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Cricket-Not everyone happy with IPL's 'impact player' rule | Cricket

Cricket-Not everyone happy with IPL's 'impact player' rule |  Cricket


By Amlan Chakraborty

Cricket - Not everyone is happy with IPL's 'impact player' rule
Cricket – Not everyone is happy with IPL's 'impact player' rule

NEW DELHI, – The 'impact player' rule in the Indian Premier League has led to sky-high totals and satisfied fans' hunger for runs, but not everyone is happy with the change, especially the all-rounders in the popular T20 tournament.

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This rule, introduced last season, allows teams to use a substitute for a player in the starting XI at any time.

Teams have used it to great effect in the current campaign, swapping a bowler for a batsman during a run chase and regularly making over 200 totals.

Sunrisers Hyderabad used the rule to their advantage in a different way.

Against Royal Challengers Bengaluru earlier this month, opener Travis Head hit 102 off 41 balls as Sunrisers posted an IPL record of 287-3, surpassing their own mark of 277-3 earlier this season.

After their innings was over, Hyderabad replaced Head with bowler Mayank Markande, who claimed 2-46 in their 25-run win.

But the whispers of discontent among some players have grown louder.

“I feel the role of an all-rounder is in jeopardy due to the impact players rule,” Delhi Capitals' Axar Patel told JioCinema after Wednesday's win against Gujarat Titans.

“Every team wants to play a pure batsman or a pure bowler as an impact player, and the all-rounders are not being used.”

Patel hit 66 and claimed 1-28 in the match to prove the worth of an all-rounder as Delhi secured their fourth win in nine matches.

Indian captain Rohit Sharma said he is not a fan of the rule as it will hold back the development of all-rounders.

“You take so much out of the game just to make it little entertainment for the people around you,” Rohit told the 'Club Prairie Podcast', hosted by former Australian stutter Adam Gilchrist and England ex-captain Michael Vaughan.

“Guys like Washington Sundar and Shivam Dube are not allowed to bowl, which is not a good thing for us,” he said referring to the all-rounders, who are vying for places in the Indian squad for the T20 World Cup in June. .

While IPL fans are elated over the boundary surge, Chennai Super Kings batting coach Michael Hussey sympathizes with the bowlers.

“It's tough for bowlers, especially when conditions are good for batting…” said the former Australian player.

“It must be a great spectacle for the crowd to see these scores continually grow and it probably puts a greater emphasis on execution with the ball.”

This article was generated from an automated feed from a news agency without any changes to the text.




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