Full Speed Ahead: What does the maximum capacity of Oneida County COVID-19 vaccinated people look like?
From next week, vaccinations will increase significantly.
The next eligible group in Wisconsin includes more than 2 million people.
Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Julie Willems van Dyck told reporters last week that the state is becoming more qualified as vaccine supplies increase.
“We’re talking about 400,000 to 500,000 doses a week in the coming weeks,” says Willems Van Dijk. “We need all our hands together, because we have a lot of vaccines and a lot of demand, and we need a lot of vaccinations to manage them.”
500,000 doses per week is 200,000 more than previously done per week.
Oneida County vaccinated people have not reached their maximum capacity for how many vaccinations can be given per week.
WXPR wanted to know how quickly local vaccinated people would be armed and shot if there were no supply problems. So we asked.
According to the Vaccine Provider Map on the DHS website, there are 11 different locations where you can go to Oneida County to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
WXPR sent a phone call or email to everyone with the same question. “How many people can be vaccinated in a week if there is no problem with the vaccine supply?”
The amount depends on the type of vaccinated person, but they all had similar factors that contributed to the number of shots that could be given, such as staffing and demand for vaccines.
So far, all vaccinated people have a greater demand than the supply of vaccines.
Ascension said it could be held 2,000 times a week between St. Mary’s Hospital in Rhenish Warmblood and Howard Young in Woodruff, but additional clinics can be opened if desired.
Aspirus estimates that it can be done between 800 and 900 per week at the Rhenish Warmother Clinic.
Marshfield’s Minokua Hospital estimates that it can shoot 6,000 bullets a week.
The Oneida County Health Department said it could be vaccinated 2,000 times a week.
Threes Lake Pharmacy tells WXPR that it is currently running in the range of 100 to 150 per week and could increase to 200. Rhenish Warmother’s Hometown Pharmacy currently runs in the range of 60-120 per week.
Trig’s and Walgreens have not responded to the publication of this article.
Taken together, Oneida County vaccinated people can give more than 11,300 shots a week.
Within eight weeks, the entire population of Oneida County could be vaccinated, even if all of these vaccines were Moderna or Pfizer vaccines that required two doses.
The timeline is also shortened, considering that more than 10,000 people in Oneida County have already taken at least one dose.
There are other groups working in Oneida County and Northwoods that immunize people like tribes and VA medical centers.
This means that Oneida County will be able to catch up with the state’s timeline of vaccination of 80% of the adult population by the end of June.
Often, 80% is the threshold that healthcare professionals say must be reached to achieve herd immunity.
Currently, about 13 percent of the states are fully vaccinated.
“If everything goes according to current plan, we expect the state to have enough vaccine to vaccinate 80% of adults or people over the age of 16 by the end of June.” Said Willems Van Dijk. “We really have hope.” Achieving 80% community immunity in Wisconsin is a wonderful celebration of July 4th. “
Other than vaccination capacity and vaccine supply, the biggest factor is demand.
“In the coming months, all we need to do is raise our hands and say’ready’. I want to protect myself. We want to protect our families, our neighborhoods and our communities with these very safe vaccines, “said Willems van Dyck.
The prospect of getting everyone vaccinated is exciting for those who give shots.
Sara Bangs is Aspirus’ Director of Patient Liaison and has played a major role in vaccine deployment for healthcare groups.
“It feels really good after every month of being on the receiving side of all the challenges associated with so many patients suffering from COVID-19,” Bangs said. “Honestly, we’re all very excited to get the vaccine out by doing this. These are happy days for us. The problem we want is a lot of vaccines. It’s too much. That would be a great problem. “
If you qualify, we recommend that you make a reservation or put your name on the waiting list.check out WXPR COVID-19 Vaccine Resources Page For a place to be vaccinated in Northwoods.
The state has a target date to release the vaccine to all Wisconsin people over the age of 16 by May 1.
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