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What is Parosmia?


Did you notice that something familiar suddenly smells unpleasant? It can be parosmia, the odor of certain things, or in some cases a disorder that distorts all odors.

This happens when nasal odor receptor cells, called olfactory neurons, do not detect odors and convert them to. Your brain The way they should. The odor is usually terrible or even rebellious. For example, it is not fruity and pleasing, and sniffing bananas can give off a foul-smelling nose like rotten meat. Parosmia Virus infection..

Causes of parosmia

Several things can cause parosmia. They include:

COVID-19 and parosmia

Complete loss of odor and taste is a characteristic symptom of COVID-19. According to one study, it occurs in at least 25% of people who catch SARS-CoV-2. Coronavirus It causes COVID-19. Some reports have also linked COVID-19 infection to parosmia.


Most people who have completely lost their odor ( Anosmia) From COVID-19, we can see that their sensations return to normal over time.But the problem can remain with a small number of people, or they may have changed taste It smells for weeks to months after infection.

Almost half of the COVID-19 patients who participated in one study reported parosmia about 2.5 months after the initial infection, which lasted for at least 6 months. According to one person, the “smell of COVID” was similar to “smell,” “smell,” or “rotten meat.”

Another international study found that 7% of people reported distorted Smell sensation After COVID-19 infection. But experts say more information and more research is needed to better understand how illness affects odors and tastes.

Complications of parosmia

Your senses play a big role in your daily life. Good odors can often uplift and bring joy.On the contrary, it was distorted Smell sensation It can have a significant impact on your quality of life. You may experience the following issues:

If you don’t trust the sensation of smell, you run the risk of missing spoiled food, smoke, gas leaks, and more. If olfaction is important to your job, such as a chef, perfumer, or firefighter, parosmia can make your job difficult.

Diagnosis and treatment of parosmia

Talk to your doctor if you suspect that you may have parosmia. There is no standard test of the condition. You can use Sniffin’Sticks to check how well you can detect everyday odors and see if the olfactory system, the organ behind your sense of smell, is functioning properly.

Your doctor will do it again Physical examination Ask about your medical history to check for serious underlying problems like brain tumors.

They may try to rule out a similar condition called phantosmia. Unlike parosmia, where the nose can still smell something, phantosmia has olfactory receptors that “Hallucinations“, Detects odors that are not there. Smell varies from good to unpleasant. Phantosmia is not constant. It can come and go.

Your doctor may also recommend that you meet an expert to exclude Nerve injury Or head injury. This includes:


Your doctor can prescribe medications to treat parosmia. Studies have shown that these drugs may relieve symptoms.

If the drug does not work, you may have surgery to remove the damaged sensory receptors (olfactory mucosa) in the nasal passages. However, because it is a complex procedure with great risk, doctors recommend surgery only when necessary.

There is no cure for parosmia caused by viral infections or head injuries like COVID-19. Damaged nerves in the nose and nasal passages can be restored, and the sense of smell may be partially or completely restored without treatment.


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