What Anti-Vaxxers Think About Coronaviruses, and How Pandemics Can Change Their Perspective
Are we all ready to start believing in a vaccine?
Over the past six weeks, our lives have been dominated by the epidemic of COVID-19. Currently, there is no definitive timeline that could bring the world back to work, but most scientists have made it clear that the world cannot return to normal life until a vaccine is discovered.
We are waiting for such a breakthrough, but the situation is worsening globally. The number of coronavirus cases confirmed worldwide exceeds 2.6 million, and the number of deaths exceeds 180,000 According to John Hopkins University.
So what about people in the anti-vaccine movement? Can Pandemics Change How Anti-Baxers Think About Coronaviruses and Diseases?
The anti-vaxx movement has received much media attention in recent years, raising concerns about the possible side effects of vaccination. Group claims vaccine exists Mere economic pursuit, Overlooks the need for these preventive drugs.
But the future of human life may be in the hands of vaccination researchers, who are currently receiving recent backlash from this group.
This is what the world would look like without one vaccine. So how does the world look without all vaccine?
Long before the new coronavirus, smallpox was one of the deadliest diseases in the world. In the 20th century alone, more than 300 million people died before smallpox. Vaccine eradicated the disease in 1979. Edward Jenner, the inventor of this vaccine, is said to have saved the most human lives in history.
The global measles vaccination campaign, which began in 2000, reduced 73% of illness deaths by 2018, According to the World Health Organization.
Still, skepticism continues.
Last year, the World Health Organization “Vaccine hesitation” as one of the top ten threats To global health. This was a direct result of the measles case jumping 30% in 2019 and the decades of vaccination work reversed.
The anti-Vaxx movement is one of the loudest and mysterious movements of the last decade.
Social media has been mobilizing this movement in recent years. These self-proclaimed “vaccine selection” Supporters expressed anger For mandatory vaccination at school.
This move has existed since the invention of the vaccine, but the recent rise in anti-Vaxx sentiment Unfounded research Connecting vaccines with autism in children. This study, conducted by physician researcher Andrew Wakefield, has become one of the most harmful studies in medicine.
Researchers with autism have Absent Caused by a vaccine. The study was later withdrawn and Wakefield was stripped of his medical license.
Still, erroneous data in the papers and inadequate research, while rejected in the scientific world, fueled dangerous skepticism and rejection of vaccines worldwide.
That raises the question: how do anti-Vaxers react to the current pandemic?
Around the world, people are taking precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. They are segregated and socially separated according to government recommendations.
However, the pandemic polarized the anti-Baxar opinion, According to Professor Heidi Larson, Founder of the London-based Vaccine Trust Project. “For those on the fence who see this as a real threat, they would want a vaccine,” she said.
Professor Larson is investigating millions of social media posts every day for insights on how pandemics influence his views.
“The big difference is that while this is a very visceral, realistic and concrete threat to the disease, many childhood illnesses that vaccination prevents are less obvious to parents. “It doesn’t work with COVID-19. It’s a very real threat. For those who weigh vaccine risk against disease risk, the equation is quite different,” she adds.
Even Trump Those who have previously expressed hesitation against the vaccine, At a recent press conference revealed his impatience for the definitive vaccine. “Please. Speed ​​up, speed up.” He prompted.
For others, this pandemic only merged their views. Tweets and celebrity remarks are becoming hot topics.
British tennis rapper M.I.A tweeted about her hesitance against the vaccine, renowned tennis player Novak Djokovic said in a live chat on Facebook“I personally object to vaccination and I don’t want anyone to be vaccinated to travel.”
Throughout the United States, people are resisting home orders and protesting protesters.
Cancer researcher and writer Dr. David Robert Grimes, who writes about critical thinking, believes that a stubborn anti-boxer does not change his mind.
“It’s important to note that the idea of ​​a dedicated anti-vaccine core remains the same. These have existed since the days of Jenner. Their stance is identity rather than rational position and you You can’t deduce someone from a position where they haven’t thought of themselves logically in the first place.Already, they claim that COVID-19 is a hoax, or a scam that sells more vaccine . “
This is a dangerous way of thinking in the future. Achieving herd immunity against disease and viruses At least 90-95% of the population needs to be vaccinated, That is, the vaccine only Chance to eradicate the coronavirus.
Until a vaccine is found, it is not possible to deduce how these anti-Baxers will respond.
The only hope is that science will do accurate and safe research when looking for coronavirus vaccines, and anti-vaxx exercises are not afraid of side effects or risks.
Alice Kelly is a writer who is passionate about the topics of lifestyle, entertainment and trends.
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