What is it and what is it not?
The term vaccine hesitarian has been frequently mentioned in the news these days, but what does it mean and why is it important to understand it as we continue to deploy the COVID-19 vaccine? Janet McGrath, Professor and Chairman of the College of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Anthropology, shared her expertise in Q & A.
What is Vaccine Repellent?
This term is commonly used in the media to refer to resistance or refusal to obtain vaccine, Includes COVID-19 vaccine. Experts studying vaccine repellent define it as a delay in deciding whether to accept a vaccine.
People who are hesitant about the vaccine often say “I want to wait and see” because the vaccine is distributed to the community. Lack of experience is due to both the novelty of vaccines and unequal access to vaccines in communities around the world. Most people who report vaccine hesitation are, in principle, not against the vaccine and often accept most of the vaccines offered. People who are “anti-vaccines” generally oppose the vaccine completely or completely.They may express some of the same concerns as those who hesitate to vaccinate, but anti-vaccines are more likely to refuse. Scientific information Ignore the experience of vaccine recipients about vaccines, or accept unsupported stories about vaccines.
Why do people hesitate to get vaccinated?
Reasons for vaccine hesitation depend on population, vaccine, and historical background. For COVID-19, the commonly reported reasons for hesitation are similar to those previously reported for vaccines. These include comprehensive concerns about possible side effects, and the specific fear that the vaccine contains a live virus that causes the disease, or that the vaccine causes infertility.
Other commonly reported reasons for hesitation in the COVID-19 vaccine are:
- Concerns about the process of developing and testing the COVID vaccine. This also includes asking if it was properly tested in different races.Ethnic group And the speed at which the COVID vaccine was developed.
- Distrust of medical institutions rooted in the historical heritage of institutional racism and negative personal experience.
- The belief that patients have to pay for the vaccine.
- I am afraid that there may not be enough supply after two doses.
Who is hesitant about vaccines?
Vaccine hesitation is a global phenomenon that has existed since the beginning of vaccination. Vaccine hesitarians can be used in a variety of situations, age, ethnicity, Race group, Education level, and political organization.
As of February 2021, only 15% of Americans reported that they “absolutely” did not want vaccination, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation Vaccine Monitor, among people living in rural areas and Republicans. Twenty-two percent of Americans say they want to wait and see before they get vaccinated, and African Americans and young people want to wait and see. Fifty-five percent of Americans report that they want to be vaccinated as soon as possible, and those over the age of 65 and those identified as Democrats are most likely now wanting the vaccine.
What are the recommendations for overcoming vax hesitation?
Two factors contribute significantly to increasing the reliability of vaccines in all groups.First, report that people are looking at themselves Healthcare professional Information needed when deciding whether to vaccinate. Second, studies show that knowing vaccinated people reduces vaccine hesitation.
This last point is important. Currently, the US minority community has less access to vaccines, making it less likely that residents of the community will know who has been vaccinated.Comments on low vaccination rates Minority communityDr. Rhea Boyd said, “Many people immediately blame for’vaccine hesitation’and blame black Americans for a better attitude towards vaccination. , And it masks the opportunity to address the major barriers to COVID-19 vaccination: Access ”(New York Times, March 5, 2021).
Therefore, an important way to reduce Vaccine hesitant To provide fair access to vaccines.
Provided by
Case Western Reserve University
Quote: Vaccine hesitant: What is it and what isn’t it? (March 22, 2021) Obtained March 22, 2021 from https: //
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