Washington is at a “turning point” where cases are increasing, vaccinations are continuing, and health officials warn
Washington Is at the “turning point” Coronavirus Incidents occur state-wide, putting the state at risk of experiencing a fourth wave.
Despite increased vaccinations, about 80% of Washington’s population is not yet fully vaccinated, so it is important that people continue to take steps to keep themselves and their communities safe.
Health and Welfare Secretary Umair Shah said at a press conference Wednesday that guards could not be disappointed yet.
“Ultimately, we know that people are still experiencing COVID malaise. We want to get out of this pandemic, but we all want to see the fourth wave. I don’t think. Our actions are important, “Shah said. “We are at a turning point and everything we do is important.”
As of March 26, the state had about 915 new cases per day in the last seven days, according to the latest complete data from the Ministry of Health. The number of cases had decreased for several weeks since early January, but then leveled off and began to increase again.
The most significant increase in cases is among young adults, Shah said.
Hospitalization has leveled off and is beginning to increase. According to incomplete data as of April 5, the state has had about 43 hospitalizations per day in the last seven days, compared to about 43 hospitalizations per day since the beginning of March.
All counties throughout the state moved to Phase 3 of the state’s reopening plan last month. This means that most indoor locations, including restaurants and gyms, can be opened with 50% capacity. To stay in Phase 3, the county must meet some important measurements based on case rate and hospitalization. The state reassessed each county’s position, and if it does not meet the measurements, the county may return to phase next week.
That looks likely, said Secretary of Health and Welfare Lacy Felenbach.
“Unfortunately, there is an increase in disease activity in our state right now,” she said. “Looking at our data, there are some counties that are above the case rate or hospitalization threshold or threshold, and it is quite possible that a handful will be returned on the Monday of the announcement.”
The county people, who are concerned about returning to the phase with a significant increase in cases and hospitalizations in recent weeks, must do everything they can to reduce the infection, she said.
“All the choices we make, everything we make is summed and important,” Fehrenbach said. “The chain of infections continues, and avoiding infecting one or five people today makes a big difference, both short-term and long-term.”
Vaccination helps reduce cases and hospitalizations in older and more vulnerable adults who are more likely to experience serious viral illness, but especially as the number of variants thinks, everyone wears a mask. Health officials said it should be worn, socially distant, and avoid large gatherings to continue to spread throughout the region more easily and quickly.
“We know that all these precautions are absolutely important. Vaccines are also an important tool, but vaccines are not our only tool. That’s not enough,” Shah said. I am. “We must use complementary and effective preventative measures to ensure that we are doing everything we can to continue to protect Washington citizens.”
According to the latest data, Washington has received a total of approximately 3.7 million vaccinations, including the first and second vaccinations. About 31% of people in the state are vaccinated at least once, and about 20% are fully vaccinated.
The state has been given an average of nearly 60,000 daily doses over the past seven days, exceeding the goal of immunizing 45,000 people per day. In the last few days, the state has given about 80,000 doses daily.
Authorities are currently encouraging everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated. “Don’t hesitate to vaccinate,” Shah repeated.
All three vaccines are safe and effective. Authorities are doing everything they can to combat false information, hesitate to vaccinate, or provide accurate information to the state-wide community, which has language barriers, Shah said.
In recent weeks, the state has significantly expanded its eligibility to include essential workers and adults with comorbidities. By April 15, all adults 16 years and older will be vaccinated. The state has postponed the release of eligibility to all, prioritizing equity and ensuring that high-risk people have the opportunity to be vaccinated first.
Even with an increase in vaccine supply, demand could remain higher than supply, especially as long as far more people are eligible.
In the coming weeks, the state expects to receive doses of just under 400,000 times a week. However, the three-week forecast is an estimate that is subject to change, says She Anne Allen, COVID-19 Vaccine Director, Ministry of Health. State quotas also do not include additional doses sent directly to pharmacies through the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program or other programs.
Allen had hope for the next few weeks.
“We are making amazing progress in the distribution of vaccines and vaccinating tens of thousands of people every day,” she said, “wearing a mask because the fight is not over. , Wash your hands and watch over. Keep a distance and get vaccinated as soon as possible. “
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