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Scientists disprove false information about COVID-19 vaccine


Some people have fallen victim to false claims about the mRNA vaccine currently in use to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to BBC News, an osteopath named Carrie Maje has released a video. He claimed that mRNA vaccines have the ability to modify people’s DNA, but since then many scientists have proven this to be true.

According to the Vaccine Alliance Gavi, COVID-19 contains a spike protein that allows scientists to sequence its DNA. It can then be reproduced synthetically by injecting an mRNA particle that acts as a messenger that tells the cell to make many of these proteins through a vaccine. Our immune system reacts by attacking these synthetic proteins and builds antibodies against them. The next time a real virus is encountered, the cells will remember the proteins attached to it and attack it before it becomes infected and becomes ill.

Megan Enos-Fournier, a professor of biomedical sciences at the University of New Hampshire (UNH), said: “If people are saying, this RNA vaccine will change your DNA, which is physically and biologically impossible,” she continued. “We don’t have the enzyme that reverse-transcribes that RNA into DNA. We can’t.”

RNA is just a delivery system used to convey information to cells to make proteins. Enos-Fournier works by activating both antibody-producing B cells and T cells that attack virus-infected cells. This is especially effective because many older vaccines only activate B cells. Enos-Fournier also explained that the RNA itself is very unstable. “Untranslated RNA is broken down by the body. Messenger RNA has a very short half-life,” said Juan Rojo, a professor of biomedical sciences at UNH. “I think it takes 3 to 5 minutes to deteriorate. After that, it doesn’t get integrated into our cells.”

Dr. David Itokin, an infectious disease specialist at Portsmouth Hospital and named Top Doctor of Infectious Diseases by NH Magazine in 2004, 2005, 2009 and 2010, said: Since it is located in the cytoplasm of the cell and basically hijacks the protein synthesizer of the immune cell, it does not even actually see the host DNA and does not invade the nucleus. “

According to CNET, many people are also afraid that vaccines may not be safe because they are made in a very short time.

“Given how vaccines have been delivered in the past, this is a new delivery system, but it’s not that new. The technology to do this has been around for decades. We never adopted it because there was no need, funding, or ambitious participant to be all volunteers who would have participated in these vaccine trials to speed up this process. “Enos-Fournier said.

According to, one theory about vaccines is that they cause harmful side effects and even death. Enos-Fournier has no data suggesting that there was a vaccine-related death, the worst possible side effect is a very rare and serious allergic reaction, generally only for those with severe allergies. I explained that. Someone who may have a reaction. Most people who are allergic and use EpiPen are also receiving a vaccine that does not have an allergic reaction.

The CDC also reports cases of serious allergic reactions to the VAERS, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. It collects reports of adverse reactions to vaccines from healthcare professionals, vaccine providers, and the general public.

According to CNET, the theory that the COVID-19 vaccine may contain microchips that scientists and governments are using to track people is open to the public.

“Do you have a smartphone? If so, because you’re already walking around with a microchip in your pocket. If someone wants to track you, it’s much easier to do it without injecting a microchip. There are many ways to do this, “said Enos-Fournier in response to this claim. “You have to trust science and you have to trust scientists who understand this not trying to track people.” There is no evidence that the vaccine contains microchips. ..

Vicki Jeffers, UNH’s professor of biomedical sciences, said: “I understand that the perception of’Big Pharma’is that they are out to make money. That’s true, but in the end, the vaccine still needs to work. Police According to an email sent Friday by Chief Paul H. Dean, all NH residents who are UNH students will be vaccinated through one of UNH’s Dispensing Points (POD) on April 8 and 9. You are eligible to register to receive.

“Everyone suffers from COVID fatigue,” said Sherine Elsawa, a professor of biomedical sciences at UNH. “Everyone is tired of isolation, everyone is tired of not being able to go to work, and the way to get things back to normal is to get vaccinated.”

Vaccine photo courtesy of

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