.




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